A mature Ash Tree; Ames, Iowa.
We said good-by to the 3CA Fall Fellowship Retreat and our 60 new friends yesterday, the truth of God’s unconditional love echoing in my heart and mind.
Although not new to me, I heard and received it with a new depth of understanding.
This morning I’m remembering, reviewing, and basking in this very good news, God loves me unconditionally.
Today the sky is gray; the wind is blowing; the rain is blurring my vision. Together with this beautiful Ash tree outside the window, God creates a canvas and an atmosphere conducive to listening. This morning, an invitation and a gift, and I’m responding yes and thank you.
The messages at the retreat, the truth of the gospel, that God loves me unconditionally was taught from the scriptures. Quotes from respected, well-known theologians reinforced the words. Personal testimony brought it to life. I listened, and absorbed, and wondered.
Often my life testifies differently. Do I really believe this?
As he finished his message, he asked — If this is true that God loves us unconditionally, and he does, why do we have such a hard time believing it?
Just like pop-corn, the answers came. I cringed; I identified.
We live in a performance driven culture. Starting as young children, performance is rewarded — stickers, grades, medals to hang from bulletin boards all shouting we performed well. I wonder, is there another way to encourage?
Affirmation affirming who God created us to be offers joy, brings awe, and humility. I want to grow in affirming, helping others see who God created them to be. I want to help others believe God’s unconditional love.
We don’t know how to receive. Almost every Christmas I heard these words, oh you shouldn’t have. The receiver couldn’t receive with grace. Accepting, believing, trusting, receiving unconditional love is counter-cultural. God offers it; I stumble. I really want to believe.
I’ve needed to learn and practice the spiritual discipline of receiving. Starting with baby steps, I pray, God, what would it look like to trust this truth today (to receive the benefit of what you promise?) I bring my prayer to an end, and sometimes — just sometimes — I hear God’s answer right away. More often I say amen and have no idea how God wants me to trust him yet I’m anticipating his answer.
We are controllers. We want to control what God’s unconditional love looks like. I’ll only believe it if I understand it. Our vision is so narrow. God says, “My ways are not your ways.” Isaiah 55:8. Am I willing to allow God to be God?
Many other reasons were offered. With each I needed to come back to the truth that God’s love is unconditional.
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.”
John 15:9
“So we have come to know and to believe the everlasting love that God has for us.”
I John 4:16 and Jeremiah 31:3 combined
“There is tremendous relief in knowing that His love is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery can disillusion Him about me … and quench His determination to bless me.” J.I. Packer, Knowing God
Copyright, Sue Tell, October 2020
Hmmm… Great words when I feel like a complete failure. It boggles my mind that God loves me when I am so against myself. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh Becky, I think you have realized something big!! Thanks for sharing. Perhaps the challenge for you is to ask God to show you from his Word, his truth about his unconditional love for you.
Truly, I NEED to review that almost every day and ask God how he wants me to trust it. My forgetter is in good shape!