Habits of the Unhurried

Growing Slow, the title of Jennifer Duke Lee’s newest book released this week.

It’s one of those books you will read, underline, and re-read. Her personal story, her grasp of the scriptures leading to the wisdom she shares all integrated into the seasons of our lives has deeply ministered to me. I was hooked in the introduction.

I originally per-ordered this book on my Kindle. I’ve since gone back and ordered the real book: you know, the one you hold in your hands, slowly turn the pages, highlighting sentences or whole paragraphs, and then returning and re-reading because you must, you need to remember.

Emily P. Freeman (another favorite author) in her endorsement writes, “Sometimes our most important work is not what we do but what we finally learn to undo.”

Does that sound a bit like my 2021 phrase, Pull-back? In case you missed it, click here.

Here’s one of my underlines from Jennifer’s introduction.

“A Growing Slow life give you what your heart really longs for: permission to take a beat and take a breath; grace to try again; courage to walk instead of run; and space to live in the astonishing and wild love of Christ.”

Jennifer recently paged through her own writing and lifted these 24 Habits of the Unhurried and generously shared them on social media. So practical. And gives you a glimpse of the treasure of her book.

I highly encourage you to go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite place to buy books, get your copy of Growing Slow and soak in it’s wisdom.  And then let’s share the nuggets with each other that speak to our hearts.



Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2021

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