Steward Your Emotions – Guest Post

“Fear and anxiety are protective emotions …

Anger and frustration are informative emotions …

Grief and disappointment are adaptive emotions …

Joy and happiness are sustaining emotions …

All of our emotions are allowed. None of them are bad. They’re just not the boss.”
Holley Gerth

Whatever You’re Feeling Today Is Okay

I found Holley’s article so very helpful. Fear, frustration, grief, and joy have all been my companion at different times this past week. Do you identify? Click on Holley’s article above to read all her words.

“Steward your emotions and tell yourself truth.” Mark Bates from his Psalm 23 sermon, 2017.

In the midst of COVID-19, one of the truths I’m trusting to steward my emotions in the midst of my frustration of losing control  (I didn’t realize how important control was to me) of my calendar is Psalm 138:8, “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”

What emotion has you the most tangled up?
What truth are you claiming to steward your emotions and speak calm to your heart?
How can I pray for you?


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