A Colorado Winter Morning

It’s one of those beautiful Colorado winter mornings. The bright blue sky and no wind invites me outside to our deck to enjoy God’s creation, to enjoy God.

I’m wearing my hooded Alaska sweatshirt. My weighted blanket, our deck heater, and the brilliant Colorado sun make up for the cool-ish temperature. Snow blankets the ground and the branches of the trees. I slowly sip my coffee, kept warm in my Yeti mug, as I revel in this hour.

I just refilled our bird feeders and turned on our triple fountain. I love the sound of the water cascading from the small top dish, to the middle-sized one, and onto the largest bottom dish.

The birds haven’t converged on the feeders to eat their breakfast yet. But I hear them in the nearby Ponderosa Pines. I bet they’re passing the news – breakfast is served. Even the sounds of the morning invite. It’s a new day and a new year.

I’m reminded of Jesus’ invitation in John 21 for his disciples, “Come and have breakfast.” (verse 12) In the beauty of my environment, I too hear his invitation. My Bible and my journal offer their invitations as well. Expectancy.

I’m sensing a new day for Bill and me too; a new level of trust.

Much hasn’t changed. We still love investing through writing, teaching, and mentoring the next generation. Our calendar rings true with our hearts.

And much is changing. We’re thinking about the finish line. Although still a ways off, the fuzzy picture is clarifying. Acts 20:24 communicates our hearts.

“But I do not account my life of  any value nor as precious to myself,
if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus,
to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

For years I’ve prayed over Psalm 78:72. Describing David, Asaph says, “With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.” My prayer has been that God would bring together our heart and our skill, the heart and the skill he created us with. Recently I’ve added a third quality, our capacity.

Sometimes I don’t like how I’m experiencing that playing out. Change is hard. I both like where I am and I want to be where I was. What a conundrum!

And then I remember the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus my Lord.

“Indeed, I count everything as loss
because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”
Philippians 3:8

The surpassing worth of knowing Jesus – his heart has not changed. He knows my heart; he knows my skill; he knows my current capacity. His love for me is everlasting!

So I look forward with hope, with contentment, with joy, with expectancy as this new chapter, this new year unfolds. I will remind myself of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus.

The birds have found their breakfast. And the squirrels too who are waiting under the feeder for a stray sunflower seed to fall to the ground. Expectancy.

“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God
and to the steadfastness of Christ.”
II Thessalonians 3:5

Copyright, Sue Tell, January 2022


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