Receiving Love – Guest Post

Once again I want to share a post from one of my friends. This quarter Kristen and I are in the same Sunday School class … oops, Sunday Community. (Some things just die hard.) When I read her words, they touched my heart and I knew I wanted to share them with you.

Sometime receiving just seems so difficult. This winter as I struggled with some physical issues, the thought of having to receive love in newer ways from my husband was hard for me. I have no problems with offering love. But somehow receiving touches my pride. OUCH!

When Receiving Love Feels Like the Hardest Thing to Do

Have you been following Echoes of Grace for a while? If so, you might remember I wrote about receiving during Advent. Some lessons just need to be learned over and over.

Even though Echoes is on a semi-sabbatical, I’ll be popping in occasionally to share good stuff with you.


2 thoughts on “Receiving Love – Guest Post

    • says:

      Hey Kristen, It’s a joy to partner with you. And to realize I’m not the only one. Ah-hem.

      This Thursday, May 9 I’m posting a follow up. Hope you’ll come by. love, sue

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