Be Ready for the Third Day

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Picturing the Third Day

“and be ready for the third day...” Exodus 19:11

“And he said to the people, ‘Be ready for the third day;”
Exodus 19:15 (italics in both verses, mine)

The Lord was speaking to Moses referencing when God would call him to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Something huge happened on Mount Sinai.

It’s the season of Lent and my mind wandered to another third day, referenced in the New Testament. In Luke 9:22, Jesus foretells his death and his resurrection on the third day,  “saying, ‘The Son of Man must suffer many things … and be killed, and on the third day be raised.'” (italics mine)

And Luke 24:1-12 recounts the resurrection, the first Easter morning, including the timing. “He (Jesus) is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise. And they remembered his words,” Luke 24:6-8. (parentheses and italics mine) Something huge happened on that hill in Golgotha on the third day.

Returning to Exodus, I pondered those six words, be ready for the third day. Questions proliferated …

Is this another place in the scriptures where the message of the Old Testament
continues in the New Testament?

It might be.

An article in The Gospel Coalition*** helped by pointing me to several third day incidences in the Old Testament including the Exodus passage about Moses and the Ten Commandments.

And a more personal question …

How was God specifically asking Moses help the Israelites be ready for the third day? And was God asking something similar of me?

Two general applications were given to Moses: “Go to the people and consecrate them …” Exodus 19:10.
“And you shall set limits for the people …” Exodus 19:12.

Consecrate them and set limits. God shared the specifics.

Although my specific applications differed from the Israelites, I knew what God was whispering to me.

I needed to listen.
I needed to align my heart with God’s heart.
I want to be ready for the third day.
I want to be ready to celebrate the resurrection.

And I’m hearing God whisper, Sue, be ready for the third day. Consecrate yourself; set some limits.
Or possibly, re-consecrate yourself; re-set some limits.

Growing up in the Protestant tradition, a spiritual practice of Lent was not a thing; but the cultural practice was. So among my friends, we talked about what we were giving up for Lent.

Often I pray …
“May the power of your resurrection be my testimony.”
“Help me live with expectancy; the expectancy of resurrection power.”

Exodus 19 is offering an answer to my prayer.

This Protestant girl is giving up exceptions for Lent to create space to be with God and enjoy times of sabbath.

I’ve been letting my practice slip. I’ve been crossing my own limits. It is time for me to once again re-consecrate myself, and re-set my limits, and be (get) ready for the third day!

*** The Gospel Coalition, “How the Old Testament Prepares Us for the Third Day”, April 20, 2019, Justin Dillehay.

Copyright: Sue Tell, February 2023





4 thoughts on “Be Ready for the Third Day

  1. Roslyn Lewis says:

    Growing up in the Salvation Army, I have had no experience, but this stimulates me to look at what it entails. I do understand the ‘giving up’ for a while. My newfound life with recently retiring was based on my desire to give space to seek God and to find inner healing and find joy in Him. I am taking bite-size passages from Sue’s husband’s book “Lay it Down’. This time of pause is vital for me. He says on 87/88 (quote), Ann Voskamp writes, “Perhaps the opposite of faith is not doubt. Perhaps the opposite of faith is fear.” …”…………………”It is our faith in God’s gospel love for us that allows us to approach Him without fear and with confidence and boldness. “In the NT fear of God ——-“silent wonder, radical amazement, affectionate awe” (end quote. In HTLC True face Course I learnt that my primary motivation is key. Underneath all my trying and wanting to love is the deeply wounded spirit of a little child. Fear was the sign that hung like a shingle on the front port of our home. ……How hard it is for those who try to explain to others what this all means. But….on the THIRD DAY HE AROSE and whether I feel it or not, I know truth when I hear it. I pray this time of ceasing from work and giving up will be life changing.

    • says:

      Thank you for sharing a piece of your story so transparently Ros. Your last two sentences ring loudly. Jesus rose … whether I feel it or not; Jesus rose whether I trust it or not. Trust was one of my three big take-aways from HTLC.

      Praying for you too, that your time of ceasing will indeed be life-changing. It seems like you’re on the journey.

      Oh and PS, thank you for the shout out for “Lay It Down”. FMA, sue

  2. Janaye says:

    Thank you for this , Sue. I read it over the weekend. Then in a time of feeling discouraged I went to Hosea 6 and have been mediating on the first 3 verses. And verse two totally made me think of your article. And I’m struck my living before God. Free and vulnerable and loved. To not hold anything back because he is who I live before.

    After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.
    Hosea 6:2 ESV

    • says:

      What a good thought. Thank you for sharing that. I imagine your insights are going to minister to many, like me!
      Hosea 6:3 is a verse I’ve recorded in my journal and pray over regularly. But without your bringing me back to verses 1 and 2, I’ve missed the phenomenal truth God is communicating through Hosea. So a personal thank you! I’m going to do some more pondering. FMA, Sue

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