He’s a “Type A”

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The morning was bitter cold — cold enough to freeze the water in the airplane. And without water a plane is not allowed to fly. Not even a short 18 minute jaunt from Colorado Springs to Denver.

We boarded, unaware of the frozen water line issue, and waited. Waited an abnormally long time. And then the pilot’s voice over the intercom. We knew then we’d miss our connecting flight. Our escape winter vacation was taking a detour.

Almost 200 of us were taking this detour. Almost 200 passengers missing connections, facing the reality of plan “B”.

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Disappointed we exited the plane and joined the long line to be re-booked. Two airline personnel at two computers to serve the almost 200 customers, some mad. It was not a pretty scene.

We were behind “Mr. Type-A”. Finally it was his turn. He was invited to computer 1. We were next. Within a few moments we were called to computer 2 several feet away.

Our agent worked hard on our behalf to get us to San Juan, Puerto Rice, our desired destination. Typing away, checking possibilities, asking questions — could this work?

As she typed, agent #1 came over and whispered in a loud way, to our agent, he’s a type “A”. Her frustration obvious.

Just the week before I had finished a brief study of Paul’s letter to Titus.

Titus had been left in Crete to help restore order to a very ungodly group of people. Titus 1:5, 10-16. The Cretan culture was a mess — not unlike the airport that morning. I don’t want to judge, but Mr. Type “A” seemed like he would fit in with those from Crete.

What was the culture I was offering that morning?  Would frustration emanate from me — or patience, understanding, and kindness?

Just as Titus was called to be a culture carrier to Crete, I was entrusted with being a culture carrier at the airport that morning.

“… And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom
for such a time as this
Esther 4:14 (Italics mine)

“For such a time as this”, might it be that God orchestrated these details, this detour, so that his culture, his character would be set on display for those around us? My friend Karen says, “The world will evaluate the truth of the gospel by the way we live.”

Tulips & Hyacinths

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession,
and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
For we are the aroma of Christ…” II Corinthians 2:14 and 15 (italics, mine)

The Hyacinths in this lovely bouquet fill the atmosphere around them with their wonderful aroma. I’m invited to stop and enjoy every time I walk by.

That’s my desire for my life. That the aroma emanating from my life will carry the character of God, the Christian culture to all I pass by. Even on those frustrating days. I don’t want to be labeled, type A.

“but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart
with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which in God’s sight is very precious.”
I Peter 3:4

We did eventually arrive in San Juan.
We slept on the plane.
We did not miss any planned meet-ups.
Our luggage stayed with us the entire detour.
We were very thankful for our agent who worked hard on our behalf.


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024



2 thoughts on “He’s a “Type A”

  1. paula deshetler says:

    Great example of WWJD! We all need to remember that it’s not just in the times our lives are easy and peaceful that we need to ‘ be and live’ as Christians but more importantly, set an example for all when we’re frustrated and thwarted.

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