I Need You

It was 2008. The plane was packed to capacity. Bill sat in the middle. I was to his left on the aisle. Our friend Lindy was several rows behind. We were on our way to Wisconsin for Bill to officiate a funeral.

35,000′ up his breathing became shallow and rapid. Something wasn’t right. I looked at the child across the aisle, “Please, get a flight attendant — quick!”

The flight attendant came armed with a cool washcloth and an oxygen tank. I also asked for my friend. She would pray. They moved her to the row right behind us.

In the midst of the scary, those times when prayer could calm, I’m hopeless —
I need my people to stand in the gap.

Second verse, same as the first … It happened again last week. I’m in my writing room on my cell phone listening to Mary’s story. Bill comes in. “Just a minute Mary, Bill needs to tell me something.”

“The PA just called. After reading the results of my blood test yesterday, she wants me to go to the ER. She suspects Kidney stones.  A CT scan at the hospital can confirm or deny.”

I say good-by to Mary, gather my car keys and a book, and we left.

Would surgery be needed again like two years ago?

I text our sons and physician daughter-in-law — our own personal doctor.
I text our couple’s group — please pray.
The texting circle widens as I think of more who will pray.

In the midst of the scary, those times when prayer could calm, I’m hopeless —
I need my people to stand in the gap.
Some things never change.

The CT confirmed it.

I go home for the night leaving Bill hooked to IV’s and a blood pressure cuff.

Things moved quickly the next morning. Bill had surgery to remove the stone — only one this time.

But I was shaking.

That same night my friend Diane (unaware of our circumstances) shared a devotional she recently wrote based on Joshua 1:8 and 9.

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“Do not be afraid” or in some versions, “Fear not”.  “‘Fear not’ is the most often repeated command in the Bible, appearing more than 200 times.” Diane Spuler.

Was I afraid? I was shaking. I needed my people.

And our Far More Abundant God provided according to his character.

  1. God provided through the truth of his Word. The scriptures I have recorded in my leather journal in ink and review almost daily spoke peace to my hear. “and he (God) will be the stability of your times…” Isaiah 33:6. God provided stability that day through friends.
  2. Friends who prayed. Kay texted, “You are both being covered!!!” Covered in prayer after I shared how hopeless I am with prayer in times like these.
  3. Friends who ask me questions rather than sharing their similar story.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          After we were home, Bill texted our couple’s group, our Splendid Friends, “Hey all — Bill here. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support for sue…” (bolding mine) Bill knows me well.

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
Corrie ten Boom

“love one another” John 13:34
“pray for one another” James 5:16
“accept one another” Romans 15:7
“serve one another” Galatians 5:13

I’m very thankful for those who stood in the gap on our behalf. Truly, I needed them!
And there were others.

Copyright, Sue Tell, May 2021




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