Wasting Time or Investing Time

The last two months we’ve been gifted with time to be with all of our GRANDS. In March it was with the older two, now both active teens. We spent lots of time together in the car on the way to or from school or one of their other activities. It was precious talk time.

Last month we enjoyed a week with the younger four. Toddler Leah just turned two. The older three are seven, nine, and twelve. We were amazed at how much each of them had grown. Miniature golf, long stroller walks, little league baseball, and a picnic at the lake all created memories that will last.

It was definitely NOT wasted time. It was time invested in building family relationships, a gift for Bill and me. “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,” Psalm 127:3.


Last December, I titled a page in my journal, Remembering Back – Looking Ahead. I filled the page with 2021 memories in the order they came to mind. From visits to vacations. From what I had read to what I had written. From classes I had taken to living out my love of teaching.

I pulled this page full of rememberings into five observations.

1. Keep growing and developing into who God created me to be. Keep writing.
2. Keep times of quiet, and reflection in my time with God.
3. Keep times with family a priority, In person, on Zoom, in prayer.
4. Keep ministering along side Bill to our collegiate staff.
5. Be realistic about our capacity as we live out our calling.

And then I asked myself, How should these memories relate to 2022? What is the wisdom God wants me to apply? These weren’t New Year’s resolutions as much as an understanding of how I want to live out who I am in my silver-haired years.

At close to the half-way point of 2022, how am I doing? It’s been good to review and ponder my reality. Is my time being wasted or invested?

Number 4 needs to be expanded to encompass my heart. I love investing in women who want to grow in their friendship with God ~ that goes beyond women on our collegiate staff. Often that happens over a cup of coffee with friends from church, or with neighbors.

Number 2 needs to be worked on! For several years I’ve started my devotional life with the spiritual discipline of sitting and staring, enjoying God’s creation in the quietness of the morning, allowing God to remind me of his love, and to direct my time with him.

“The LORD your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
Zephaniah 3:17 (bolding mine)

Lately, I’ve found myself jumping into the realities of needed preparations. Am I ready to meet with this friend? Am I ready to connect with my writing coach? Is Echoes of Grace ready for this week? So many things to be ready for! So many things to rob me of quiet, of listening, of experiencing God’s love.

It was good to remember. It was good to review. It is never wasted time to listen for the love of God! It is invested time in what is really important!

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:15, 16


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2022




2 thoughts on “Wasting Time or Investing Time

  1. Vic Woodward says:

    Sue, This post is so timely for me (Monique too) as we just got back from a 3 1/2 week visit with the “Grands” and our family in Little Rock, Arkansas. Thanks for sharing Sue! You have encouraged intentionality in me for the years ahead. We miss you and Bill!

    • sue@suetell.com says:

      Thanks Vic … and Monique … for stopping by.

      I write because I need to be reminded!! Glad I’m not alone.

      FMA, sue

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