Lessons from Our Aspen Tree

Fall looks different this week. The temperatures dropped 50 degrees in 24 hours into single digits. The ground and the trees wore a new layer of white loveliness. With the deep blue Colorado sky, the bare branches of the Aspen tree, the snow, and the dark green of the Ponderosa Pines as a back-drop, it was beautiful. It reminded me of winter. It reminded me of the words above I originally penned 5 years ago. The words asked me questions — Am I anticipating, resting rejuvenating, readying, embracing God’s ways? Am I content?

And the beauty of a Colorado fall day, looking and feeling like winter, invited me outside for a short walk and a photo-shoot. I want to remember — both the message of these words and the beauty of the day.

I have a few of these bookmarks available. Let me know if you would like one.

Copyright, Sue Tell, October 2020

2 thoughts on “Lessons from Our Aspen Tree

  1. Sharron says:

    Truly a blessing to be read and needed on this eve of election day. Thank you. I would love a bookmark if any available.

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