Marion Eitemiller – More Than A Friend

March 1, 1935 – October 2, 2021

I walked into the room filled with women I had yet to know. It was March. Outside the gray skies and cold wind encouraged me to quicken my steps.

We recently decided that Village Seven was going to be our home church. Being the extrovert that I am I was anxious to meet my new friends. Ladies Bible study seemed the perfect place to start. And it was.

I walked through the door leaving the cold outside and Marion immediately spotted me and walked toward me offering the warmth of a new friend. That was the first day of a friendship I’m so glad God gifted me with.

Several stories were shared at her memorial service earlier this month about Marion’s warmth and inviting nature. I experienced it that morning.

Hi, I’m Marion. I don’t think we’ve met.

A sigh of relief. Someone noticed. She asked about me. We realized we had lots in common. She introduced me to others. She led me to a small group of ladies who became my Bible study group for the rest of the year. That was the beginning of our 25 year friendship.

Marion continued reaching out. She and her husband Bill were the first to invite us for dinner. She included me when she hosted a few ladies for tea in the afternoon.

I soon learned that not only was Bible study important to Marion, her personal time with Jesus was the highlight of her day. That time flowed into our friendship. We often shared what we were studying and learning. Marion was a breath of fresh air.

Marion believed in me. I remember where we sat at that restaurant with her friend Beth and talked about Bible study. She asked, Sue how do you want to be involved? Her question communicated she trusted me and my walk with God. It led to a new involvement for me.

I loved learning from Marion and many others also noticed her contributions. Marion was the speaker for our women’s missionary luncheon one spring. I still remember her words from Psalm 23. She described God not only as our shepherd, but also as our host preparing for and attending to our needs. Psalm 23 continues to be a personal favorite. And it is one of the scriptures Marion requested as she lay in her hospital bed the last day of her life here on earth. It was read aloud at her memorial service. Tears. I remembered.

Marion was humble. She was quick to ask forgiveness. I too experienced this quality in her personally. It marked me.

Three significant lessons stand out to me from our last few years. Marion was then a widow and living in a senior living apartment. I always loved our time together.

1. Marion was generous. She often invited me to share lunch with her in the lovely dining room looking over Pikes Peak.

She was generous with her time and abilities. When my sister died a few years ago, Marion used her knitting skills to help me make gifts to give to my other sisters and my nieces. Those dishcloths were a reminder of God’s everlasting love with a heart knitted into them.

2. Marion continued to minister. We talked about her returning to the ladies Bible study at our church. Many wanted her to come back. But Marion saw where she was living as her place of ministry. She started a Bible study there with a few of the women. She attended church there. As she ministered where she lived in the past, she continued to minister where she lived. Her time there with her new friends will not be quickly forgotten. The chaplain from the senior living apartments led her memorial service.

3. Marion knew the importance of generations. She spent Tuesday mornings at her computer recording for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren their heritage. Not only sharing their past, also encouraging them with their legacies. I remember one day her showing me her desk and computer where she typed every Tuesday. Kind of like Jesus, she not only told me, she showed me.

I am so glad our lives intersected. Her influence has made a difference in who I am and our together stories will continue to influence me. I’m confident that many share this testimony.

“His master said to him [her],
Well done, good and faithful servant [and my friend] …
Enter into the joy of your master.'”
Matthew 25:21 (bolding mine)


Copyright: Sue Tell, October 2021



23 thoughts on “Marion Eitemiller – More Than A Friend

  1. Carol Van Slooten says:

    Thank you so much for teaching me more about Marion. I loved her, and her husband, as he was in choir with us. I always felt a kinship with her, as she and Carole Mayhall had such a deep bond, beginning in a Bible study.
    I know you will miss her. I felt a deep discernment from her, as she would smile with such radiance.
    Blessings to you with much love. Again, thank you for the beautiful words about our Marion.

    • says:

      Yes Carol, I too knew about her friendship with Carole Mayhall. The Mayhall’s lived in Chicago when we were also in Illinois. But downstate. I remember visiting the Mayhall’s in their home. If I had ever gone with Carole to Bible study, maybe I would have met Marion then.

      She was a very dear friend. I’m so glad God allowed me to know her.

      And so good to hear from you too my friend!!! love, sue

  2. Jacque Olson says:

    Marion introduced us to a group of people when we first moved here 32 years ago. She had all of us over for dinner and the people we met stayed friends. I’ll never forget what she fixed. It was a lemon chicken and the rest of us brought sides. Being invited to someone’s house for dinner meant a lot to me because we had moved far from family and knew no one.

    • says:

      Oh Jacque, thank you for that story!! I know Marion’s family is following along on this post and your words are going to greatly bless them as it has me!

      Love, sue

  3. Chery Flores+Klingsmith says:

    Marion is a woman who also influenced me greatly. Sad to read of her passing, and thankful she is with Jesus.

    • says:

      Hi Chery –

      Marion’s death was a surprise. I was out of town and learned about it from FaceBook. I was so so sad. As you know from reading my words she greatly influenced me as well. I will be forever grateful.

      Thank you for your comment Mrs. Newly Wed!!! love, sue

  4. Sandy Carter says:

    Sue, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful tribute to your friend, Marion! Her story makes me appreciative of the “older” women in my life and how they serve as role models for me, even in my ‘graying’ years. May I leave such a legacy for others.

    • says:

      Yes, Marion was a wonderful friend. And even in OUR graying years, we need those friends.

      I think what made our relationship special was we both thought of it as a friendship, not older woman-younger woman. Her wisdom just happened!

  5. Kirstin Newmaster says:

    A beautiful tribute. She sounds like a wonderful woman! So sorry for your loss. But so glad you. Knew her and for her impact on you!

    • says:

      She was indeed a wonderful woman. And yes, she impacted me greatly. I’m thinking, I need to initiate and reach out more.

      Thank you for your affirmation. love, sue

  6. Karen Getz says:

    Even the photo of Marion exudes warmth!! I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I had a friend in New Zealand share with us to answer the phone in such a way that people can hear the smile on your face. Warmth and care make such a difference in our lives!!! And the love of Jesus shining through a life.

    • says:

      So well said Karen. And the love of Jesus definitely shone in Marion’s life.

      Thank you for taking time to comment. love, sue

  7. Aleisha Cate says:

    Your tribute to this amazing lady is stunning! She must be smiling at you as she waits in the Cloud of Witnesses—still encouraging you and pointing you to Jesus Christ. Wow! What a beautiful impact and influence this wonderful saint had in your life. You, in turn, get to be that for others—like me!

    • says:

      Yes, dear Marion impacted me on big ways … and you know I keep remembering more!
      She was a special gift for me.

      Thank you for noticing, Aleisha. Love, sue

  8. Marion Stolte says:

    Sue, I loved reading about your friend Marion E. What a treasure and such a lovely, godly woman. How lovely to be able to reflect on people like that whom God has graciously brought into our lives. A tremendous impact.

    And you carry those qualities forward as you reveal our Lord to me (and others).

    • says:

      Thank you Marion for blessing Marion’s family. There must be something special for ladies named Marion! Love sue

  9. Shannon Crosley says:

    Marion was such a wonderful mentor! She and I led a Bible Study and I gained and learned so much from her wisdom and gentle spirit.

  10. Marilyn Nyquist says:

    It is truly a gift and a blessing to read the comments all of you have shared here. Thank you Sue for getting this conversation started. Marion, my mom would only be pointing us to Jesus and away from herself if she was commenting here!
    Ps 92:12-13 – Let’s press on to be counted among those , along with Mom, who are still bearing fruit into old age, full of sap and very green, declaring the faithfulness of God.

    • says:

      Love Ps 92:12-15 … I’m with you Marilyn, let’s cheer each other on to still bear fruit when our hair is silver. Hmmmm, a loose rendition.

      • says:

        From Kay Friedenstein – Just wanted to send a “thank you” for your post about Marion. She was a special lady/friend to so many. I appreciated your remembrances of your times with her. She was – and still is – a great role model!

        Kendra Kammer – Oh, I’m so sorry to hear of her passing!

        Janet Colton – She treated me like a long lost friend, very gracious and loving! She will be missed, especially her smiling face!

        I copied these comments from other places where some responded. I know there was at least one more from Sue Bush. Please forgive, I seem to have lost it.

        Your Mom left a wonderful legacy. May you be blessed, Sue Tell

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