This flag was presented to my Mom at Dad’s memorial honoring his service to our country in World War II. He was part of the Army Air Force. He rarely spoke of his experience, and I wish now I could ask him more questions. The Silent Generation.
As a child, the Fourth of July, was a fun beginning of the summer holiday. (School never got out until the third week in June.) A big parade started our day and the fireworks ended it with grilled hot dogs and hamburgers sandwiched in the middle.
Living in Colorado Springs, the home of five military installations, and having many friends who have served our country, the Fourth has taken on deeper meaning.
What does the Fourth mean for you?

google image; Happy 4th to you!
“For freedom Christ has set us free;”
Galatians 5:1
Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2024
The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite celebrations. As a kid we would go to the Tampsons. They were good friends of mom and dad and had 5 girls. We were a family of 2 girls and 1 boy so my brother loved going too for a different reason. They had a St. Bernard who was the most loving giant. During the day we played, rode bikes went into the woods and picked wild raspberries. Good wholesome fun. After dark the fireworks went off over the lake which wasn’t too far from where they lived. The long ride home afterwards always put me to sleep. As I grew up the 4th became more important to me as a holiday to give thanks for so much given and done for me and my family. Now it brings tears remembering years past and praying hard for this great country to be even greater, more in tune with God the Father.
Diane, what a lovely memory! Thank You for sharing.