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First a Surprise … When I write, I control what I share. Not so much on a podcast! A few months ago I agreed to be a guest on the “Lifted to Hope” podcast. In two episodes I share a piece of my spiritual journey that relates to shame and being on the staff of a Christian ministry. Shame, one of the outcomes of believing lies. It’s a bit scary to be vulnerable on a podcast. But I’m reeling in my feelings of insecurity and sharing the links with you. Perhaps God will whisper to you. If so, feel free to share these links.
And now, this week’s post.
I need a uniform for significance.

Kappa Delta Chi, 1969
(not in our tan skirts and blazers)
When I was a student at Hope College, I was a member of a local sorority, Kappa Delta Chi. Like all the other sororities on campus, we were easily identified by our uniform. For us it was a tan skirt and blazer. I wore it with pride. It provided an identity. Everyone knew I belonged. The relationships that grew out of that association were important to me.
And it fed into something I believed. I need a uniform for significance. I needed something to communicate to you, I’m significant.
That was a lie! My significance did not rest on the clothes I wore.
Close to the same time I pledged the sorority, my fledgling faith was also growing. I was learning the basics of my Christian life, like how to grow my friendship with God, how to experience my new identity.
The concept of lies was not a part of those days. But as I’ve learned to trust my identity — the beloved child of God (I John 3:1) — God has been whispering, Sue, are there other things you are placing your identity in? YES!
No longer is it Kappa Delta Chi, but could it be ministry? Could it be being a gramma (my spelling)? Could it be …? What uniform do I feel I need now?
A uniform draws attention to me. My heart is that my life draws attention to God. These are two of the verses I pray over to re-center me, to help me TRUST TRUTH.
“Do not let your adorning be external —
but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart …”
I Peter 3:3 and 4
“We carry this precious Message around
in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.”
II Corinthians 4:7, The Message rendition
My heart is that my life (not the clothes I wear) adorns the gospel. So I pray, God, what does it look like for me to adorn your gospel today?
It was important for me to identify that lie.
It was more important that I identified and replaced it with truth that counteracts it.
It is MOST important that I practice TRUSTING that truth.
Knowledge of truth does not transform.
I need to trust the truth.
When I trust the truth, I experience the truth.
When I experience the truth, I am transformed.
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us,
but to your name give glory,”
for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.”
Psalm 115:1
Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024