10 Months; 10 Thoughts I’m Pondering

In the last 10 months, I’ve traveled with Bill through 21 of the 24 time zones. I’m beginning to harvest many thoughts God has been whispering. Here are 10 of them – in no particular order.

I love beauty displayed in God’s creation! This is one of the annuals we planted.

  1. In the midst of the excitement of travel, it is good to be home and enjoy the quietness and the beauty adorning our deck. Bill and I thought about not putting annuals out this year because of not being home much.  But as I sat on outside last week with my coffee enjoying the crisp blue Colorado sky, I knew if even for a few weeks, planting annuals would minister to my soul. I’m so glad we did.
  2. The topic of rest is never far from my thinking (as you know). And as I’ve continued to ponder that, I’m continuing to learn. One of my thoughts, soul rest requires as much priority as physical rest. More about that later.

    Summer School in Arbroath, Scotland

    3. Weights – those things that can be good, and well, also weighty.

“… let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
Hebrews 12:1

Last week in Scotland I taught on the 7 “let us” phrases from Hebrews 10 and 12. This is my desire, to keep running the race God has set before me. So I’m pondering, what good weights are in my life, weights that are right for another, but not for me that I should lay aside?

Actually it was my preparation for the seminar and my friend Marion who got me thinking about this. As we enjoyed lunch together just before our trip, she shared about some good things that are weights for her. So I’m asking God, are there weights in my life that I need to put down?

Older woman still need older woman. This is one of my mantras these days.

4. I’m not good at multi-tasking.

5. Two current favorite quotes:

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap
but by the seeds that you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

“In the coming world, I will not be asked,
‘Why were you not Moses?’
I will be asked,
‘Why were you not Zusya?'”
from the story of Hassadic Rabbi Zusya

6. The wisdom of Psalm 23:1. I look at this stone, a gift from 2 friends after Mom died, and pray, thank you, that you are my shepherd. What does it look like to trust that today?

7. Repentance Reminder – this is my title for a blog that’s coming this fall when I’ll share more of this story. But for now, God faithfully reminds me,

” … I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”
Jeremiah 31:3

Bill and I love chocolate!

8. How convenient. This chocolate cafe was right around the corner from our AirBnB where we were staying in Edinburgh.

9. Hamish and David, along with Matthew led our worship in Scotland. It was a highlight of our time. I wanted to import them to the US. And it led me to think about our travels. From Singapore where 17 different countries were represented, to the cruise we went on with Mercy Me in January, to Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London where I couldn’t help but participate in their communion service, to seeing the Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling, Scotland, the home of the King James Bible, I’ve been experiencing the joy of worship.

The Church of the Holy Rude

“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken,
and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship,
with reverence and awe,”
Hebrews 12:28

10. Another current question I’m pondering, what does stewardship look like at this point in my journey?

What about you, what have you been thinking about lately?

Reminder: Echoes of Grace is on a semi-sabbatical until fall. I will continue to post a few of my favorite blogs from others over the summer once in a while … and possibly jump in myself as well, like this week. I love communicating with you.

To make sure you never miss one of these posts, sign up to follow Echoes of Grace. Or send me your email and I’ll sign you up, sue@suetell.com.


2 thoughts on “10 Months; 10 Thoughts I’m Pondering

  1. Vic Woodward says:

    Love your wonderings Sue! What am I pondering? This, “love is the process of meeting needs” and in receiving from Jesus, I can just “be”. In the just “be”, I position myself to receive from Jesus and stop “doing”. I also slow down long enough to receive (needs met) from others in my weakness. That’s what I’m pondering and realizing how the world, including “church” world, wants more doing.

    • sue@suetell.com says:

      Hi Vic,

      Glad you stopped by!

      Hard questions. One thing that helps me with the “do” – “be” situations is, if I step up to “do” everything I’m asked, I’m actually keeping someone else from an opportunity that is rightfully theirs. The someone else isn’t always obvious right away … usually isn’t. But they are real.

      Recently I saw some interaction for a need for a VBS. One person suggested a man for a certain position. I don’t know how it turned out, but I do know that the man was highly affirmed by others.

      Keep pondering! sue

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