With Thanksgiving, 2021

This year there are six of us around our dining room table. Friendship, a wonderful gift from God. And the friendship of these couples blesses us.

You who are reading these words are friends too. I am so thankful for each of you. May your Thanksgiving be blessed.



Our family is spread far and wide. We’ll talk, perhaps zoom with them on Thanksgiving day. We are thankful for technology that even the youngest … well except for 19 month old Leah has learned to use.

Jack and Ashlyn are our teen GRANDS and live in Kansas, so close and yet so far. Judah, Naomi, Ezra, and Leah are all in South Carolina, an airplane trip away.

A special 2021 treat was sister Penny visiting with her family in May. Here we are touring the Glen Eyrie castle.

We also visited with Bill’s sister this fall in Minnesota.
This picture is from our 2019 visit.



Pictures of friends go on and and on and on. Friendship is a high value for me. You are important and I’m thankful for you. These are our Splendid Friends as we call ourselves. We have been getting together monthly for almost 20 years to share a meal and walk together into our grandparent years. Much to be thankful for. And sometimes we even travel together! On the left we’re in Estes Park.

Earlier this month I wrote about Marion, one of my older women. I miss her lots. And I’m thankful for these ladies too who by their lives and their vocation are always ministering to me. Leslie Leyland Fields (not older in age) led our time in Alaska. Her writing and her words mentor me in my writing.

And here are a few more friends we were blessed to cross paths with this fall in Illinois.

Copyright: sue tell, November 2021



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