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My new Journaling Bible and Devo book
The boys were in middle school. The calendar had just turned to 1990. We lived in California. I remember our dinner table conversation that New Year’s night. What were our resolutions for the year? I rebelled. I wasn’t making a resolution. They intimidated me. I knew I was setting myself up for failure.
Several years later I learned about the concept of a word for the year. Since 2017 that has been my habit. Okay, admittedly some years my word didn’t last in my memory much past the end of January — you know, kind of like those resolutions I used to make.
But some years they have greatly helped me grow in my faith. 2019 was one of those years. My word was secure from Deuteronomy 33:12. To this day, I pray over that verse almost every night.
Expectancy was my word last year. Again, this has greatly influenced my friendship with God as I’m learning to let go of expectations and cling to expectancy. I pray over this concept regularly as well.
Listen is my word for 2023.
This has been a growing conviction since the beginning of December.
It started with our sermon that first Sunday of Advent. Our pastor pointed us to Isaiah 11:1-9. Verse 9 reads in part, “… for the earth shall be full of knowledge of the LORD…” The word knowledge stood out. I thought about II Peter 3:18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Mary mentioned her word for 2023 — trust. I hadn’t been thinking about a word.
Bill encouraged our Sunday school class to read through the Bible in 2023.
Then he gave us a check chart to record our progress.
How can I grow in knowledge if I don’t read?
How can it be more than an academic pursuit if I don’t listen to God while reading?
“… Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourself in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live …”
from Isaiah 55:2 and 3 (emphasis mine)
Listen — my word for 2023.
Isaiah 55:3 — my verse for 2023.
Many times I’ve spoken on listening and shared these verses in retreats that I lead. Now it is time for me to tune in to the whispers of God … Sue, are you listening?
My morning prayers often start with these desires,
God, please grow my knowing.
Help me to listen for your whispers.
Help me to recognize your love.
Help me to lean into your truth.
Hmmmm, God is answering my own prayer. I am convicted.
I asked for a Journaling Bible for Christmas. (Pictured above.)
I also received Henri J.M. Nouwen’s devo, You Are The Beloved. (Also pictured above.)
In the January 1 meditation, Nouwen shared …
“Imagine that we could walk through the new year
always listening to the voice saying to us:
‘I have a gift for you and can’t wait for you to see it!'”
(bolding mine)
To encourage my listening, I’m using an app that reads the Bible to me. I’m reading and listening at the same time. And I’ll pause to journal as I hear the whispers of God. I’m excited for 2023 and listening to God. May you too, be excited about the word God has given you.
In 2019, I shared some thoughts about choosing a word. Here is the link,
Blessings to you in 2023.
Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2023
This is wonderful! I wanted a journaling Bible as well! Love how God is so intentional and repetitive. I’m still working on my word….might end up being two if that’s allowed. Ha ha!
Hi Sara,
You make me laugh. One of my words one year was hyphenated. Kind of two words!!
I encourage you to also read the 2019 post that I linked. It might help you as you ponder what word (or 2) God is giving you for the year.
FMA, sue
I have never really thought of a word for the year but I started out the year doing a study on the Hebrew word yirah. Which is often translated in scripture, the fear of God or awe. What I studied lead down a path similar to your word listen. In that we cannot express proper yirah of God if we don’t know Him and to know Him is to dig into his Word and listen to what He says.
Amen Denise. Love your thoughts. Yirah is a new word for me. I’m adding it to my journal. Thank you.
How did you come across yirah?
FMA, sue