Experts, Encouragers, Environments & Marriage

Bill and me, fall 2021

My husband lives with NAION, an eye condition which reduces the flow of blood to the optic nerves. The nerves die creating blind spots.

N – non-arteritic   (reduced blood flow)
A – anterior            (the front of the nerve)
I – ischemic            (not enough blood)
O – optic                 (eye)
N – neuropathy    (dysfunction of the nerves)

Yes, it’s an acrostic and it has taken me a long time to remember and make sense of it. Writing helps.

It came suddenly – or perhaps we became aware of it suddenly. All was well (or so it seemed) when we climbed in bed that Sunday night three and a half years ago. Not so Monday morning. Dark blobs had overtaken his vision. We called our ophthalmologist. Be here in 30 minutes!

The appointment was long; the potential diagnoses grim; further tests scheduled. Those tests did not confirm what might have been – a good thing. But blind spots, created by the dark blobs, continued. Confusion reigned.

Next a neuro-ophthalmologist, the expert of experts. With the wisdom he gained from years of focused study and with the very advanced technology in his office, he accurately diagnosed NAION. Nerves in the back of Bill’s eyes had died. No medicine, no diet, no exercises would restore them to life.

It was good to know the diagnosis; it was discouraging to grasp its reality.

We were then directed to a low vision clinic. Bill made the appointment, but hope was lacking. After all what could bring dead nerves back to life ? That is apart from the intervention of God, for which we do pray.

The doctor in the low vision clinic also lives with low vision. And he also is in ministry and often speaks to groups. He understood Bill; and he was VERY helpful. He changed Bill’s eyeglass prescription; he offered many practical suggestions. He didn’t offer a cure; he offered hope. It was good. Bill left encouraged.

All three men gifted experts in their fields; all three offered according to their expertise; all three were essential; all three encouraged. Our ophthalmologist discerned and directed; the neuro-ophthalmologist diagnosed; the low vision expert taught Bill how to better live with NAION.

The experts encouraged according to the environment God had them in; all three essential.

We needed all their expertise.
We needed all their encouragement.
We needed all their environments.

For Bill and me, more than that,
this story is one of the tools God is using to transform our marriage.

I need to learn patience. I need to learn to allow Bill to struggle through reading something rather than jump in and offer to read it for him. I’m doing better; and I’m still growing.

Bill needed to learn to allow me to help him more. He no longer drives after dark or in unfamiliar places. We’re learning to make new decisions.

Bill is becoming my greatest encourager. His words to me as I’m doing what he used to do spur me on.

We needed this environment to grow our marriage. We’re becoming better experts at being husband and wife. We need each other’s encouragement.

The two of us are more and more becoming one flesh (Ephesians 5:31) in ways we would have never dreamed 49 years ago.

“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself,
and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”
Ephesians 5:33


Copyright, Sue Tell, October 2021




4 thoughts on “Experts, Encouragers, Environments & Marriage

  1. Janet Kowalski says:

    Sue, this a wonderful piece! Bless you both as you continue to grow and learn through these difficulties. This is a tale of how to deal with our difficulties, help each other as needs arise, but also to respect and encourage growth instead of rushing in and “helping” in a way that really is more like taking control. God allows us to figure out how to live in this world, but He does provide help when we need it: doctors with expertise, strength to abide and see His hand in the midst of it all, then in keeping His promise to never harm but rather bless, as He has blessed the two of you in the blossoming of new love and respect for each other. Thanks for sharing this, as we all find ourselves facing challenges and need to remember Who’s in charge.

  2. Sue Tell says:

    Thank you Janet. Your words are always so encouraging and affirming. And we all need affirmation!

    Yes, our NAION journey is changing us and transforming our marriage. Not always easy, but always good. I’m learning that is true when I take the time to stop and ponder our reality.

    Love you my friend. sue

  3. Aleisha Cate says:

    “Bill is becoming my greatest encourager.” Oh my, how I absolutely LOVE reading that. Thank you for trusting us with your precious heart! It is indeed beautiful—as is your post!

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