Short-Changing God

Short-Changing God, that’s what I’d been doing.

Do you see it, the scripture reference on the bottom left hand corner?

Bob and Pat were one of many who penned that very same verse on the cards we received for our wedding. Truly, the many! It was like all our friends were in cahoots about what was important to communicate to us.

“… No good thing does he withhold
from those who walk uprightly.”
Psalm 84:11b

Our friend Karen even made a calligraphy of those words and framed them for our wedding gift.

God wasn’t whispering, he was shouting, Bill and Sue, you who are my traveling companions, here’s my commitment to you, no good thing will I withhold.

And yes, we needed that commitment. It was one of the first scriptures that Bill and I prayed in our early married days. We were trusting God to provide money for food and rent, truly the basics.

As time went on, we started a personal, private prayer list. We were asking God for some very special things … and not sharing these desires with anyone else. We were asking God for some bonus good things.

Bill plays the piano and it is a significant way that he enjoys the presence of God. A piano went on our private prayer list. You guessed it. One day a church friend called and asked us if we would like their upright piano. Thank you, God … and our friends.

“For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor.”
Psalm 84:11a

Context is important! We had been concentrating of the last half of Psalm 84:11. The first half causes me to bow in humility. In his giving of good things, he is protecting and honoring us.

But just last fall, 46 years into our marriage, my friend Kate pointed out verse 12. Context is important!!

“O LORD of hosts,
blessed is the one who trusts in you!”
Psalm 84:12 (bolding mine)

Trust — one of my key lessons of 2018. I heard myself saying that word lots! Here it was again, part of the context of scripture that has been so important since day 1 of our married life. The psalmist is affirming those who trust that God is the giver of all good things, are a blessed people.

According to my Bible notes, the purpose of Psalm 84 is to cultivate delight … to write deep into our souls … the joy and pleasure of God’s house. Those who know this delight are indeed blessed. They are not short-changing God.

“For the Lord God is brighter
Than the brilliance of a sunrise!
Wrapping Himself around me like a shield,
He is so generous with His gifts of grace and glory!
those who walk along His paths with integrity
Will never lack one thing they need,
For He provides it all!
O Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
What euphoria fills those
Who forever trust in You!
Psalm 84:11, 12 from the Psalms, Poetry on Fire

I’d love to hear your stories too.



2 thoughts on “Short-Changing God

  1. Sandra Marthaler says:

    Yes, it certainly is all about trusting and obeying —like the song says – we will be happy in Jesus if we do those two things. Dan and I have been married for 46 years as well ,and now we have a wonderful perspective we did not have as newlyweds. We have been through many toils and snares along the way for sure! Dan is on the other side of four horrible addictions that nearly destroyed us and our marriage. Neither one of us were Christians when we married. We have weathered a lot, but God has been with us every step of the way —- we will continue to trust Him who holds us in his hands! Thanks for your wonderful words Sue, and your reminder to continue to trust God no matter what comes our way!

    • says:

      Oh Sandy,

      I love your words. And truly they are a great introduction to my posts the next two weeks.
      *** God is present with us!
      *** Trust is the key!
      Thank you for sharing your words. I know they will minister to many.

      Love, sue

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