If you missed reading last week’s post, My Nothing — God’s Hovering, please scroll down for the background to these words.
N — Nothing An
O — Ordinary Word
T — Turns
H — Holy
I — In the
N — Nearness of our
G — Good, generous, & gracious God.
This wasn’t always my practice. Actually time with God looked more like a check-chart. Have I read my Bible? Have I thought about how I might apply what I’ve read? Have I reviewed that verse I’m trying so hard to memorize? Have I prayed? Have I done it all? Is God pleased?
My time with God didn’t look like a relationship; it was more like doing what I’m supposed to do.
After all, I’m a Christian.
Thankfully, that way of being with God has morphed over the years into relating, into friendship.
If you could see our deck on a beautiful Colorado morning, you’d see me too. Sitting with my coffee, the view, the Colorado sky, the trees, the birds who visit. Yes, my cell phone too — on silent — ready to capture the God-created beauty surrounding me. Quiet is defined by the breeze through the trees, the chatter of the birds, and an occasional plane overhead. I listen. It is good.
I start my morning experiencing the holiness of nothing. Or is it something? I’m starting my morning anticipating the voice of God. He is hovering waiting for my ear.

Rabbi Abraham Heschel
My offer from last week still stands. I would like to send you a small gift. If you follow Echoes of Grace, respond to my note with your address. If not, please send me your address to sue@suetell.com.
If you’d like to talk more about doing nothing and anticipating God, I’m here.
Copyright, Sue Tell, October 2020