Grace Upon Grace

“And from his fullness we have all received,
grace upon grace.”
John 1:16

I’ve been on the receiving end of God’s grace upon grace since Barbara’s memorial service held in the beautiful Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA. In the midst of hard grief, I’m experiencing a banquet of grace.

“He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love.”
Song of Solomon 2:4

Barbara’s service was a banquet of family, of memories, of beauty, of love — given and received, of Truth spoken boldly.

And the banquet of grace is continuing its journey to my heart.

Grief is brutal. It drained my energy. It eclipsed my normals.  I didn’t recognize me.

Light in Darkness

Grace is strong. It is a life-giving balm. It invites me to exhale. It calls me to notice God’s provisions. It is a light in the darkness.

Grace is arriving in many forms: being attentive to what is restorative, like sitting on our deck in the warm Colorado sun (surrounded by snow) while enjoying my morning coffee; or watching a comedy on Netflix; or laughing at the birds fluttering outside my window; or allowing myself to just be.

Grace is the words of truth from friends arriving on beautiful cards or in text messages and emails. Your rejoicing will be indescribable when you two meet again! Yes, Jo! Tears of joy. And this card reiterated Psalm 23:1 this way and awakened again the longing to experience God as my shepherd; When you opened your eyes this morning, the Lord had already gone before you, anticipating just what your heart will need as He walks with you through this time of loss.

Grace is arriving straight from God, from the Word of Truth.

[Jesus is] “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;”
Isaiah 53:3
“Surely he [Jesus] has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;”
Isaiah 53:4

Jesus is well-acquainted with sorrow and grief and he knows how to comfort me in my sorrow and grief. “For the word of God is living and active,” Hebrews 4:12. I’m learning to pay attention.

John 14:27 is coming alive in new ways … maybe for the first time? “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Jesus is offering me the gift of peace. It has its very own platter on the banquet table. I’m taking day-sized bites and it’s a balm to my soul.

Several cards have reminded, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4. Yes, it’s true; I am being comforted in so many ways.

Grace is arriving in the form of original art on this hand-made card. This lovely rose started as a small seed tucked in the earth. God took that seed and created this beauty to bring smiles of joy. Thank you Mary. Your art is exquisite!

It reminds me of the tiny mustard seed that has been ministering to me since November.


Aware of my need. Awake to his grace. This is my mantra in these days.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,”
II Corinthians 12:9


Copyright March, 2020 – Susan Tell











2 thoughts on “Grace Upon Grace

  1. Rebecca says:

    Your soothing words about grief have been good for me to hear. Thank you for walking through your grief journey with grace and sharing that journey and the many lessons grief has to offer. Continued prayers for your journey.

    • says:

      Thank you Becky. Bill and I were away last week strictly for R&R. It was good. I’m beginning to feel more like myself. I appreciate your prayers.

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