Glimpses from my journal – God’s Purpose

Our deck, May 21, 2022 – 15″!

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and return not thither but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:10, 11 RSV

Did you notice in the next to last line, the word purpose? And in the last line, prosper? I may not be excited about snow in May, but I’m very excited that the snow pictures for me the purpose that God is accomplishing through the snow and through his word in my life. And more than accomplishing it, his word is prospering it! He is a far more abundant God. Ephesians 3:20.

I floundered. I struggled. My understanding of my purpose did not line up with God’s. No, that’s not quite right. I wasn’t seeing the purpose God designed for me. “God dreams that you would discover your destiny (purpose) and walk into the dreams he place you for on this earth.” TrueFace. God wants me (us) to prosper!

But my struggle was communicating something to me, I needed to listen. I desired that God use my life for his glory. I just didn’t see it happening until that ah-ha moment when I connected God’s love for me and his purpose for me.

“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.”
Psalm 138:8

Not only is God’s purpose for me connected to his love for me, God himself keeps the responsibility for my living out my purpose in his court. He will prosper it; it endures forever.

Another truth I cling to is a verse I’ve known for many years, but didn’t listen well to …

“For we are his workmanship, (my created identity)
created in Christ Jesus for good works, (my purpose)
which God prepared beforehand, (my security)
that we should walk in them.” (my pace)
Ephesians 2:10

So as I regularly meet with God and remember his love for me, I also page ahead in my journal and pray through the scriptures showing me his purpose for me. And I ask, God, what does it look like today for me to live into that purpose you planned for me since before I was born? Check out Jeremiah 1:5. God’s answers are as varied as the days.

“Purpose is the DNA of your soul, knit into you from the moment of conception. It is the pattern from which everything about you originates,. You don’t find purpose. You live and let purpose reveal itself to you.” Sacred Rest, 149.

Truly, my purpose is all bound up in God’s BIG purpose.

“God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling,
not because of our works
but because
of his own purpose and grace,
II Timothy 1:9 (bolding mine)

So we can enjoy our friendship with our far more abundant God.

“My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”
John 10:10, NLT

What scriptures communicate to you God’s purpose for you?

A more June-like reminder


Copyright, Sue Tell, June 2022





2 thoughts on “Glimpses from my journal – God’s Purpose

  1. Sharon Betters says:

    Sue, I love the scriptural richness of your writing. I am in the same season of life and longing to be where the Lord wants me in however long I have left on this earth. Sometimes, I feel anxious because I have so many opportunities but so little time. Your writing helps me refocus. I think I’ll camp out in Psalm 138 and revel in the truth that He is fulfilling His purpose for me. Not sure what that looks like, but it seems I don’t need to know about tomorrow, just today. Keep writing!

    • says:

      Hi Sharon,

      I LOVE that God’s purpose for us is all wrapped up in His love for us. And that His purpose for us is a chapter in his big purpose!!

      You might want to check out Psalm 57:2.

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