The Manger Throne

TY Denise for creating this with AI

In Phil Wickham’s song, The Manger Throne (official music video below) I heard God’s whispers to me.

“And this will be a sign for you:
you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths
and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us …”
John 1:14

Every December our prized nativity scenes come out of storage and welcome the Christmas season. The baby lying in the manger is the focal point. Birthdays are always times of celebration.

“Glory be to you alone
King who reigns from a manger throne
My life, my praise everything I own,
To Jesus, the King on a manger throne.”

Christmas points us to the manger. Jesus was born in a stable. Jesus was a human baby. “The Word became flesh.” These words from John’s gospel, God becoming man, help me understand.

From Kathy Lorimor’s nativity collection.

Jesus was born into a family committed to God. His earthly father was a carpenter. His growing up years allowed him to “… increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

Jesus spent three years ministering deeply to all kinds of people. God was glorified through his life.

“From heaven to the cradle
From the cradle to the cross”

“Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said,
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
And having said this he breathed his last.”
Luke 23:46

“You will die for our redemption
And you’ll rise so we can live.”

“He is not here, but has risen.
Remember how he told you,
while he was still in Galilee.”
Luke 24:6

And then the throne. The throne was always the destination. The manger a stop along the way. Gabriel’s words to Mary.

“And behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall call his name Jesus.
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.
And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David,”
Luke 1:31, 32 (italics mine)

The book of Revelation gives a more complete picture of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Jesus). Revelation 22:1

“No longer will there be anything accursed,
but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it,
and his servants will worship him.”
Revelation 22:3

Revelation 22 also offers a description of the city of God. There is water flowing through it from the throne of God and of the Lamb (verse 1). The tree of life is on either side of that water way (verse 2). “No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him.” (verse 3). His servants will see his face, his name will be on their foreheads, and God will be their light. (verse 4).

John’s response is to fall down and worship the angel.

“but he (the angel) said to me (John),
‘You must not do that!
I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets,
and with those who keep the words of this book.
Worship God.
Revelation 22:9 (italics, parentheses, and underlines mine)

I’m drawn to the manger. And I’m seeing a throne. I’m learning a new depth of worship.

The gospel of Luke shares the whole story. In 24 chapters, Luke walks us from prophesy, to birth, to the cross, to resurrection, to the throne. An appropriate read for Advent.

Jesus is the King, the one who was placed in a manger, now reigns from a throne.


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Copyright: Sue Tell, December 2024





Christmas is less than three weeks away. Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus. And in our culture, we celebrate. Special church services, decorations, parties, family gatherings, gifts, cookies to be made — all requiring preparations, lots of preparations … all crammed between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I love the Christmas season. I love Christmas music. I love the special programs at church. I love  having friends in for a Christmas brunch. I love that our family will be visiting. I love Christmas cookies. I love that our anniversary is also in December. I love how our culture honors this season with decorations.

And I love the Christmas story. I read it every year. BUT, truly, what do my days communicate about my gaze? What am I beholding? What does beholding even mean?

Behold is an archaic word rarely used today. But in the days when the King James Bible was being written, it was a very common word. It is used 1298 times in the KJV!

The Hebrew word for behold is chazah meaning to gaze, to contemplate, to discern, or steadily fix your eyes upon.
The Greek word is idou which signals emphasis and asking for special attention.

In the ESV Bible, the word behold appears 9 times in the Christmas narrative in Luke 1 and 2. (1:20, 1:31, 1:36, 1:38, 1:44, 1:48, 2:10, 2:33, 2:48)

God wants to communicate something BIG! Both with Zechariah and with Mary, God sent an angel with his message starting with the word, behold. Beholding is important!

“And behold, you will conceive …” Luke 1:31.
“And behold, your relative Elizabeth …” Luke 1:36.
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord …” Luke 1:38.
“For behold, when the sound of your greeting …” Luke 1:44.
“For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; …” Luke 1:49.

Mary knew the significance of the word behold. For her it was a common word with huge significance. I’m challenged with her response.

Mary didn’t initially understand the angel’s message. But she didn’t disregard it. She “tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be.” 1:29. Mary’s beholding led to reflecting.

Mary believed and responded in submission to the angel’s words. “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” 1:38.

Mary deflected the glory to God. “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” 1:46. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. Do you wonder what filled her days in those months? What was she contemplating? Where was her gaze?

Behold, Christmas is coming! In less than one month. I’m challenged, what will fill my days as I look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus? How am I beholding? Where will my gaze be?

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus …”
Hebrews 12:2, NIV

I love how the first two verses start. Behold and be blessed.

Copyright: Sue Tell, November 2024.

PS. A few other scriptures using the word behold:
Matthew 1:20 – But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord …”
Matthew 1:23 – “Behold, the virgin shall conceive … Immanuel” Also Isaiah 7:14.
Matthew 28:20 – “… and behold, I am with you always …”
John 1:29 – “… Behold, the Lamb of God …”
John 19:5 – “… Pilate said to them, ‘Behold the man!”
John 19:26 – “… ‘Woman, behold, your son!'”



Apple Pie for Breakfast

This might be the best Thanksgiving advice I’ve ever heard!

Maggie on the left

Really, who has room for the Apple Pie after the turkey and all the fixings!!

I’m taking my friend’s advice and enjoying my Apple Pie while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Thank you, Maggie!!



Advent posts 2024 coming to Echoes of Grace next week.



Your Amazing Story

“I had no idea how much I was learning until I wanted to share it with them.”

These are Kaylee’s words. Kaylee is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina. During a retreat with her sorority sisters, she shared with them what she was learning about studying the Bible. A light-bulb moment for her.

You know what I love about this?

I bet it’s entirely possible that we too have no idea about what God is doing in us and through us. God works in ways that are totally hidden to us.

While back in the mid-west a year ago I shared a journaling method with Ashley to help her focus her prayer life. About a month ago I was with Ashley again. Guess what? She excitedly pulled out her new journal to show me the scriptures she is using to focus her prayer life! I had no idea!

But what about those HARD stories?

My husband wasn’t selected for the promotion. With tissues in tow, I took my Bible and hymnbook out to the deck the next morning. I desperately needed to hear from God.*** A few hours later I collected the wadded-up tissues; my heart was returning to trust.

Thirteen years later that story, our story was important for our friends to hear. We cried together.

And then there was the invitation that never came. That was devastating for my high school self, and again for my college-aged self. My identity was at stake!

Sadly, I allowed those teen-aged stories (and many others) to shape what I believed about myself. That was before I understood the gospel of grace; before I understood God’s love for me; before I’d memorized Philippians 1:12, “… what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.”

God orchestrates our stories for his glory and our good!

“My story is important not because it is mine, God knows,
but because if I tell it anything like right,
the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours.”
Telling Secrets: A Memoir, Frederick Buechner

Be very encouraged my friend! We have no idea how God is working in us and through us! Your story is amazing!

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than
all that we ask or think.
According to the power at work within us,
to him be the glory …”
Ephesians 3:20, 21


***Full story another time.

Copyright: Sue Tell, Nov 20024


The Small Pine, A Metaphor

Albuquerque Low, November 9, 2024

Nearly 3′ of snow blanketed our property this past week, the first week of November!Appointments were cancelled; Molly’s surgery (our pup) was put off; the brunch I was planning to host with Karen — postponed; school’s and offices closed; no Bible study this week. For 3 1/2 days we lived under the reality of a winter storm warning, an Albuquerque Low. (Google can explain better than me.)

Do we have enough food in the house? What about gas to power the snow blower? What if we NEED to get some place? There was plenty to raise the anxiety thermometer.

Yes, we knew it was coming — well we knew snow was in the forecast. And, yes, we did make a trip to the grocery store … along with the rest of the city. But WOW, it was a much bigger storm than anticipated.

As our storm warning was winding down, I padded from window to door with camera in hand, desiring to capture the beauty of the hard. The blue Colorado sky began to reappear. The sun created lovely patterns on the snow as it shined through the tall Ponderosa Pines. I was awed.

The picture above is one of my favorites. The sky, the sun, the snow, the shadows, the deer track in the foreground, the tip of the small pine almost touching the ground surrounded by many larger pines. So much in one picture. It began to whisper God’s truth. I needed this metaphor.

The small pine was bending under the weight of the heavy wet snow; not breaking. I’m sure as the sun melts the snow from its branches, it will stand tall again. It’s lithe, flexible, and yields. Possibly it’s a Rocky Mountain White Pine. Although surrounded by the more mature, taller Ponderosa Pines, their presence could not keep the storm from influencing their smaller neighbor.

Do I, do you sometimes feel like the smaller pine? Does the weight of the storms of life cause me or you to bend to the ground? Are we flexible enough, lithe enough to recover? Will we yield to what God ordains and trust we’ll stand tall again?

Six truths are grounding me as I’m bending under the weight of this Albuquerque Low.

  1. Standing Tall Again

     Remember, Sue, the origin of the storm.
    Psalm 19:1 – “The heavens declare … the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
    Isaiah 55:10 – “For as the rain and snow come down from heaven …”

  2. Remember the purpose.
    Isaiah 55:10 – “… watering the earth, picturing His word … accomplishing God’s purpose …”
    Isaiah 55:12 – ” … joy … peace …”
  3. Remember to listen.
    Psalm 19:1-4 – “The heavens declare … day to day pours out speech … their voice goes out …”
  4. It’s an opportunity for trust.
    Psalm 20:7 – “Some trust in chariots … horses (plowed roads), but we trust in the LORD our God.”
    I Peter 3:4 – “but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart …”
  5. Remember God’s promise.
    Isaiah 41:10 – “fear not, for I am with you …”
    Phil 4:5-7 – “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious …”
    Matthew 1:23 – ” … they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).”
  6. Enjoy the beauty.
    Psalm 96:6 – “Splendor … majesty … strength … beauty are in his sanctuary.”

My heart stilled; my soul rested; I am standing again; I needed to listen.

Copyright: Sue Tell, November 2024

Now available from your favorite bookseller. Devo #18 led me to these truths today. Thank you, Vina Bermudez Mogg.






Sylvan Lake, September 2024

I snapped this picture on our camping trip earlier this fall. A morning of quiet.

I penned the words below a month  earlier after returning home from our Sanctuary. Another place of quiet.

Did you read last week’s post, The Loneliness of Busyness? If not, please scroll up and read it first. This post will make more sense with that context.


From my journal, August 5, 2024 …

I’m sitting on our deck watching the Aspen leaves bend in the gentle breezes. A dog barks in the distance. The tall Ponderosa Pines almost … but not quite … hide the dirt road. We live in the woods. Sometimes a car passes. The birds visit. It is quiet.

We just returned from three weeks at our cabin, our Sanctuary in the Wet Mountains. It was so very quiet there. The quiet here is different.

Our Sanctuary

At our Sanctuary, we spent long mornings with coffee, reading, journaling, and occasionally looking up to enjoy the view. Green Horn Peak, the 12,352′ mountain anchors my view to the east; The Sangre de Cristo mountains are to the south. Deep blue skies with feathery white clouds above. Sometimes the contrails of a plane too high to even hear its sound as it flies by chalk the blue with white. The birds offer their greetings. It is quiet.

The quiet of our Sanctuary is a deeper quiet, a soul-penetrating quiet. It invites listening.

“Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD;”
Hosea 6:3

Hearing from God seems somehow easier at our Sanctuary.

We’re back home now at our home in the woods. Although the quiet is not the same, our Sanctuary time cemented something deep in my soul.

I want … no I NEED those times of quiet.
I want … no I NEED those times of listening, of being attentive to God.

Rest Re-establishes Routines.

The quiet was a type of rest, re-orienting me to the importants.

I return home with new resolve — Keep the discipline of quiet a reality here.

“The careful balance between silence and words,
withdrawal and involvement,
distance and closeness,
solitude and community
forms the basis of the Christian life and should therefore,
be the subject of our most personal attention.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen, Out of Solitude


My August 5 journal entry speaks again. Like Mary and Martha (from last week’s post), I hear the voice of God, Sue, re-create those regular times of quiet and be attentive to the voice of God.

My seat now is in my writing room. Weather invites me in. But my three large windows look out. I start my mornings enjoying God’s creation from the inside. It is quiet.

Quiet mornings are my intentional decision to mark the next several weeks.
What are your ideas for creating quiet in the midst of your reality?
Let’s help each other.

Copyright: Sue Tell, October 2024

Available at your favorite bookseller November 12, 2024


The Loneliness of Busyness

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As the calendar turns to November, once again the story of Mary and Martha speaks.

“Now as they went on their way,
Jesus entered a village.
And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.
And she had a sister called Mary,
who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.
But Martha was distracted with much serving.
And she went up to him and said,
‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?
Tell her to help me.’
But the Lord answered her,
‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,
but one thing is necessary.
Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken from her.'”
Luke 10:38-42

Three players: Jesus, Martha, Mary.
Three contrasts: But, But, but.
One application.

Jesus knew his identity; he recognized the ripe teaching moment. He was gentle with Martha, Martha, Martha. I picture Jesus saying her name softly, invitingly showing care. He also affirmed Mary. Contrary to the culture of the time, Jesus welcomed women learning as well as men.

Martha had the gift of hospitality. She welcomed Jesus into her home. And immediately wanted to serve him, presumably a meal. Martha found herself abandoned and alone. She was focused on her gift instead of the giver. Even our gifts can be mis-used when put ahead of the giver. Martha was distracted. She also recognized Jesus had the ability to change the circumstance she found herself in. Tell her then to help me.

Mary sits and listens. She recognized Jesus and knew he was worth listening to. Jesus highlights her choice.

The scriptures highlight three contrasts:
Mary sat but Martha was distracted with doing.
Martha’s request and Jesus’s response.
The many things and the one thing.

Mary Z. & me.
Our husbands were there too.

We’re coming off a busy and wonderful season of travel and lots of people. I love connecting with new and old friends.

I wouldn’t characterize myself as a Martha this past month. And I definitely wouldn’t characterize myself as a Mary. I missed my Mary times.

I’m left with a yearning and a decision. The holidays can also be very people-full busy times.

That’s okay. Like you (I imagine) I’m looking forward to November and December. And I need to remember, “My daily decisions become the mechanism of translating my holy intention into holy living.” The One True Thing, Howard Baker.

I hear the choice in front of me. Let the busyness of the season lead to loneliness in my friendship with God. Or preserve time in the midst to enjoy the one who calls me his friend and defeats the loneliness of busyness. How will you choose?
“You are my friends … I have called you friends.” John 15:14, 15.

“but one thing is necessary.
Mary has chosen the good portion,”
Luke 10:42

Copyright: Sue Tell, October 2024

Available at your favorite bookseller November 12, 2024





There’s No Shame in Feeling Lonely Sometimes – Guest Post

Here is a taste of what you’ll receive in the new book, Praying Through Loneliness. It will be in your favorite book store November 12! Thank you Holley Gerth for your wise words.


“Years ago, I had breakfast with a group of writer friends who gather once a year, women whose names you’d know and faces you’d recognize. The conversation drifted to talking about the challenge of finding true connection in our everyday lives. I felt surprised—I would never have guessed these women struggled with loneliness.

I’m discovering this is the secret every woman in the whole wide world tucks away inside: Sometimes we are lonely. It’s a hard thing to talk about in this era of friending, liking, and sharing with the entire universe. But being lonely is simply a symptom of being human, and sometimes it can even have unexpected gifts.

Loneliness teaches us better than perhaps anything else what we really want from community. For instance, if we tend to be lonely in groups, then we’re probably craving deeper one-on-one time.

Loneliness also prompts us to appreciate the people we do have in our lives. If we never felt their absence, it would be much harder to treasure their presence. To choose to love is to choose to be lonely sometimes.

Loneliness draws us closer to Jesus, who “loved us and gave himself up for us” (Ephesians 5:2). When no human relationship can fully satisfy the longings of our hearts, we realize we are looking for Someone beyond this world.

Loneliness challenges us to open up and let people in even when we’re afraid. If we never felt lonely, then we would never take the risk to be vulnerable.

By the time that breakfast was over, I sensed a collective sigh of relief that came from our conversation. Our struggles lose their power when we can share them with even one person. That day I learned loneliness is inevitable; feeling alone in it is optional.

God, thank You that I am never truly alone. In moments of loneliness, remind me of what is true and help me to reach out to others and to You for the support I need. Give me eyes that see when others are lonely too, so I can be a comfort to them as well. Amen.



Today’s post is a piece I wrote for a new book by my dear friend and fellow author, Kristen Strong—Praying Through Loneliness: A 90-Day Devotional for Women. You’ll recognize other voices as well as discover new ones as you walk this journey from feeling alone to knowing you’re surrounded by more love than you could have imagined! Kristen also recently released a gift book titled Friends Are Family We Choose that’s a beautiful gift for the friends you love.

Affirmation by Meditation

or Affirmation 4.0

Meditation — Making space for God. (This is my personal definition and a way to describe my devotional times.)

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But that wasn’t always true. As a young believer and for many years after that, making space for God looked like a check chart. Have I read the next chapter in my Bible? Have I prayed today? Am I ready for Bible study?

Was I really making space for God? Or was I making space to do what I thought a Christian should do? Was I developing my friendship with God or was I merely reading words on a page?

Granted, as a new Christian, my knowledge of the Bible was lacking. My concept of a friendship with God was non-existent. Truly, I did need to learn the big story of the Bible.

What I’m learning is that meditation — reviewing, praying over, and trusting scripture — especially the scriptures that speak the truth of my identity is what is teaching me God’s story.

Meditation is affirmation! Meditation is God’s plan for me to hear his love, his truth speaking deep into my soul. Meditation is building my friendship with God.

Henri Nouwen in his book, The Genesee Diary, says it this way: “There you can be with him who was before you came, who loved you before you could love, and has given you your own self before any comparison was possible. In meditation we can come to the affirmation that we are not created by other people but by God, that we are not judged by how we compare with others but by how we fulfill the will of God.” (italics mine)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

his glory will be seen upon you.”
Isaiah 60:1
“Your people shall all be righteous;

the branch of my planting, the work of my hands,
that I might be glorified.
Isaiah 60:21 (italics mine)

God is our very BEST affirm-er!

Affirmation 1.0, click here.
Affirmation 2.0, click here.
Affirmation 3.0, click here.


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024


One Small Loaf of Zucchini Bread – Guest Post

God is SO kind.

I was struck by this afresh as I listened to a sermon series on the story of Ruth last week. When Ruth sacrificially chose to leave the only home she’d ever known, and follow her mother-in-law to Bethlehem, she could never have imagined the kindness the God of Israel would lavish on her.

Over and over, God positioned people along her path who would show her little acts of kindness. Boaz included her among his people giving her a place among his servants. He invited her to his table, and provided nourishment for her body and soul. He instructed his servants to be generous, all while protecting and guarding her.

He saw her. He saw the sacrifices she had made, even if no one else did. And he honored her and gave her dignity.

My Savior God has done the same for me.

He saw me in my obscurity and He singled me out. He gave me a place in His family. He included me even when I didn’t belong.

He invited me to His table and has nourished me ever since. He gave me the privilege of working in His harvest fields. He even sets up a guard around me, to protect my heart and my mind.

And countless times, I have experienced His kindness and care through His servants. God positioned many different people along my journey whose seemingly insignificant acts of kindness shaped my identity, brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and let me experience the love of my Father firsthand.

It makes it so simple, really. So often, I get caught in the trap of seeing the big things people do for God as the things that matter. I was thinking about this on my run, when I saw my widow friend, Nad’a walking toward me.

I haven’t  seen her in a couple of months because of all our travel and work, and I immediately felt guilt wash over me because I am not an everyday friend to her. How could any of my little drops in her big bucket of loneliness make a difference? But as the truth of Ruth’s story penetrated my heart, I realized that I wasn’t trusting God. I was acting as it if all depended on me.

Thank you, Amy

And in that moment, I knew He wanted me to show kindness to Nad’a – even if it felt small. Even if I didn’t think it was enough.

I had just baked some zucchini bread at home, so as I drew close to Nad’a, I called out to her and asked if I could bring some over and have tea with her. We had a really sweet afternoon filled with talking and tears … and it counted. That little drop made a ripple.

We get to bring the Kingdom to someone when we put what is “not nearly enough” in Jesus’ hands and trust Him to meet the need. Somehow, when my little loaf of zucchini bread passes from my hands to His, it miraculously becomes satisfying and filling to someone He has called me to love. And it marks someone’s journey … and reminds them of the kindness of our Savior God.

It was true for Ruth. I know it was true for me. And I am trusting that it was enough for Nad’a this week.

Jesus is a multiplier. He takes the little we give Him and makes it so much MORE – even a little time … or a little loaf of zucchini bread. If, when He invades and interrupts my everyday routine, I offer whatever I have to Him, I get to partner with Him in renewing the whole world.

Amy Ellenwood is a good friend. She and her husband serve with Josiah Venture. BONUS: We are both attending the Grace Pres Mission conference this week. We’re looking forward to the time together.