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Life is hard. Sicknesses. Physical ailments. Relational disruptions. Death. Emotional distances. Losses abounding. Sufferings all around. Faith tested.

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God’s love seems to be hiding … at least from my human perspective.
The camper was hooked to our car. Our two young GRANDS were safely strapped in their car-seats. We were on our way to Mueller State Park and their first camping experience. Just before our last turn to the left, the road was blocked. The police informed us that a semi truck had turned over and was blocking the entrance to the park. Our camping trip was over before it started.
Three year old Jack querried , Does God know about the truck? Does God know it’s blocking where we want to go?
Isn’t that the question we’re all tempted to ask? Does God know? God, where are you?

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“Abba” is the Aramaic word for Father. It was the everyday language that Jesus uses. It conveys the idea of authority and the intimacy of a loving Father’s care. (ESV study Bible, Matthew 6:9) It’s how Jesus came to God in the Garden of Gethsemane. “And he (Jesus) said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
Mark 14:36.
Earlier this spring I found myself crying Abba Father, take this cup from me. God, do you know? Your love seems hidden.
I knew the answer. God knows.
This new hard wasn’t a blip on the radar of God’s love.
This new hard was an invitation to pray.
This new hard was an invitation to trust.
At first, my prayers centered around the new hard, my current blip, take this cup. At first they didn’t move me to the yet not what I will.
It was the yet not I (in some versions, nevertheless) that drew me back to God. It was trusting the truth of his Word that brought the peace and calmed my heart.
God was not hiding!
Trust unlocks love.
My prayers changed. God’s Word tells me that his love is steadfast. My question changed. God, what would it look like for me to trust what your Word says today; trust in the midst of this new hard. I want to experience your love. Amen.
My new hard is still hard. I continue to pray that God will take this cup away. And I will continue to remind myself to trust his love even in the midst. Trusting his love looks different each day.

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These words, these truths and the rest of Psalm 121 are anchoring my trust.
“My help comes from the LORD,” (verse 2)
Love is not hiding. God is not hiding.
Copyright: Sue Tell, March 2024
Praying for a sense of His presence in your hard!
Thanks Marilyn,
I’ll share more in a few weeks.
How is your healing coming along?
New hards seem to be always coming up lately. I appreciate your words Sue.
A recent time alone with God took me through the following:
Psalm 29:10 “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits enthroned as King forever.” NIV
This verse came up after a rough week of new realities. Ken and I often say, “God was not surprised by this (turn of events)! He did not fall off of His throne.” This was a saying a pastor of ours used to say often in regard to unexpected trouble and difficulty.
God reminded me of the truth of that statement by showing me the verse that said just that. He is enthroned forever as King. I can trust Him even when it is hard He is still King.
I looked it up, the verb “sits” is continuous tense, he was sitting, is still sitting, and forever will be sitting on His throne.
vs 11 says: “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”
Psalm 46:1-5 was the end of my journey through the word that day. “God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble…”
We may be unstable and lacking in trust, but He is very stable and always trustworthy.
Thanks for your thoughts too, Denise. I especially appreciate what you have shared about “sits” being a continuous verb.
We need each other. I love how comments are ministering. Thank you Denise, again. And thank you Connie for your affirmation.
Oh Denise,
Thank you. Such good thoughts. I’m adding them to my journal where I’m processing our latest.
I’ll be sharing more in a few weeks. Love, sue
Yes, we keep getting new hards! My new hard is caregiving for my husband, who was just diagnosed with two more cancers – bladder and testicular. He has two surgeries coming up on Wednesday, March 20. I needed this reminder about how our hards are and an invitation to pray, trust, ask different questions, and know that God knows! Thanks for these good words Sue!
Oh Sandy,
I’m just reading your story now. YIKES! How did the surgeries go? How is your husband doing?
New hards seem to be coming up for me too. Thank you for your words Sue ! God knows and is right in the midst of our hards.
Hi Susan,
Love hearing from you. It’s been a while. Yes, God knows and is in the midst. My challenge is experiencing his knowing. How is that going for you?