Depression – Walking Into the Darkness

Something different for you this week.

It was my honor to talk with Sharon Betters of MARKINC Ministries about my experience as my husband Bill suffered through a year of depression and severe burnout in 1999-2000.

Brew yourself a cup of coffee or a pot of tea and settle in to listen to our 40 minute conversation. Click here to begin. My prayer as you listen is that God will minister to you no matter what your circumstances.

Thank you, Sharon for this opportunity, a joy for me to be part of your Help and Hope ministry.


Next Thursday: Important Stuff



2 thoughts on “Depression – Walking Into the Darkness

  1. Vic and Monique Woodward says:

    Sue, I listened to your podcast discussion depression. Thank you for sharing it. We think our daughter’s husband is experiencing depression at age 30. I referred her to your podcast. She is pretty stressed about it and what to do.

    • says:

      Hi Vic and Mo,

      I hear you. Depression is scary!! Every time I think we might be heading that way again, all over I review ‘how do I help’, ‘what do I say’, ‘what does love and care look like now’. And perhaps coming out of hiding is the hardest and most healing thing that can happen.

      I’ll pray for your daughter. Is she the one I met in Phoenix last fall?

      Love to you both, sue

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