The Redemption of Hansel and Gretel – guest post, Ros Boydell

The 19th century tale of Hansel and Gretel tells the story of two impoverished siblings who are cast out into the forest and have the foresight to lay crumbs of bread along the way to mark the path back home. In the original German fairy tale, home was not a safe place, and nor was the forest. The breadcrumbs were eaten by birds and the children ended up almost being eaten themselves. Good comes in the end, though, as the children are reunited with their loving father, and those with ill-intent towards them are vanquished.

In recent years I have oft given thought to the picture of breadcrumbs being left in the forest to mark the way home. Simple provision, serving both as sustenance and guidance. Is this not entirely the way God deals with us? I have thought to myself Giving a morsel for us to consume, that also calls us home, unto him?

Over the last months these thoughts have merged with another story of people in a perilous place being fed and shown the way home. In Numbers we read the story of the people of Israel being led to the Promised Land, and being fed each day by manna, which miraculously appears for them to collect.

This manna has caught my attention.

The people of Israel were fed…but discontent. They wanted to store the manna up so that they didn’t have to collect it each day. They wanted something different, something that seemed tastier to eat.
It’s not difficult for me to imagine myself as a discontent Israelite, not appreciating the significance of what I was being given. Perhaps growing bored. Definitely wanting to fill the store cupboards with provision so that I know I can last a wee while without needing God to provide any more.

But God didn’t give them store cupboards so the they could last a wee while without needing him. No, God used to the daily provision of manna to communicate something profound:

Every day, for the rest of your lives, you need to look to me for everything you need.

It’s uncomfortable to have to live day-to-day, spiritually hand-to-mouth, part of us resists it. And yet this is exactly the way God invites us to live: as baby birds who perpetually open their mouths to be fed.

Recently it has been my resolve to be really delighted with the manna. To choose to look for the provision – in whatever form – and take joy in it.
But sometimes it’s not as easy as that. Sometimes the manna is really hard to spot. There isn’t an aisle in the supermarket that blares out ‘Manna!’. Life is so cluttered. Noisy. Demanding. More often than not the manna can easily be overlooked.

And this is where Hansel and Gretel come in. In the darkness of the forest as they walked, noises, trees and peril all around them, their eyes strained to look for the one thing that would lead them home: the breadcrumbs on the path.

We are Hansel and Gretel, lost and in danger. Our Heavenly Father goes ahead of us in the forest and drops breadcrumbs of manna each day for us to eat and follow. His manna-breadcrumbs cannot be eaten by birds, nor stolen by thieves. We need not question whether they’re there, but we do need to train our eyes to see them.

I have found pausing in the evening to look back over the day invaluable in learning to recognise the manna. Sometimes it’s so hard to see things in the moment, but as we look back we re-remember ordinary events as being embellished with the divine. Sugarcoated with grace. Thankfulness sharpens our vision with a readiness to see.

These breadcrumbs of manna mean that though we face many forests or deserts or valleys, we can never be lost, and never truly be in danger. For we are children of a Good Father, who goes before us. Whose Spirit keeps on highlighting to us the manna of his grace. His provision. His protection. And let us not imagine anything meagre in these manna-breadcrumbs, for they are a feast. When we learn to see them we will find that we cannot help ourselves but see them everywhere. Liberally spread over every aspect of our lives: His love will lead us home.


Ros Boydell

To Embrace 2025 – guest post, Kristen Strong

I invite a few close friends over for a grown-up, winter tea party, and before they arrive, I rhythmically move around the table arranging crustless sandwiches, lemon bars, scones, and cream. I set out my beloved Noritake gold rimmed plates, teacups, and saucers — our wedding china. I smile remembering all the times I’ve used this china, and I think about how thankful I am to get to love on my friends and myself by using it once again.

The good life is for giving ourselves and others a little attention by enjoying the good things rather than keeping them hidden away.

I set out the porcelain tea bag holders and little stirring spoons. I realize I forgot the water goblets and then, out of the blue, I remember that one friend won’t be joining us. Suddenly, uninvited tears show up before the party.

It’s silly to be crying, really. I mean, this friend didn’t die. We didn’t have a big fight or a dramatic falling out. Our friendship just changed, unfolded into a new season. And that new season has me a little sad because I just miss her.

I stare at the dining room chair at the end of the table and briefly contemplate taping her picture to the seat-back. Or maybe even just leaving one seat empty in her honor? I don’t, of course, because that would be weird. But sometimes we want to give the loss a tangible space to be remembered.

After all, loss is the tagalong companion to love, and it’s impossible for loss not to receive attention alongside the love.

2025 is only a week old, and my heart holds sadness for a friendship that doesn’t look the way it used to. For you, maybe there’s a sadness for the same — or from a different kind of relationship that doesn’t look the way you wish.

As you gingerly walk into the newness of 2025, perhaps you carry old sadness from the previous year’s friendship heartbreak. If that’s true for you, I humbly offer these five truths to ease the changing seasons of friendships:

1. Give yourself time and room to feel sad. Don’t skip over the sadness. Give yourself permission to mourn the loss for an appropriate amount of time. Let it have its time, but don’t let it boss you into believing that God doesn’t care about you or that Jesus has abandoned you because that will never, ever happen. He is with you always (Matthew 28:20)


2. Don’t assume there’s something wrong with you. When a friendship or other relationship changes, it’s easy to look inward and think, What did I do wrong? While introspection is necessary in gaining self-awareness and apologies are sometimes in order, odds are good the relational change was more about her than you. Instead of looking inward, look upward and assume that for now, God simply wants your attention elsewhere. Trust God with your reputation as well as this situation (Psalm 135:14).

3. Believe God continues to give His best to you and will withhold no good thing from you. This includes people who are best for you (Psalm 84:11).

4. Pray God’s best for your friend. Whatever the particulars behind the changing friendship, let’s remember to represent Jesus well by letting the situation bring out the best in us, not the worst (Luke 6:27-28).

5. Fervently thank God for the friendships you do have. Even if it’s just one friend, and that friend moved five states away. Or even if that friend is the one preoccupied with a new baby or grandbaby or busy with a new job. Thank God for who is present at your table and in your life (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

It takes courage to hold our relationships in upturned palms instead of squeezed in our tight fists. It takes strength to carry yourself with a posture that says, You are welcome to stay here as my friend, but I won’t force it. Some seasons call for staying in a particular friendship. Other seasons call for keeping our distance from someone we’re not called to be in community with—whether that’s our choice or not. In those moments, may we continue to give ourselves a little attention by enjoying the good things — and good people — around us. And may we also see all the ways God gives us gifts that are signs of Love present everywhere.


Hospitality and Intentionality

Girlfriend’s Gathering, January 2025

I love ministry.
I love writing Echoes of Grace.
I love speaking when God opens those doors.
I love connecting with friends, in person or by phone.
I love hospitality.

Those words recorded in my journal a few weeks back are all true, I think.
But I choked on that last love. Do I really love hospitality?

It sounds like you’re not excited about this brunch. My sister’s words when I was telling her about the brunch I was planning. You’re right. I’m not. She heard it in my voice.

But I love hospitality, don’t I? And isn’t hospitality biblical?

“Do not neglect to show hospitality …”
Hebrews 13:2
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”
I Peter 4:9
“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”
Romans 12:13

Qualifications for the overseers, the shepherds, and widows all include hospitality in their lists. I Timothy 3:2; I Timothy 5:10; Titus 1:7

Loving hospitality is loving God’s word. I was feeling convicted!

I have nice things and I enjoy using them. Why was I struggling this time?

“Because of the LORD’S great love we not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22, 23 NIV

I was feeling consumed! Can something I love, or think I love, be all-consuming?

It had been a full Advent and Christmas season. There had been multiple opportunities for hospitality. I loved each one. And, I admit I was tired. I was feeling consumed, spent, used up.

True; but why? I kept pondering my conundrum.

The Merriam Webster dictionary says that hospitality is the friendly and generous reception of guests. And the distinctiveness of Christian hospitality is it’s about the guests; hospitality is other centered; hospitality is central to the gospel.

While hospitality is other centered, it also does not belittle the host; hospitality does not take away from who God created me to be.

But I needed a shift in my thinking.

Hospitality is not about creating a 5-star presentation; it’s about welcoming guests!

I love setting a nice table. But I began to realize I was allowing the presentation to eclipse the very reason for hospitality.

Being Intentional (my word for 2025)
led me to four lessons I need to practice relating to hospitality.

1. Capacity. Perhaps four major opportunities for hospitality in one month is too much in this chapter of my life. I allowed myself to be consumed. Sometimes I should intentionally say “no”.

2. “Because of the LORD’S great love…” Those six words at the beginning of Lamentations 3:22 were convicting. I intentionally review God’s love for me at the beginning of my devotional time daily; that is normally. I had let that habit slip in the busyness of the season. My bad!

3. The opposite of being consumed is being safe-guarded, being sustained. I was looking for my sustenance from others instead of hospitality being given to others. I need to intentionally remind myself of the reasons for hospitality.

4. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God …” James 1:5. I must intentionally ask God for his wisdom. Is this opportunity for hospitality in your will?

“the church, of which I became a minister
according to the stewardship from God
that was given to me for you…”
Colossians 1:25. (italics & underlines mine)

God has given me a stewardship, and that stewardship is for the benefit of others. God has entrusted something to me … enjoying hospitality … to invest in others.

Loving hospitality is who I am. Practicing hospitality is living out my creation. But because of my lack of intentionality, my focus was blurred.

Biblical hospitality roots out self-centeredness, deepens fellowship with others, and honors God.

My desire is to be intentional and hospitable while remembering those four lessons.


Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2025






I Am and I Also Am

“Let me be so taken by what you show me
and by what you say to me
that your vision and hearing become my guide in life
and impart meaning to all my concerns.”
Henri Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing

What a great scripture and a great prayer for the new year.

Yet, do I live like the paths God chooses for me drip with abundance? Am I allowing God to impart meaning to all my concerns? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I question.

It’s been said that 70 is the new 50. I like that and I don’t like that.
I don’t want to be where I was 20 years ago spiritually.
But I would like to be where I was 20 years ago physically.
And therein is the problem.

When reading an Advent devotional a few weeks ago, the Holy Spirit whispered, I am and I also am.

Do you remember Gabriel’s initial communication with Mary in Luke 1? Gabriel called out Mary’s true identity, O favored one (or greatly loved one), Verse 28. Then Gabriel shared his news and the reason for his visit.

Mary questioned, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”  Verse 34. Mary responded with truth, surface level truth. Gabriel lovingly and patiently explained.

And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord;'” Verse 38. I suppose her words could have also been translated with this below the surface truth, I ALSO am.

Mary knew she was a virgin.
She also knew she was a favored one, a servant of the Lord.
She knew both her surface level truth and her below the surface truth.

There are surface level truths that define me — female, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, neighbor and more. And like Mary, I too am a favored one, a below the surface truth.

“and having put on the new self,
which is being renewed in knowledge
after the image of its creator.”
Colossians 3:10

As I read those words, I hear God’s voice, Sue, live from your below the surface truth, your new self. Live out of who I created you to be.

Living from my below the surface truths defines and refines me. I need reminders. As I remember, God’s purposes for me are highlighted. Gabriel was God’s instrument reminding Mary. Reviewing the truths I’ve recorded in my journal are the instruments God uses for me. The rough edges of my life are smoothed; God refines.

This is my desire and my challenge! I am and I also am.

My word for 2025 is intentional. Being intentional is one of my keys for living our of who I ALSO AM! The holidays were a hard lesson. And re-affirmed to me the importance of being intentional.

Next Thursday, January 16, I’m sharing my story about hospitality, and intentional-ity, and living out of my below the surface identity, who I ALSO AM! God’s paths do indeed drip with abundance!

“The unfolding of your words gives light:
it imparts understanding to the simple.”
Psalm 119:130


Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2025


My Christmas Gift to You

When you have time this joy-filled Christmas, you will be blessed by this very creative offering. I especially loved the renditions of Joy to The World (first half) and Away in A Manger (second half).

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Our family is visiting, so Echoes of Grace will take one week off to enjoy them.
See you January 9, 2025!




Unto Us – Unto You

I’ve been captivated by the preposition, unto, and the very familiar pronouns, us, you, me of the Christmas story this Advent.

Unto, another archaic word, a preposition that leads to the personal pronouns. Pronouns that tell me that the Christmas narrative is a gift for me — a gift for you!

Thank you Marie for posting this on FB.

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, unto them
hath the light shined …
For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given:”
Isaiah 9:2 and 6, KJV (italics mine)

The people who walked in darkness are the ones who have scorned the invitation of the gospel. But the Light (Jesus) has continued to come to them. Because unto us, all of us, the Light continually comes. God is always initiating.

Every day the gospel invites. Every day I choose — will I keep looking at my surrounding circumstances, or will I trust truth. The choice is for all of us.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior
who is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11, ESV (italics mine)

Gabriel’s words are directed to a smaller group, a group of shepherds. Unto you, shepherds, a Savior has been born. The shepherds trusted.

Like for the shepherds, the Savior has been born for me, and for you. This thought brings a big smile.

And God often gets even more personal.

“… Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”
“And behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son …”
“… You shall call his name Jesus.”
“… The Holy Spirit will come upon you
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you:
” … let it be to me …”
Luke 1:30, 31, 35, and 38, ESV (italics mine)

This time Gabriel is speaking only to Mary. The you is a singular pronoun. Mary recognizes truth and with great humility responds, let it be to me. Mary knew she was hearing from God personally.

Those are the words, the personal words, that often get recorded in my journal. It’s easy to forget and I want to, need to remember. Those words lead to great joy.

I was meeting with a friend for lunch recently. I knew she had walked through some very tough stuff. My heart was to love her well, to encourage her. Yet I was questioning. Earlier that morning as I was making coffee, my eyes rested on this truth that I have standing above my kitchen sink, “Greetings, O favored one (greatly loved one), the Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28, italics mine) That morning those words were the pronouns, the truth I needed to hear, I needed to trust. Big exhale. It was a message for me. They led me to faith and to joy.

Leslie Weatherhead, an English theologian and author wrote, “the opposite of joy is not sorrow. It is unbelief.” Believing Luke 1:28 planted a seed of joy. It was joy because I experienced the joy Jesus reminded me of, the Lord is with you (me). I trusted the gospel.

“And the angel said to them,
‘Fear not, for behold I bring you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people.'”
Luke 2:10

Unto us, unto you (plural), unto you (singular), the Child was born!

May the joy of Christmas be your reality!


Copyright: Sue Tell, December 2024


The Manger Throne

TY Denise for creating this with AI

In Phil Wickham’s song, The Manger Throne (official music video below) I heard God’s whispers to me.

“And this will be a sign for you:
you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths
and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us …”
John 1:14

Every December our prized nativity scenes come out of storage and welcome the Christmas season. The baby lying in the manger is the focal point. Birthdays are always times of celebration.

“Glory be to you alone
King who reigns from a manger throne
My life, my praise everything I own,
To Jesus, the King on a manger throne.”

Christmas points us to the manger. Jesus was born in a stable. Jesus was a human baby. “The Word became flesh.” These words from John’s gospel, God becoming man, help me understand.

From Kathy Lorimor’s nativity collection.

Jesus was born into a family committed to God. His earthly father was a carpenter. His growing up years allowed him to “… increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

Jesus spent three years ministering deeply to all kinds of people. God was glorified through his life.

“From heaven to the cradle
From the cradle to the cross”

“Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said,
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
And having said this he breathed his last.”
Luke 23:46

“You will die for our redemption
And you’ll rise so we can live.”

“He is not here, but has risen.
Remember how he told you,
while he was still in Galilee.”
Luke 24:6

And then the throne. The throne was always the destination. The manger a stop along the way. Gabriel’s words to Mary.

“And behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall call his name Jesus.
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.
And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David,”
Luke 1:31, 32 (italics mine)

The book of Revelation gives a more complete picture of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Jesus). Revelation 22:1

“No longer will there be anything accursed,
but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it,
and his servants will worship him.”
Revelation 22:3

Revelation 22 also offers a description of the city of God. There is water flowing through it from the throne of God and of the Lamb (verse 1). The tree of life is on either side of that water way (verse 2). “No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him.” (verse 3). His servants will see his face, his name will be on their foreheads, and God will be their light. (verse 4).

John’s response is to fall down and worship the angel.

“but he (the angel) said to me (John),
‘You must not do that!
I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets,
and with those who keep the words of this book.
Worship God.
Revelation 22:9 (italics, parentheses, and underlines mine)

I’m drawn to the manger. And I’m seeing a throne. I’m learning a new depth of worship.

The gospel of Luke shares the whole story. In 24 chapters, Luke walks us from prophesy, to birth, to the cross, to resurrection, to the throne. An appropriate read for Advent.

Jesus is the King, the one who was placed in a manger, now reigns from a throne.


FB Screenshot


Copyright: Sue Tell, December 2024





Christmas is less than three weeks away. Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus. And in our culture, we celebrate. Special church services, decorations, parties, family gatherings, gifts, cookies to be made — all requiring preparations, lots of preparations … all crammed between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I love the Christmas season. I love Christmas music. I love the special programs at church. I love  having friends in for a Christmas brunch. I love that our family will be visiting. I love Christmas cookies. I love that our anniversary is also in December. I love how our culture honors this season with decorations.

And I love the Christmas story. I read it every year. BUT, truly, what do my days communicate about my gaze? What am I beholding? What does beholding even mean?

Behold is an archaic word rarely used today. But in the days when the King James Bible was being written, it was a very common word. It is used 1298 times in the KJV!

The Hebrew word for behold is chazah meaning to gaze, to contemplate, to discern, or steadily fix your eyes upon.
The Greek word is idou which signals emphasis and asking for special attention.

In the ESV Bible, the word behold appears 9 times in the Christmas narrative in Luke 1 and 2. (1:20, 1:31, 1:36, 1:38, 1:44, 1:48, 2:10, 2:33, 2:48)

God wants to communicate something BIG! Both with Zechariah and with Mary, God sent an angel with his message starting with the word, behold. Beholding is important!

“And behold, you will conceive …” Luke 1:31.
“And behold, your relative Elizabeth …” Luke 1:36.
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord …” Luke 1:38.
“For behold, when the sound of your greeting …” Luke 1:44.
“For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; …” Luke 1:49.

Mary knew the significance of the word behold. For her it was a common word with huge significance. I’m challenged with her response.

Mary didn’t initially understand the angel’s message. But she didn’t disregard it. She “tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be.” 1:29. Mary’s beholding led to reflecting.

Mary believed and responded in submission to the angel’s words. “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” 1:38.

Mary deflected the glory to God. “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” 1:46. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. Do you wonder what filled her days in those months? What was she contemplating? Where was her gaze?

Behold, Christmas is coming! In less than one month. I’m challenged, what will fill my days as I look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus? How am I beholding? Where will my gaze be?

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus …”
Hebrews 12:2, NIV

I love how the first two verses start. Behold and be blessed.

Copyright: Sue Tell, November 2024.

PS. A few other scriptures using the word behold:
Matthew 1:20 – But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord …”
Matthew 1:23 – “Behold, the virgin shall conceive … Immanuel” Also Isaiah 7:14.
Matthew 28:20 – “… and behold, I am with you always …”
John 1:29 – “… Behold, the Lamb of God …”
John 19:5 – “… Pilate said to them, ‘Behold the man!”
John 19:26 – “… ‘Woman, behold, your son!'”



Apple Pie for Breakfast

This might be the best Thanksgiving advice I’ve ever heard!

Maggie on the left

Really, who has room for the Apple Pie after the turkey and all the fixings!!

I’m taking my friend’s advice and enjoying my Apple Pie while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Thank you, Maggie!!



Advent posts 2024 coming to Echoes of Grace next week.



Your Amazing Story

“I had no idea how much I was learning until I wanted to share it with them.”

These are Kaylee’s words. Kaylee is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina. During a retreat with her sorority sisters, she shared with them what she was learning about studying the Bible. A light-bulb moment for her.

You know what I love about this?

I bet it’s entirely possible that we too have no idea about what God is doing in us and through us. God works in ways that are totally hidden to us.

While back in the mid-west a year ago I shared a journaling method with Ashley to help her focus her prayer life. About a month ago I was with Ashley again. Guess what? She excitedly pulled out her new journal to show me the scriptures she is using to focus her prayer life! I had no idea!

But what about those HARD stories?

My husband wasn’t selected for the promotion. With tissues in tow, I took my Bible and hymnbook out to the deck the next morning. I desperately needed to hear from God.*** A few hours later I collected the wadded-up tissues; my heart was returning to trust.

Thirteen years later that story, our story was important for our friends to hear. We cried together.

And then there was the invitation that never came. That was devastating for my high school self, and again for my college-aged self. My identity was at stake!

Sadly, I allowed those teen-aged stories (and many others) to shape what I believed about myself. That was before I understood the gospel of grace; before I understood God’s love for me; before I’d memorized Philippians 1:12, “… what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.”

God orchestrates our stories for his glory and our good!

“My story is important not because it is mine, God knows,
but because if I tell it anything like right,
the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours.”
Telling Secrets: A Memoir, Frederick Buechner

Be very encouraged my friend! We have no idea how God is working in us and through us! Your story is amazing!

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than
all that we ask or think.
According to the power at work within us,
to him be the glory …”
Ephesians 3:20, 21


***Full story another time.

Copyright: Sue Tell, Nov 20024