“He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love.”
Song of Solomon 2:4

Greenhorn Peak, our view from our porch
We left for our Sanctuary in the beautiful Wet Mountains on July 31. We had plans.
Live there for the entire month of August. Check.
Rest. Check.
Work on our writing projects. Nope!
We found ourselves once again experiencing that long-ago memorized scripture …
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
plans for welfare … to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Early in the month we realized this was a sacred time reinforcing to us that Life is Precious. We were experiencing this life in a new way.
Life is Precious
Life in a different Place
Life at a different Pace
Life on the Path
Life offering a different Perspective
I penned these words on August 10. They proved true all month. Rest was different than our expectations. It was good.
“It’s not the experience that brings transformation,
it’s our reflection upon our experience.”
Jan Johnson
Several words described our month. Experience tops the list. Our different path, the different place, and our different pace provided the experience leading to perspective. As I reflected upon our August experience, many ah-has surfaced or re-surfaced.
The menu for our banquet was simple: simple meals, simple schedule, simple joys.
Early on I realized this banquet eliminated shoulds. I should check in with this friend. I should get this project finished. I should research rest. I should … Subtracting the shoulds was so restful.
I also did some adding. I added two new pages to my leather journal and reviewed the scriptures on these pages almost daily. Pondering these familiar words from a different perspective shined the light on their truth in a new way. The two pages I added: How God Views Me and How God is Glorified.
I realized that reading is very restful for me. I read several novels this summer and a few non-fiction too. My favorite novels were The Sensible Shoes series. And I heard the voice of God through And Yet Undaunted. This book led to my two new journal pages.
I experienced God shining his flashlight on two of my life-principles recorded in my journal: I don’t need to create ministry and Friendship is Influence. Stay-tuned. I’ll be sharing a very special story with you.
As I’ve been reflecting on our experience, I’m appreciating the freedom God allows with daily choices.
I’m learning about capacity. Understanding my capacity is the first step. Then I must protect the capacity God gives. This is sometimes hard for extrovert me.

Western Bluebird
I’m enjoying a new hobby, thank you to our son Jeff. Identifying birds.
This is one of my favorites. I like the colorful ones best.
The simplicity of August was a banquet of rest orchestrated for us by the God who loves us.
What was your summer like? How was it for you? Click on the comment tab and please share. I’d love to hear about your summer too.
“Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him …”
Deuteronomy 33:12, NIV (italics mine)
Copyright: Sue Tell, September 2020
We left home in Minnesota on July 22 to spend two weeks with my husband’s parents, knowing this was likely his mom’s last year on earth. It ended up being her last three weeks on earth. But was a sacred privilege it was to escort her to heaven’s gates. There’s nothing like the five and half weeks we were gone to strip away all the extra “s’s” and a whole bunch of other letters from our lives. I cherish those simple, sweet moments.
Our August has also caused Bob and me to evaluate our own capacities. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts in the coming weeks.
Oh Cheri,
Walking through the valley of the reality of death is so hard. I am glad you were able to be with Bob and his Mom in those sacred days. May you and Bob know God’s presence in these days as you continue your journey.
And lets keep sharing. I learn so much from you!