My Christmas Story, My Foundation for 2021

I was 6 months old my first Christmas, the first grandchild on Dad’s side and the first granddaughter of Mom’s side. I was a special gift to my family. I was loved. That never changed. These are Mom’s parents.

As I grew the secular Christmas celebration inter-twined with the sacred. There was no confusion — both were Christmas.

The traditions of the Christmas Eve Candlelight service, singing Silent Night and Joy to the World flowed right along with the tradition of Santa, gifts, stockings, and a very special family dinner. All were Christmas. I loved it all.

Gradually, slowly, like the sunrise at dawn, there was a dawning in my heart. The sacred that Christmas celebrated became for me the truth of Christmas. More than the love I experienced as a baby, I now experienced a new love, a deeper love, an everlasting love, a love accompanied by purpose.

The traditions of Santa, gifts, stockings, and that special dinner continued. I still love these pieces of Christmas. But now, the reason we were celebrating and giving gifts led.

Christmas is a grand and true story.
Christmas invites many players, players like me and you who keep telling the story.
Christmas invites me and you, like Mary, to consider, reflect, wonder, and respond.

How am I playing my part?
How will I play my part in 2021?
How will you play your part in 2021?

I’m pondering these questions. Each Thursday in January  right here on Echoes of Grace, I’m going to share a piece of my answers,

answers I’m realizing that were born in the midst of hards,
answers grounded in 4 different scriptures,
answers helping me discover God’s heart for me,
answers that are  leading me to my word for 2021.

I hope you’ll come by each week and follow this unfolding story.

One thing I know, I want to keep my focus on THE LIGHT,  just like my 8 month old GRANDdaugher, Leah.

“Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant…'”
Luke 1:38, NLT

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22,23

May you experience his new every morning mercies in 2021!

Copyright, Sue Tell, December 2020


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