God is writing an amazing story through your lives, my GRANDdaughters.
Dear Ashlyn, Naomi, and Leah,
You are living in days when women are in the spotlight, their names lighting up the national news with new career opportunities, new political positions, and their social media feeds announcing their influence by counting their followers.
Jesus never asked us how many people were following us; he asks us to follow him.
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men [or women]”
Matthew 4:19
“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; …
If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”
John 12:26
People’s dreams, gifts, abilities, capacities, visible positions, and fame may lead to lots of followers, but truly there is something greater.
God’s destiny for you is greater than any position.
Life is about living out your God-ordained destiny as his child.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us [you] …
that we [you] should be called the children of God.”
I John 3:1
“In love he predestined us [you] for adoption
according to the purpose of his will.”
Ephesians 1:5
Your destiny is far greater than your potential.
- Ashlyn, 13 and Willow
- Naomi, 8
- Leah Jane, 6 months
Each one of you is a gift to our family and I love you all so much. You have much in common with each other and you are also wonderfully unique.
God knit each of you to together in your Mother’s womb with the wonderful pattern he’d been planning since before the world began. He formed your inward parts, your personalities, your gifts, your desires, your abilities your contributions, your destiny. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Ashlyn, your are artistic, athletic, and musical. I love your beautiful smile and your enjoyment of life. You are both quite brave and aware of your need of security, such a good combination. Your tender heart has been obvious since you were a little girl and caring for your baby dolls. It has grown into your love for the pups in your life, Willow and Charlie. I love praying Psalm 100 for you.
Naomi, I love both your strong will and your tender heart, a combination that shows itself so well as you play with your brothers and boy cousins. And the tenderness toward the Lord and toward baby Leah is a gift to everyone. Like your namesake in the book of Ruth, you are kind. Love is kind (I Corinthians 13) and you love well. Your name means pleasant which reminds me to pray for you that you would realize that “your boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places”, Psalm 16:6.
Leah, I’m still getting to know you. Already you have proved to be a flexible and content baby, qualities that will serve you well as you grow up. In Leah’s story in Genesis 29:31-35, Leah attributes each of her first four pregnancies to God, “because the Lord” (verses 32 and 33). Especially with the birth of Judah, her words were, “This time I will praise the Lord.” (verse 35) May you too always be aware of and acknowledge the Lord at work in and through your life.
And for you all, along with your brothers, Jack, Judah, and Ezra, my prayer for you is,
“And this is my prayer that your love may a bound more and more,
with Knowledge and all discernment,
so that you may approve what is excellent,
and so be pure and blameless for he day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ,
to the glory and praise of God.”
Philippians 1:9-11
“The children of your servants shall dwell secure;
their offspring shall be established before you.”
Psalm 102:28
Even though your lives may not lead to a Supreme Court appointment or to becoming the Vice-President Elect of the United States, Ashlyn, Naomi, and Leah, I have an even greater desire for you. Each of you has a very significant future as you continue to discover your destiny and grow into the women God created you to be.
I’m proud of you!
Mana (to Ashlyn) and Gramma (to Naomi and Leah)
Copyright, Sue Tell, November 2020
Beautiful words of grace and blessing from a wise and grace-filled GRANDma!
Thank you Lana! You are a wonderful affirmer.