My Fin Whale Saga

Traveling to the wilderness of Alaska was a daunting thought. I’d never been to Alaska, let alone a small island without cell service or wi-fi, or even flush toilets! There was no Walmart for those last minute whatevers. I experienced the last frontier.

It was an expensive venture. After the 737s to Anchorage and then Kodiak Island, Beaver float planes, Cessna’s carrying no more than 9 of us, or a metal skiff (think large row boat) with an outboard motor transported us to Harvester Island.

Looking back over 2021, my Alaska trip to the small writer’s retreat was a BIG highlight.

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
‘This is the way, walk in it,'”
Isaiah 30:21

Long before those 737s winged me north last September, the process began, the way started. It was a long walk before stepping on that big bird.

A year ago, on another island in a very different climate, I sat for two weeks overlooking the

Our Writing Studio with Fin whales bones at the entrance.

Caribbean pondering the story of Jonah and his Fin whale experience. Never did I expect that it would be the first step in my own Fin whale story.

But it was.

Last month during Advent, I thought again about those names for the child recorded for us in Isaiah 9 … Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. It was an ah-ha time for me. As I walked the journey culminating on Harvester Island, God was indeed all those for me.

In considering this opportunity, I reached out to eight trusted friends asking for their wisdom. Their encouragements, questions, and even concerns were so helpful. Through them I experienced God as my counselor.

Mighty God refers to the title for the LORD himself. I was reminded of Psalm 37:5, “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.” This potential adventure was so far beyond my experience, I needed my Mighty God, the LORD to work on my behalf. From finances, to Covid tests, to new friends, the many details to trust God with sometimes overwhelmed.

Everlasting Father describes a benevolent protector. We boarded the plane in Anchorage to go to Kodiak Island. Luggage stowed, seat-belts fastened, and then the pilot’s welcoming message, “We are taking off, but the weather is not good. We will make one attempt to land in Kodiak. If that one attempt fails, we’ll return to Anchorage.” Many prayers were sent off on that short flight. About 30 minutes later, “The weather hasn’t changed. I’ll make our one attempt to land. It doesn’t look good.” I tugged on my seat-belt tighter. More prayers. Then, “Flight attendants, prepare for landing.” My breath stuck in my throat. On how my benevolent protector was needed! He was faithful.

There were many opportunities to trust God’s gift of peace over those nine days. I prayed a lot. Peace was sometimes elusive … like when the small barge I was on steered so very close to those huge Fin whales swimming on Uyak Bay! Again, I held my breath. Those whales could have toppled our barge. Remembering back, my Prince of Peace held me tight!

photo courtesy of Mary Hargrave

Looking ahead to 2022, I don’t know the circumstances that God will orchestrate asking me to trust Him as my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Alaska taught me about expectancy, the expectancy of God showing up in those moments I needed Him.

It’s not so much a new year’s resolution as it helps define who I want to continue to be, a woman of expectancy.

God, please grow my knowing.
Help me to listen for your whispers.
Help me to look for your love.
Help me to lean into your truth.
Help me to live with expectancy,
the expectancy of knowing you …
my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Expectancy is my word for 2022. What is your word?

Copyright, Sue Tell, January 2022

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