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When a scripture … one I’ve not noticed before pops up in your reading twice in one week, you (I) pay attention!
“You crown the year with your bounty;
your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.”
Psalm 65:11
How many times have I read through the Psalms? LOTS! And never noticed those two words, wagon tracks. My bad.
God’s wagon tracks overflow with abundance! All of David’s words in this Psalm exalt God and remind.
Verse 1 — God is due my praise.
Verse 2 — God listens to my prayers.
Verse 3 — God forgives.
Verse 4 — God chooses and brings us near.
Verse 5 — God responds.
Verse 6 — God creates.
Verse 7 — God quiets.
Verse 8 — God controls time.
Verse 9 — God cares for and provides.
Verse 10 — God waits; God prepares; God blesses
Verse 11 — God’s wagon tracks are overflowing with abundance!
Verse 12 — Even in times of wilderness, there is joy.
Verse 13 — Joy!
As I once again read and re-read these words, I plugged in my reality. My right-now circumstances. I pondered them in light of God’s truth. With His waters, He is settling me, softening me, and readying me for the blessing of growth. (verse 10). I see the faithful wagon tracks of God.
In her book, The Spacious Life, Ashley Hales also references God’s wagon tracks and then points us to our wagon tracks.
“Spiritual disciplines are like well-worn wagon tracks, the ancient paths that we follow because they’ve been cut out by a competent guide and found to be good and effective ways of traveling through terrain. Wagon tracks aren’t sexy, but they do mark out the faithful way.” (page 54).

Jeremiah 6:16
The ancient paths, the spiritual disciplines, wagon tracks, the good way. Rest for your souls. Ahhhhh!
An interesting thought is the muddier the terrain, the deeper the wagon tracks.
We’ve experienced muddy terrain in our family the last several weeks. Both our sons had one of their vehicles rear-ended. Are my wagon tracks helping me to see those hards in light of God’s wagon tracks?
What are your wagon tracks that allow you to see God’s wagon tracks in your life?
I’ll share mine in my letter to the followers of Echoes of Grace.
Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2024
Something I started during the lockdown of Covid, shortly after my mom’s passing, and while caring for my dad with dementia along with our young family, has become a transformational wagon track. While so simple, it has been revolutionary to my heart and mind. When I first come to my quiet time with Jesus, I write down 10 things I’m thankful for, sometimes about God and His character and heart, sometimes about life, the day before, or sometimes small things. I don’t worry about repeating things from one day to the next, coffee and our fluffy dog, Happy, has appeared on there often. As I write, I thank our Father for these gifts from Him. It has helped me see Him working even in the most difficult of days, His whispers of love, His loving arms under and around me. It reminds me of His presence, His care, His love even in the smallest of details. It turns my eyes to the eternal. It has filled me with joy and thankfulness. It is no wonder He writes these words so much to us, “Remember,” and “Give thanks to the Lord” and “Rejoice!”
Oh Christine,
That is a great spiritual discipline. What a wonderful way to focus. I bet it has lifted many heavies as you close your journal and enter your day.
Thankful for you and for your sharing your idea. Sue
Thanks, Sue. Love this!!! I needed this tonight.
You’re welcome!