Books that Bridge

George Washington Bridge

I grew up in New Jersey, a 45 minute drive from New York City via this two story engineering marvel across the Hudson River. Did I tell you that my Grandpa was the chief electrician for the project? And my Uncle John was the general electrical foreman when the lower level was added in the 1960s.

As a child we needed this bridge to visit my great grandparents and at Christmas to visit Santa Claus in the Macy’s store on 5th Avenue. (I still remember how Mom dressed us for that yearly trek.)

The George Washington Bridge was the key to these visits.

And often a book is key, the needed bridge to visit with God.

It was a Thursday on a chilly spring day. I was visiting one of my favorite spots to meet with God, a quiet corner, a comfy sofa, and the fireplace for extra warmth surrounded by my coffee, my journal, my Bible, and a book by a favorite author, Brennan Manning.

I sipped my coffee as I turned to the bookmark in the Manning book. (I’m not remembering the title at the moment.) Brennan’s writing was the bridge that was about to transport me into the presence of God.

He often starts his chapters with a scripture before the first paragraph. And there it was in flashing neon lights (or printed on lovely pink flowers).

WOW, another scripture telling of God’s love. And more than that assuring me that God has desires for me. Those ten words were the bridge. I did two things: I recorded them in my leather journal, that place where I record really important stuff to continue to pray over. And I turned to Romans 8, another place where God assures me that he is for me with the rhetorical question, “If God is for us, who can be against us?(verse 31)

I could have packed up and headed home right then. But I didn’t. I continued reading through the richness of Romans 8. It was good!

Unlike some, my devotional life usually does not travel down the path of reading through one book of the Bible at a time. I jump around. Where is it that God wants to grab my attention today? That day God knew it was important that I hear his truths in Song of Solomon and Romans.

Sometimes my devotional time feels dry. I need help.

Often it is a book that bridges me to God’s word.

But most often, my own leather journal is the book that
is the bridge to God’s word for me. I make it a practice to start my quiet time reviewing my recordings here.

Recorded in ink in this well-worn volume are many scriptures, like Song of Solomon 7:10, that speak of God’s love for me. There are pages that record God’s purpose for my life.

In another place I’ve written the verses that tell me truth when I tend to trip over lies that are often too close to the surface of my memory.

As I review those words, my prayer very often is something like this, What would it look like to trust this truth today?

And very often books are the bridge that usher me into God’s presence.

What are the books, the quotes, the hymns that offer you a bridge to God’s word?

“But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
The LORD is my portion, says my soul,
therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:21-24

Copyright, Sue Tell, February 2019





6 thoughts on “Books that Bridge

  1. Sandy Marthaler says:

    I love how you begin talking about an important bridge in your life and then you talk about how books can be bridges to God. I agree about sometimes our bible reading can be dry —- I have used many books as bridges —- I love the books we have studied in my weekly Tuesday morning bible studies — I guess I need the accountability of other women to commit to reading a book. I love how these books have brought me closer to God and his WORD. I love hearing other women’s insights and applications. Thanks for the glimpse into your times with God and what helps you. I will have to look into Brennan Manning! Love Lamentations 3:21-24! The Lord is indeed our portion! I will use your leather journal idea for writing the really important stuff! Right now I just use notebook paper in a binder —- the really important stuff is mixed with the not so important stuff. It would be nice to have an heirloom to pass down!

    • says:

      Hi Sandy,

      Did you go back and read my “Important Stuff” post. My important stuff is all scripture that speaks to me of God’s love, his purposes for me, truth that counteract lies etc. Most often I start my times with God praying through that journal. I need to keep reminding myself of truth. And in the process, I often hear God point me to a specific place in scripture.

      I also keep another journal for all the other stuff you journal about which is usually a spiral bound notebook. I go through several in a year. Often this journal is the fodder for my blog.

      You might start reading “Abba’s Child” or “The Ragamuffin Gospel” by Brennan Manning.

      Love hearing from you my friend,

    • says:

      Hi April,

      And God not only is creative, he wants us to hear from him.

      My son told me how some of his best personal times with God comes when he’s reading the Children’s Story Book Bible to his kids.

      Thanks for your thoughts.

      love, sue

  2. Cheri Johnson says:

    Okay, I want to go to both of the places you’ve pictured here. I enjoyed this post. I felt like I was sitting across from you in a comfy chair in front of a warm fireplace as you shared from your heart.

    I too find that books are bridges to God’s Word. I sometimes feel guilty about that because I’m not directly reading from the Bible enough. It’s good to know someone else gains much from authors outside the Bible–authors who “bridge” us to the Word.

    However, I’m in a different season right now. I’ve been studying through Ephesians for several months. It’s been great!

    I’m looking forward to next week’s post.

    • says:

      Hi Cheri,

      At first I was confused … you want to go to the George Washington Bridge? Then I realized your comment was in response to the devotional note I write supporting the blog. đŸ™‚

      “The word of God is living and active …” Hebrews 4:12. I too have been soaking in the word lately. God himself pointed me to Romans 15. I feel like somehow Paul knew me! But truly God knows me and he knew I needed to re-read and re-meditate on his thoughts in Romans 15.

      Also several of the stories of Jesus have captured my attention recently. As I think about how I got to them, I realize God offered a bridge. One bridge was a letter from a missionary in India; another was from a friend here in Colorado Springs as she shared her story; and a third was from Bonnie Gray’s book, “Whispers of Rest”. I’m using this 40 day devotional for the 40 days of Lent. So good.

      Yes, so the Word of God is indeed living. And how God gets us to his word is less important than what he wants to communicate through his word.

      Love you my friend, sue

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