A New Year’s Resolution or A New Year’s Word?

The memory is as clear as if it was yesterday. Our family (our two high school aged sons, Bill, and me) were sitting at our kitchen table in California. December was waning and we (actually they) were talking about new year’s resolutions. I was avoiding involvement in the conversation.

Why my resistance? Was it because of personal insecurity? Perhaps. My history with new year’s resolutions wasn’t stellar; I could usually successfully keep them until February. I didn’t want to set myself up for failure. Again.

But I think down deep something else was going on. Before I even began to think about the fact that I was a human-being not a human-doing, before I really grabbed hold of the gospel of grace, God was at work in my life.  The thought of making a plan to do something in the new year didn’t seem quite right to me. I resisted.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the thought of picking a word for the year. A word that characterized who you wanted to be.

At first I resisted. Wasn’t this the same as making a new year’s resolution?

But the niggling thought would not leave. And two years ago, I began the practice of having a word for the year.

You know, I’m not sure I remember any of my new year’s resolutions, but I can tell you my words. Rest was my 2017 word. https://suetell.com/reflecting-on-the-gallop/
Choose was my 2018 word. https://suetell.com/choose-2018/
Secure is my 2019 word.

Do you see a pattern? I do. Truly I believe God continues to deepen my understanding of rest.

Deuteronomy 33:12 in the NIV translation says, “… Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him …” And the other translations give me deeper understanding into those words. Often they are translated “the beloved of the LORD dwells in safety.”  But in the NIV, rest and secure are right next to each other.

I believe security which is known by God’s commitment is a basic need for all of us. And God desires to be our main provider. Am I experiencing God as my security? Is that leading to rest?

I might ask myself, if I’m not experiencing rest, I wonder if my security is misplaced? Am I looking to a ministry opportunity, or a certain family time for my security, or obtaining a certain goal, or, or, or?

For 2019, secure is my word. I’m trusting that I will grow in experiencing God as my security and that will lead to a deeper understand and reality of rest for me.

I wonder, what might be the word God wants you to trust him for in 2019?

Having a word for the year is a popular phenomenon. There are books to read on the concept; there are workshops to participate in. The Dayspring company even offers a multiple-choice quiz to determine your word of  the year. (I took the quiz and was surprised by their suggested word … although it could be a piece of the definition of secure for me.)

But all these helps encourage finding your word as opposed to asking God to reveal your word.

One BIG suggestion – Don’t just think about what you want for the year and come up with a word that describes it, ask God what his word is for you for the year. Then pray for several days, asking God to confirm his choice of a word for you. I believe that this will lead to a spiritually  transforming new year, instead of a word that is no different from a resolution that may not last past Valentine’s Day. And as Grace says below, it helps you live intentionally.

Grace Cho, writer, editor, and speaker said it this way in her article, “Why Finding Your Word Matters” …

“I wonder what God is whispering to your soul as you look toward the new year. I wonder what word He has for you and what ways He’s going to work that word out in your life. He is speaking, and He is wanting you to hear. He wants you to draw near, to be bold in obedience, to stay rooted, and to grow more into maturity in Christ.

Be still, even when things are not, and seek the word He has for you, seek His purpose for the year ahead. Let’s live intentionally this coming year!”

And when you hear from God, and if you would like to share it, I’d be honored to pray for you.

“The faithful love of the LORD never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!””
Lamentations 3:22-24, NLT

and May your experience of God be more real than ever in 2019!

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