I have said these things – Experience Peace!

                                                                       Thank you Larry Lorimor.

The Bible records in much detail the happenings, the prayers, the emotions of the people the week between Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey (a symbol of peace) on Palm Sunday and seven days later on Resurrection Sunday ushering in real peace.

John 16 records Jesus’ continued conversation with the 11 after  their final dinner  together  the night before he endures the agony of the cross. His words to the 11 disciples are also words to us.

“I have said all these thing to you …”

These words or something very similar appear 19 times in John 16.  Repetition highlights importance. John 16 begins and ends with these words.

“I have said all these thing to you
to keep you from falling away.”
John 16:1

Erika and I were looking at the scriptures and thinking about life circumstances together over a cups of steaming coffee. How I need friends to keep me from falling away from truth, from God.

Deuteronomy 33:3 encouraged us both. God loves his people; God keeps his people in his hand. The result – they heard God’s directions and followed in his steps. We shifted our thinking to the new testament and Ephesians 1:11 and 12. Those directions are according to God’s purpose  so that we might be people who bring praise to God.

We agreed, we don’t want to be women who fall away. We want to be women who bring praise to God.

“I have said these thing to you,
that when their hour comes you may remember
that I told them to you.”
John 16:4

How many times have I told you …? Those words from my Mom to me as a child still ring in my adult ears. I have a good forget-er! And the same question coming more gently from my husband, Sue remember …?

No, I don’t remember! Over 100 times in the scriptures I’m admonished to remember. And here Jesus is asking his followers to remember that there is going to be hard times and he will no longer be physically with them to protect them.

Remembering truth is a prescription for those times we all experience.

“But because I have said these things to you,
sorrow has filled your heart.
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth:
it is to your advantage that I go away,”
John 16:6 and 7

That raises many questions until I keep reading. Jesus is going away but he is sending the Helper, the Holy Spirit.

Not only do we have the truth of the scriptures for guidance; we have the Holy Spirit to interpret the scriptures for us.

My friend was sharing a personal story about how she was responding to another in her life. My antenna went up. But how could I respond to her in love? “Let your speech always be gracious; seasoned with salt.” Colossians 4:6. Knowing that truth, I prayed; the Holy Spirit whispered. I needed the truth; I needed the truth interpreted.

“I still have many things to say to you,
but you cannot bear them now.”
John 16:12

God knows me well. God knows what I can bear. When C.S. Lewis was confronting God with his sadness, his confusion, his grief over the death of his wife, the Holy Spirit gently whispered, peace child; you don’t understand. But you will. In Lewis’s words he said he experienced the compassionate gaze of God. That’s what I want more than understanding, to experience the compassionate gaze of God often whispered by the Holy Spirit.

I have said these things to you in figures of speech.

I will tell you plainly about the Father.”
John 16:25

There is so much I don’t understand. Post resurrection, there is still much I don’t understand. But I’m following the confidence of C.S. Lewis and anticipating the compassionate gaze of God.

“I have said these things to you,
that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation.
But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

We recently were staying with our teen-aged Grands for several days. With their greater freedom, I was nervous. Several friends faithfully prayed for me. God graciously said yes. Even with their activities that could have led to heart palpitations, I experienced peace. God overcame my fears.

God has overcome the world. We can know peace, often peace that goes beyond our finite minds. Philippians 4:7.

His purpose is in verse 1, his desire is to keep his followers — the 11 + us — from falling away is fleshed out in the rest of his words. He tells us to remember. He introduces the Holy Spirit. He shares hard things. His end-game is peace.

“I have said these things to you,
that in me you may have peace.”
John 16:33

“for the Father himself loves you,”
John 16:27

Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2022




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