The Now and The Needs

One of the gifts of this summer





The Ah-Ha comes in quiet spaces.
The Ah-Ha comes to a tuned in heart.



The Now

The Now is full …
full of travel
full of people
full of joy
full of weary
full of opportunity
full of emptying


The Needs

The Now has needs …
needs of abounding
needs of presence
needs of love
needs of attention
needs of re-fueling
needs of grace


The Now and The Needs Collide
begging for reconciliation
begging for perspective
begging for understanding
begging for comfort
begging for Your presence
begging for rest


“but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me …”
Matthew 19:14

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”
Isaiah 66:13

“Be still and know that I am God …”
Psalm 46:10


Copyright, Sue Tell, June 2022



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