Animating Grace

Normally (But nothing is normal these days, right?) Echoes of Grace comes to you through words. Sometimes, however, echoes of the grace of God come through children’s stories or animated films. This week, I want to share with you two different places I heard echoes of  God’s grace this month. I hope you will too. Enjoy!

Last Sunday as we ‘attended’ Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois, God whispered his grace and love to me through Pastor Kerry.

Click here and you can enjoy his 6 minute children’s sermon. Make sure to invite any young children in your lives to watch with you.

Sometimes the grace of God is spoken through animated movies.

Revelation Media has made their animated film of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress available online for free the rest of April. This story has often been called the next most important book to the Bible. John Bunyan penned these words while imprisoned for this faith in the 1600’s. His message still communicates the grace of God today. Click here to watch the trailer. I bet it will invite you to set aside 2 hours to watch the entire film.

And one more wonderful treat for you, A Psalm of Thanksgiving from Grace Worship. You won’t be able to stop smiling. Click here.

The scripture below is one I pray as I pen Echoes … or as I share children’s sermons or animated films. Will you pray along with me that this indeed will be true? Thank you.

“the church, of which I became a minister
according to the stewardship from God
given to me for you,
to make the word of God fully known.”
Colossians 1:25



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