Advent – Expectation or Expectancy

Before arriving on Harvester, that one-mile by half-mile-wide Island in the Gulf of Alaska, I landed at the Anchorage airport. I stood in front of a huge taxidermied moose, excitement oozing from my being. And I heard the whisper of God.

Sue, release expectations; embrace expectancy.

I understand release and embrace, but expectations and expectancy?
How are they different?
What was God saying?

I went with it – whatever it meant. Was this huge Alaskan mammal a clue?

I had expectations. I was attending a writing workshop after all. I would get help with writing.

And I remember the words of a friend who had gone before, Sue, it is so much more than a writing workshop, it is a wilderness adventure, a soul-stretching, soul-enriching experience. I was all in. And, I thought I understood her words. In the past I’ve attended retreats majoring on my soul. I have led retreats on the same topic. I had expectations of a soul experience.

If I had let those expectations reign, I would have been disappointed. Harvester Island did not echo past experiences.

Sue, release your expectations.
Don’t let your past define your now.
That was hard.

As the week progressed, I found myself telling myself, Sue, be aware; be present. How is God meeting you? That early Holy Spirit guidance was the key to expectancy.

Expectancy is anticipation that rests with God.

The Fin Whales outside the windows of our classroom were the turning point that Tuesday. Our morning writing class finished and we were gathered around our professors who were sitting with their backs to the windows on those tall professor-ish stools. Our questions poured out. Suddenly Fin Whales – lots of them swimming on the surface of Uyak Bay. Along with my other new writing friends, I was facing the windows; and the whales caught our attention. They were letting out the breath they had been holding through those two blow holes on the top of their heads causing water to spout 30’ into the air. Our questions could wait.

The whales became our teachers. Expectancy.

Understanding was dawning.

Expectancy, being present, allowing God to lead.

In the midst of this Alaskan wilderness, in the midst of this writing workshop, in the midst of God’s amazing creation that Tuesday morning something bigger than writing was happening. I was learning worship.

“For his (God’s) invisible attributes … have been clearly perceived,
ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.”
Romans 1:19

God prompted a second time – release my expectations and embrace expectancy.

After my week on Harvester Island, my writing will never be the same.
After my week on Harvester Island, my worship will never be the same.

I learned to embrace how God was leading.
I learned expectancy.

“The difference between waiting for our expectations to happen and waiting expectantly [with expectancy] for this moment to unfold is huge. Being present to what is; this is what matters. What is happening here and now is important. What goes on while I wait may become the foundation for some new undreamed of and unexpected future.”
Adele Calhoun, Invitations from God

“Expectancy is anticipation mingled with joy.”                                                                                                                                      Ruth Chou Simons

I wonder, is this not a good posture to assume as we come into Advent?
Might embracing expectancy look a bit like trust?

That early guidance – be aware, be present – was my key to expectancy. Expectancy rests with God; expectancy allows God to lead; expectancy is anticipation mingled with joy.

God, what would it look like to trust you today with ___________. God, help me to release my expectations for ____________ and embrace the expectancy of this Christmas season. Amen.

Expectation and expectancy have similar definitions. Embracing their nuances is embracing God.
And that has the potential to be transformational.

Expectancy, my word for 2022.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Copyright, Sue Tell, November 2021

2 thoughts on “Advent – Expectation or Expectancy

  1. Aleisha Cate says:

    Hi Sue! Thanks for sharing your heart! I know my Father’s character and that he is revealing himself to me and that’s why I can look around with expectancy. That has been a very special word to me for a long time, too!

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