Important Stuff

We all have them. Satan successfully whispers lies in our ears, things we come to believe about ourselves unless we cultivate the habit of Important Stuff!

My spiritual journey, like yours I imagine, has had many twists and turns, ups and downs. But in the midst there have been three major stakes that changed, matured, and helped me to navigate the realities of life.

The first was that time in college when I realized that being a Christian was not only my religion, it was a personal relationship, a friendship with Jesus. Responding to that truth changed me for eternity.

The second stake came 30+ years later. As a result of my husband’s severe burnout and depression, we had the privilege of participating in a two week counseling intensive. And that was the beginning of my Important Stuff  journey. This stake didn’t change me (Jesus had already done that), but it began a maturing process that continues to today.

The third stake (another maturing stake) was about 12 years later … more about that in a future blog.

“When you find yourself flagging
go over the story again and again.”
Hebrews 12:3, The Message

“to write the same things to you
is no trouble to me and is safe for you.”
Philippians 3:1

“on some points I have written to you more boldly
by way of reminder.”
Romans 15:15

That’s why Important Stuff is so important!

We all (well, at least I do) find ourselves flagging at different points and we desperately need encouragement. We forget. We need reminders!

The counseling intensive introduced me to myself. I learned my true identity. Underneath all my roles, I am the beloved child of my heavenly Father. My roles — which are forever — changing don’t provide my identity.

As a brand spanking new believer, I was introduced to John 1:12, “But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave the power to become children of God.” Back then I focused in on believe and receive never even noticing the children of God part.

The first scripture that caused me to hear my identity was I John 3:1, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us … called children of God … that is exactly who we are.” The Message.

Those two scriptures now anchor my relationship with God. I have them recorded in my Important Stuff journal. Most mornings they … and the many additional scriptures I’ve added over the years … are the first things I pray over. The first things I ask God about. What would it look like to trust my identity today?

This simple practice has been the key to my spiritual growth, to my maturing into who God created me to be, to live out of my identity not my current role, to smash the lies of the evil one.

My Important Stuff journal has changed from a cardboard cover to a leather cover. Important Stuff requires something a bit more substantial.

What are the practices that are the keys to your spiritual maturity?
What scriptures speak the truth you desperately need to hear?

“The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.
The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him,
rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice.
Therefore this joy of mine is now complete.”
John 3:29

Jesus is the bridegroom.
John the Baptist is the friend. He knows his identity.
Knowing our identity and knowing our role leads to joy!

PS. I have a few more of these small Important Stuff journals. Would you like to begin this practice of recording and reviewing the scriptures that speak Important Stuff to you? Let me know and I’d be glad to send you one.

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