As I write these words, I’m in the middle of a story. Mom fell and broke her hip on April 3rd. Two days later she had hip-replacement surgery. Then off to rehab, now in assisted living.
Despite what this picture conveys, Mom is 97 years old and up until now living by herself in her home of 50 years. (Doesn’t she look great?) Mom is a retired physical education teacher. Whether on the tennis court, the golf course, or at the bridge table, she wanted good competition and she was there to win. Even now some of her afternoons are spent playing bridge. Broken bones can’t break strong wills.
Mom’s situation, Easter–HE IS RISEN, and the days after the resurrection recorded in Luke 24, collided in my thinking and three principles surfaced that are anchoring these days for me.
Allow My Desires to Lead to Rest and Preparation
The women from Galilee had desires. They knew the proper thing to do for a dead body and their last love gift for Jesus was to anoint his body with spices and ointments. They prepared them, rested on the Sabbath, and then set out for the tomb. Luke 23:55-24:1.
Prepared and rested–these words capture my desire too. As I think about Mom, one way I prepared is by recording seven desires in my journal most specifically for her living situation. I also recorded a desire for me and my sisters as we journey together. We all share her genes.
Being prepared is creating space for expectancy, it is an act of love. Resting is an act of faith.
As I lift these desires to the Lord, I’m learning to rest and live by faith. One of my desires is for Mom’s safety. But does that mean she will continue to live in assisted living, or can she return to her home (her desire)? I don’t know.
Allow Humility to Grow My God Confidence
“We had hoped …” Luke 24:21; “Still they stood there in disbelief …” Luke 24:41. Jesus’ followers stand vulnerably, humbly admitting their (supposed) misunderstanding.
Humility – trusting God and others with me.
As I think about the women and the disciples, I’m encouraged to live vulnerably, to allow disappointment to show.
As Jesus and his followers were nearing Emmaus, he responded to their invitation to spend the night. “As they sat down to eat, he took the bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to them.” Luke 24:30 The broken bread picturing his broken body communicated. Their humility allowed them to believe.
I’m encouraged to listen well and to allow God to open my mind offering belief and understanding. I want to live humbly before God and with my sisters.
Allow Trust To Lead Me To Joy
This narrative in Luke 24 is filled with disbelief and with trust, just like my life.
In my story, I’m trusting that God is leading in paths of righteousness. Psalm 23:3
I’m trusting that the boundary lines put in place by God are pleasant places. Psalm 16:11
I’m trusting in God’s presence even in sadness. Hebrews 13:5
I’m trusting in the midst of fear. “We had hoped …” Luke 24:21
I’m trusting in God’s good plans. Jeremiah 29:11
In Luke 24, trust is preceded by remembering and understanding the scriptures. It results in joy and worship.
The two men in dazzling apparel met the women who went to the tomb that first resurrection morning. They reminded them, “He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you … and they remembered his words,” Luke 24:6,7,8
In verse 32, Jesus himself opened the scriptures to those on the Emmaus road. For me, the Holy Spirit opens them. The result is the same, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us …” My emotional response is often the bridge for me to trust.
Worship and joy conclude Luke’s account. “And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,” Luke 24:52
“… Jesus himself was suddenly standing there among them.
‘Peace be with you,’ he said.”
Luke 24:36