Just … Invaded with Love

When has love invaded you? Or, when have you invaded the life of another with your love?

Sherry invaded us with her love last month. It wasn’t her words — I don’t even remember them — but instead her actions. There she was standing in my kitchen, groceries in hand, pouring out love. She  had texted, I’m at the grocery store. Is there anything you need?

My husband had been released from the hospital. I was the healthy one — but still exhausted from the ordeal of the past several days. I prayed, God, would you nudge someone to bring us dinner tonight, please?

She didn’t bring dinner; she provided the makings. A tomato, head of lettuce, and bacon. (I had the bread.) That was the need. Sherry and her high-school-aged son just showed up. Sherry’s attention to God and their presence in my kitchen invaded our home with love.

They were God’s gracious answer to my prayer.

I don’t have words; I can just offer a hug.
I’m not a good cook; I can just offer a gift card.
Babysitting is not me; I can just offer to take care of your dog.
I live 1,000 miles away; I could just buy you a new skirt and mail it out.**
I don’t __________; I can just ____________.***

Just invading with love.

“The beauty of offering specific help … is that we get to help within our gifting.” Just Show Up, p. 38.

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”
Simone Weil

Will I allow the love of Christ to compel me (II Corinthians 5:14) as Sherry allowed that day last month?

Another friend is struggling with serious cancer. I appreciate that she is keeping us updated with her journey and her prayer requests. I see her from a distance in church some Sundays. I don’t offer a hug. She asked that we give her space. Sometimes being present, and giving attention, is just  not showing up. I do pray.

Because she asked, I don’t physically show up; I just offer my prayers, and sometimes text.

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”
Matthew 10:42, ESV
“Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance.
The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice.”
Matthew 10:42, The Message

**This is the skirt Mary bought for me 4 years ago when I broke my leg. I dubbed it my little black skirt because I’ve worn it so many times. Thank you again, Mary for just doing what you could do from 1,000 miles away.

*** In different situations, at different times, Bill and I have been the recipient of all of these just offers. Everyone was just what we needed.

Just Show Up, by Kara Tippetts and Jill Lynn Buteyn is available on Amazon. Currently the audible book is free. https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=just+show+up+kara+tippetts&crid=IOKR6XY8L7FX&sprefix=Just+Show+Up%2Caps%2C657&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_12



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