But I Wrote “But”

Last Thursday I posted about Moses’ staff. It was a message to me about a long-term project God wants me to steward. If you haven’t yet, you might want to scroll down and read Take … This Staff first.

This week I’m introducing Elaine and how God used her to help me discern his will concerning something more immediate.

Our View from our Rocking Chairs

Elaine plopped down next to me on one of the comfortable wooden porch rocking chairs provided by The Wine Country Inn. We were the only two enjoying the view while shaded from the September sun that morning. We’d never met before.

She started the conversation noticing my pen moving across paper left to right as I wrote in my journal.

Are you a writer?
I responded, my confidence surprising me.
Read me what you just wrote.

Remember, we’d never met before. I didn’t even know her name yet.
I hesitated. Wouldn’t you?

She persisted, politely but persistently.

My words were not particularly personal. So okay.

I read her what I had written, a half page bringing an opportunity before the Lord. The last two sentences I wrote before Elaine came by, But I need to listen to God. I have questions.

Elaine picked up on the word but. A former newspaper owner, she dealt with lots of writers and shared this observation.

“When you write the word ‘but’ it negates what you have written previously.
If you write the word ‘and’, the before and the after have equal value.”

I had written “but”.

God used Elaine to lead me to my decision.

A half page scribbled in my journal and the boldness of a stranger led to discernment on how this opportunity fit into stewarding who God is creating me to be. I said ‘no’ to the opportunity.

“The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.”
Proverbs 15:31


Copyright, October 2019, Sue Tell


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