Donkeys, Goats, & Iguanas – Oh My!

It was a perfect January afternoon in St. John, Virgin Islands. The sky a brilliant blue, the temperatures in the low 80’s, and we’re sitting on the pool deck – our private pool deck, that is, overlooking the Caribbean filled with white sailboats; the British Virgin Islands on the other side of Dreetket Bay. Our novels and tall glasses of lemonade our only companions – we thought.

The chapter ended. I looked up and stretched. And there it was! A huge Iguana sunning itself on the corner of our pool. He (I’m sure it was a he) staring at us with equal curiosity, and perhaps as much fear as I was experiencing staring at him. I knew there were Iguanas on the island; I never saw one before on the property we were renting for our escape winter vacation.

No need for binoculars, I grabbed my camera just in time before he turned and crawled into the foliage surrounding the pool. I was glad he was gone.

We didn’t see him again for the next eight days – thankfully. I faithfully checked that corner of the pool. Even though I didn’t see him, in my mind, he kept getting bigger and bigger. Then he returned.

I wasn’t surprised. Perhaps he wasn’t quite as surprised to see me, a visitor to his pool.  I was surprised to see that he was not as big as I remembered. Again we stared at each other; and again he slithered off the side of the pool into the foliage. Will these people ever leave?

We hadn’t seen him for over a week. But in that week, in my mind, he grew.

And God reminded me …

When I stop reviewing truth, Satan whispers lies. And those lies grow. He knows which I’m susceptible to.

The word remember and its synonyms is mentioned 115 times in the Bible. God knows I have a good forgetter!

“Remember the wondrous works that he has done …”
Psalm 115:5
“Therefore I intend always to remind you …
to stir you up by way of reminder …
you may be able to recall …”
II Peter 1:12-15
“To write the same things to you is no trouble to me
and is safe for you.”
Philippians 3:1

So I review the importants almost every day. Jerry Bridge’s words instruct me, preach the gospel to yourself every day! Allow the truth of the Word of God grow, not the lies of the evil one.

The biggest truth I review is that my identity is based on God’s steadfast love for me.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
Abide in my love.”
John 15:9

Two years ago my sister died. God had given us a special relationship her last six months reminding each other of God’s everlasting love for us. Jeremiah 31:3 was our favorite. I miss her lots.

Erika and I also remind each other regularly of God’s steadfast love. Because of our friendship, my heart is attuned to that phrase. Yesterday God pointed me to … and I texted Erika … Psalm 52:8, “I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.”

Lies are snuffed out in an environment of focusing on truth. Iguanas really don’t grow in a week.

In his sermon, Rich pointed to Psalm 34:3, “Oh, magnify the LORD with me, let us exalt his name together!

With me … together! Friends keep me focused on truth. We desperately need each other, both to help us identify lies and to remind us of truth.


Not only did Iguanas have free reign on the island, donkeys, goats, sheep, chickens, and pigs did as well. This donkey at the side of the road is peering into the open window of our Jeep. No, we did not feed him. Momma goat and her babies are walking down our driveway.

Copyright, Sue Tell, February 2022

6 thoughts on “Donkeys, Goats, & Iguanas – Oh My!

    • says:

      Hi Janet, I laugh at myself when I realize I’m writing about Iguanas – I mean, really! But truly this is a part of my worship journey that those whales in Alaska highlighted. I’m so glad you were a part of that journey with me.

  1. Sara Wiuff says:

    This was such a good reminder today! Feeling discouraged and wish I had a mentor to walk thru life with me! I need to keep reminding myself of truth so the lies don’t grow. This post helps!

    • says:

      Hi Sara,

      So good to hear from you. Reminding myself of truth has been a game changer for me. And God continues to pinpoint lies that I need to counteract with his truth.

      Would you like to connect and talk more about this? Let me know. Blessings, sue

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