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“Let me be so taken by what you show me
and by what you say to me
that your vision and hearing become my guide in life
and impart meaning to all my concerns.”
Henri Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing
What a great scripture and a great prayer for the new year.
Yet, do I live like the paths God chooses for me drip with abundance? Am I allowing God to impart meaning to all my concerns? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I question.
It’s been said that 70 is the new 50. I like that and I don’t like that.
I don’t want to be where I was 20 years ago spiritually.
But I would like to be where I was 20 years ago physically.
And therein is the problem.
When reading an Advent devotional a few weeks ago, the Holy Spirit whispered, I am and I also am.
Do you remember Gabriel’s initial communication with Mary in Luke 1? Gabriel called out Mary’s true identity, O favored one (or greatly loved one), Verse 28. Then Gabriel shared his news and the reason for his visit.
Mary questioned, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Verse 34. Mary responded with truth, surface level truth. Gabriel lovingly and patiently explained.
“And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord;'” Verse 38. I suppose her words could have also been translated with this below the surface truth, I ALSO am.
Mary knew she was a virgin.
She also knew she was a favored one, a servant of the Lord.
She knew both her surface level truth and her below the surface truth.
There are surface level truths that define me — female, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, neighbor and more. And like Mary, I too am a favored one, a below the surface truth.
“and having put on the new self,
which is being renewed in knowledge
after the image of its creator.”
Colossians 3:10
As I read those words, I hear God’s voice, Sue, live from your below the surface truth, your new self. Live out of who I created you to be.
Living from my below the surface truths defines and refines me. I need reminders. As I remember, God’s purposes for me are highlighted. Gabriel was God’s instrument reminding Mary. Reviewing the truths I’ve recorded in my journal are the instruments God uses for me. The rough edges of my life are smoothed; God refines.
This is my desire and my challenge! I am and I also am.
My word for 2025 is intentional. Being intentional is one of my keys for living our of who I ALSO AM! The holidays were a hard lesson. And re-affirmed to me the importance of being intentional.
Next Thursday, January 16, I’m sharing my story about hospitality, and intentional-ity, and living out of my below the surface identity, who I ALSO AM! God’s paths do indeed drip with abundance!
“The unfolding of your words gives light:
it imparts understanding to the simple.”
Psalm 119:130
Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2025
I love the quotes and the scriptures! Thanks, so much for sharing. Your are an encourager!
Thank you Pat. Your taking time to respond is an encouragement to me!!!
Reading John 1 this morning.
Verse 23, “He (John the Baptist) said, ‘I am …” and went on to identify himself with his below the surface identity, with his God-given reality and purpose.
My prayer, Father help me to respond to the queries that comes me my way with the truth of who you created me to be, below the surface truth. Amen.