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Bill & Me
It was early morning. My friend and I were sitting in the lounge of the very small airport in Florida waiting for my flight to be announced to wing me over to our staff conference.
It seemed we had been waiting for a long time! I started watching the large round clock on the wall. It was getting closer and closer to the time for the flight. No announcements! We waited. We watched. I was getting nervous.
There was a small plane on the tarmac. Then the small plane started its journey down the run-way.
It was time to ask about my flight.
“Oh, did we forget to tell you that our loud speaker system is not working?”
“WHAT??? Did you even give a voice announcement for the flight?”
(The lounge was small, a microphone not even necessary.)
“No, I’m sorry.”
That small plane on the tarmac was the small plane I should have been on. I missed my flight! I WAS MAD!
I had responsibilities at the conference starting with being one of the greeters welcoming all the attendees. Being a greeter my first identity of the conference.
Being a greeter is NOT who I am; NOT my identity.
But because I was thinking of it as my (at least temporary) identity, missing that plane threatened and the madness I was feeling was out of proportion.
Albeit late, I did get to the conference. My greeter identity was history, but I was susceptible to other false identities. I was susceptible to sin.
“… just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
we too might walk in newness of life.”
Romans 6:4
“So you also must consider yourselves
dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 6:11
My anger announced I was not walking in the newness of life given to me by Jesus. I was believing that my works (being a greeter) was showing myself and others an important identity. It was sin.
It’s NOT who I am!
Paul reminds me, Sue, consider yourself alive to God! Alive to the identity that does announce who I am.
I am the beloved child of God!
This is my identity.
Trusting this identity offers perspective on the frustrations of life … like missed planes. Missing the plane and arriving late did not alter who God says I am. I can relax in His control of me, of situations.
“See what kind of love the Father has given us,
that we should be called children of God;
and so we are.”
I John 3:1, ESV
That is who I am!
That minor crisis and angry response was a yellow flag.
“What God says about me must always
overrule my opinion of myself.”
Bill Tell, my wise husband
Copyright: Sue Tell, Nov 2023
This is so good!! What a great reminder. Thank you for sharing
Thanks Sara! Look forward to seeing you next week! sue