Older Women Still Need Older Women

me and Jean Fleming

I don’t remember when I first wrote those words in my journal. Although as I’ve continued my journey and can now claim older status, I know for sure that God whispered an important truth to me that day and it has resonated ever since.

Discipleship, or encouraging others in their walks with God, is not only something I offer, it is something I need. Older woman still need older woman! Age is not a factor.

Recently, having decided to write a manuscript on rest, I knew I wanted … no, I needed … help. Might it turn into a book? I don’t know. However with that thought floating in the background, I began reaching out to others who have gone before me, other authors, others I thought might help. My hour-long phone call with Jean reaffirmed to me, older woman still need older woman.

I initiated. Jean, I’m thinking about … what are your thoughts? Will you share your wisdom with me? Jean immediately went into question mode, her wisdom pouring out. I could hardly write fast enough.

Building on my desire to write, she encouraged me to be a Mary (the mother of Jesus). The word ponder immediately came to mind.

Jean encouraged me to think about my ah-ha moments. What was I doing when they came? Was I at home sitting with my open Bible, or perhaps on a walk with my dog, or???

She encouraged me to not rush through the process.

She shared her writing journey. I was amazed by how her desires overlapped with mine.

Jean is an affirm-er. Each time I’m with her or have talked on the phone, she has verbalized the God-given gifted-ness she sees in my life. I have always left knowing she believes in me.

Jean used the project God has given me to continue to help me mature in my faith. Her questions led me behind the project, to my friendship with God, and propelled me in ways I hadn’t previously connected. Her wisdom influenced my writing process. I knew she was vested in our friendship. Thank you, Jean!

I have other older women in my life as well. Each is a precious gift. Each has encouraged me with their unique contributions. Older women still need older women.

Who are the older women in your life?
How can you create opportunities to connect with them?
Is God asking you to be an older woman to another woman?

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior…
They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women…
that the word of God may not be reviled.”
Titus 2:3-5

PS. If you haven’t read Jean’s book, Pursue the Intentional Life, I highly recommend it. It has all 5-star ratings and on Amazon the audio format is currently free.

4 thoughts on “Older Women Still Need Older Women

  1. Sandy Marthaler says:

    This is so good Sue —- yes, I get so much good from hanging with my “older” friends!
    SO much support and encouragement and affirmation to be found! I recognize the first pic from the retreat at Glen Eyrie a while back — Feb 2015 I believe. found memories. I appreciate you Sue and even though I don’t see you often, I value my friendship with you!

  2. Sue Tell says:

    You’re right. It was the Glen Eyrie retreat. I also called Sally with my question. Her response of considering my writing worship was so very encouraging. Thank you for your encouraging comment my friend.

  3. Linda Morgan says:

    How wonderful, Sue! At this “mature” age I have reached, I often find myself thinking, “What am I supposed to be doing right now?” (Life circumstances determines some of that, of course). However, when we were little girls, I think most of us hoped we would grow up to be wives and mommies and have homes to take care of. We had a purpose and areas of service for which to aim. Just recently a friend (my age) and I were talking at church and she said she now feels so irrelevant. As long as our Lord leaves us on this earth, there is a plan and purpose and we do need others to come alongside to encourage.

    • sue@suetell.com says:

      Yes, Linda. I agree, “As long as our Lord leaves us on this earth, there is a plan and purpose …”

      I’m quite sure one of your purposes is ENCOURAGEMENT!!! It seems so natural to you and you do it so well. I’ve seen your words to many and they are always kind and appropriate.

      You, my friend, are one of my “older women”. Or maybe we’re peers. đŸ™‚

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