I Want to be Superwoman!


I want to do it all.
I want to support ___________. (Fill in the blank with your desire.)
I want them to see the Sue who’s involved.
I want to be Superwoman!
And that’s a problem!


A few weeks ago Bill and I attended our Senior (as in age) Navigator Conference. General Jerry White, one of our former International Navigator directors was one of our speakers. His wisdom is always what I need to hear.

He spoke practically on how to not lose “Our Energy and Our Passion” in these silver-haired years.

As he spoke on passion, he said, Keep your passion for God alive; not activities. For me that led to two immediate applications. 1) Protect my Thursdays, the day I set aside for extended time with God. That led to sub-applications. And, 2) Keep reminding myself of the truths God has been whispering to me.

” … the god of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself
and establish you.
... this is the true grace of God.
Stand firm in it.
I Peter 5:10 & 12 (bolding mine)

Restore – bring me back.
Confirm – remind me again.
Strengthen – reinforce.
Establish – show beyond doubt.

When I want to be Superwoman, when I want to do it all, I need God’s whispers. I need to hear his truth again! I need to remember my call and be restored, confirmed, strengthened, and established in who God created me to be.

“But to all who received him,
who believed in his name,
he gave power to become
children of God;”
John 1:12, RSV

This is the first scripture I memorized as a new believer over 50 years ago (when I still had auburn hair). I needed its  truth again. I am a child. A child is dependent. A child is weak. A child needs God’s power.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
II Corinthians 12:9

A prayer I often pray for myself asks God for these things.

God, please grow my knowing.
Help me to listen for your whispers.
Help me to recognize your love.
Help me to lean into your truth.
Help me to live with expectancy.
The expectancy of resurrection power.
The expectancy of knowing you. Amen.

When I want to be Superwoman, I’m listening to myself. I need to review. I need to remember. I need to recognize God’s opportunity to trust truth. I need to say, ah-ha – this is an answer to my prayers.

Brennan Manning says, “Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. this is the true self. Every other identity is an illusion.”

I was never meant to be Superwoman.

” … this is the true grace of God.
Stand firm in it.”
I Peter 5:12

Do you identify? Do you sometimes want to be Superwoman? This summer my friend created a new bookmark for me with a similar prayer on the front. Would you like one? Email me, sue@suetell.com and I’ll put one in the mail to you.

Copyright, Sue Tell, September 2022





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