Raccoons and Purpose

A story about raccoons? Yes. Perhaps the two questions at the end make this a raccoon story worthy of your time. Read on, my friend.

2:30 a.m. The noise wakes Bill; Bill wakes me. The edge of my side of the bed a mere two feet from the sliding glass door often opened to our deck in the summer … even overnight. That six inch opening made the outer screen the only shield between us and the night.

The screen with its tiny holes welcomes the cool air and the sounds of the night.

That night it was the sound of three raccoons, perhaps a momma and her babes, two kits.

We moved to the kitchen door around the corner for a better view. What we saw captured all my breath, and pushed me back from the door and screen.

Quickly I retrieved my camera – the one conveniently part of my cell phone.

Momma raccoon had climbed to the edge of the roof, to the top of the downspout, just inches from where the hummingbird feeder hangs. The kits waited below for a sweet middle-of-the-night snack. Hummingbirds aren’t the only critters loving my home-made recipe of sugar water.

Momma, from her high post, turned the feeder upside down letting the sugar water spill out. Smart critters, those raccoons. The kits licked appreciatively; Bill and me watching in wonder.

Where did those raccoons come from?
Where is their daytime den?
How did momma coon discover our hummingbird feeder?

Their masks reveal them. Often a mask is a way to hide. Not so for these critters caught red-pawed.

Up in the middle of the night, I used the opportunity to visit the bathroom. I returned to the kitchen door. The entertainment gone; off to their next night time caper.

Momma raccoon knew her created design and purpose – to provide for those kits. Perhaps she too licked some of the sweetness from our deck floor. I didn’t see it.

She discovered the treat; she brought her kits; she lived her purpose.

What about me …
Do I know the source of my nourishment and even how to find special treats?
Am I living my purpose and my God-ordained responsibility to feed and nourish others?


Copyright: Sue Tell, August 2021


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