God Breaks In

Advent 2023

So much was familiar for Mary, a young teen. The place she lived; her normal routines; the age old customs; her friends, her fiancee; her family; her future seemed predictable.

“O, Joseph, Joseph! She
had known there would be prayers. And when the time
Of waiting ended, and procession formed
To lead her to his house, she’d have no fears.” ***
(italics mine)

Then God broke in.

“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph,
of the house of David.
And the virgin’s name was Mary.”
Luke 1:26, 27

And everything changed.

Life changed for Mary. Life had changed for her cousin Elizabeth. Life changed for Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband. (Luke 1:5-25). Life changed for Joseph. (Matthew 1:18-25).

Life changed for Ruth as well over 1000 years earlier. Ruth, from Moab, became the daughter-in-law of Naomi when she married Mahlon. When Naomi, now a widow, decides to return to her home country of Bethlehem, she encourages Ruth and her other daughter-in-law to stay in Moab, their home country.

But God broke in.

Ruth stays committed to her widowed mother-in-law.
“… where you go I will go …”
Ruth 1:16

The narrative of Ruth and the narrative of Mary both exemplify hesed, God’s steadfast love.
The narrative of Ruth and the narrative of Mary both exemplify God’s sovereignty.
The narrative of Ruth and the narrative of Mary both exemplify God’s unchanging character.

I think on my story. Many times God has broken in. My familiar was challenged. I was forced to consider, will I trust God with the unexpected? Will I trust His steadfast love?
Will I trust His sovereignty? Will I trust His unchanging character? And what does trust look like for me this Advent season?

What about you. What does trust look like for you this Advent?

“Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8

Copyright: Sue Tell, November 2023

*** A Woman Wrapped in Silence, John W. Lynch, 1941.


The Autumn

The Autumn, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, stanza 1

Go, sit upon the lofty hill,
And turn your eyes around,
Where waving woods and waters wild
Do hymn an autumn sound.
The summer sun is faint on them —
The summer flowers depart —
Sit still — as all transform’d to stone,
Except your musing heart.

May your heart muse on all the gifts God has bestowed on us … and experience thanksgiving. Check out Psalm 107.

Starting next Thursday, new thoughts, familiar scriptures, Advent.

Blessings, sue

It’s NOT who I am!

Bill & Me

It was early morning. My friend and I were sitting in the lounge of the very small airport in Florida waiting for my flight to be announced to wing me over to our staff conference.

It seemed we had been waiting for a long time! I started watching the large round clock on the wall. It was getting closer and closer to the time for the flight. No announcements! We waited. We watched. I was getting nervous.

There was a small plane on the tarmac. Then the small plane started its journey down the run-way.

It was time to ask about my flight.
“Oh, did we forget to tell you that our loud speaker system is not working?”
WHAT??? Did you even give a voice announcement for the flight?”
(The lounge was small, a microphone not even necessary.)
“No, I’m sorry.”

That small plane on the tarmac was the small plane I should have been on. I missed my flight! I WAS MAD!

I had responsibilities at the conference starting with being one of the greeters welcoming all the attendees. Being a greeter my first identity of the conference.

Being a greeter is NOT who I am; NOT my identity.

But because I was thinking of it as my (at least temporary) identity, missing that plane threatened and the madness I was feeling was out of proportion.

Albeit late, I did get to the conference. My greeter identity was history, but I was susceptible to other false identities. I was susceptible to sin.

“… just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
we too might walk in newness of life.”
Romans 6:4
“So you also must consider yourselves
dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 6:11

My anger announced I was not walking in the newness of life given to me by Jesus. I was believing that my works (being a greeter) was showing myself and others an important identity. It was sin.

It’s NOT who I am!

Paul reminds me, Sue, consider yourself alive to God! Alive to the identity that does announce who I am.

I am the beloved child of God!
This is my identity.

Trusting this identity offers perspective on the frustrations of life … like missed planes. Missing the plane and arriving late did not alter who God says I am. I can relax in His control of me, of situations.

“See what kind of love the Father has given us,
that we should be called children of God;
and so we are.”
I John 3:1, ESV

That is who I am!

That minor crisis and angry response was a yellow flag.

“What God says about me must always
overrule my opinion of myself.”
Bill Tell, my wise husband

Copyright: Sue Tell, Nov 2023



Three Days Last Summer

Profound take-a-ways; times you will laugh; wishful thoughts; real life as our son Dave and three friends escorted Reverend Wheeler Parker, cousin and best friend to Emmett Till and the last living witness to Emmett’s abduction the 700 miles from Chicago to the White House in a sprinter van so Reverend Wheeler Parker could be present at the ceremony when President Biden designated the National Monument in honor of Emmett.

These are Dave’s words written for Esquire magazine recording this journey. Click the link below or copy and paste it in your browser.


Dave is a professor at the University of Kansas and has been researching the Emmett Till story since he was in grad school.

Psalm 40:3

Often as I read, listen to, and pray over my open Bible, God brings a story to mind.

Sometimes that story makes me laugh. Like this one.

We were visiting our son and his family. It was Sunday morning and we were on our way home from church. It was very close to lunch time.

Two year old Ashlyn was securely strapped into her car seat next to me. Wanting to keep her mind off her rumbling tummy, I started singing … well, as good as I sing … little kid’s songs beginning with Old MacDonald.

Her two year old ears immediately discerned that singing was not one of Mana’s gifts! Humbling and true. “No Mana (Ashlyn’s name for me), like this!” And in a sweet two year old voice, she sang …

“Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o”

I’m so thankful She inherited the musical genes that float around our family, from her Mom’s side of the clan.

King James version

This is one of those verses recorded in my scripture journal that I pray over often.

God has indeed given me a new song. A song that emanates from my life; a song that echoes through my words – not a song I sing.

And God’s promise in the second part of the verse secures my hope. “Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.” (ESV) God’s promises reflect his heart, and mine.

What is the new song that is echoing through your life? Might it be through singing? Is it through spoken words? Is it through your art? Might it be through written words? Or… ?

God has blessed each of us with a new song, a song to show his creativity and draw many to himself.

Last month I had the privilege of sharing some of my words at the fall retreat for the ladies of our church. They were recorded. If you would like to listen, email me at suetell.com and I will send you a link.

I am in the midst of a computer upgrade.
Echoes of Grace may not be posting while my husband and I work on this.
Stay tuned, I will return!

Copyright: Sue Tell, November 2023



Overflow – Guest Post

I’m thrilled to share this brief letter my dear fly-fishing friend Janine wrote a few months ago. Her heart resonates with mine. I hope you too will find an anchor for your soul as you read her words.
Section 1 - A Thought

A Thought

Dear ones,

Recently I’ve felt the invitation to practice Sabbath, to set time aside to stop, rest, and allow my soul to catch up. But I confess, the drive to keep doing and taking care of all of life’s responsibilities constantly pulls at my soul. Then, of course, I feel guilty: Sabbath is a should-do. It’s a commandment I should want to follow!

In Exodus 16:29, as God invites the Israelites toward the Promised Land, He tells Moses: “They must realize that the Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you” (NLT, emphasis mine). I hadn’t thought of Sabbath as a gift. But God’s people had been in forced labor for 400 years, driven by hard taskmasters who would not allow them to stop. Sabbath was truly for them.

So I wonder about those voices that insist that no matter what, I must keep pressing forward: Are those the taskmasters of my own heart? What kind of freedom could I experience if I were willing to accept the gift and just stop?

Section 2 - Scripture


“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG).

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul” (Psalm 23:2,3 NIV).

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

Section 3 - Question to Ponder

Questions to Ponder

  • What within you needs rest . . . body, heart, mind?
  • What is it like to set aside times to play?

Thank you Janine for your sabbath wisdom and the gift it is to us.

Janine and her favorite way to play.

Butterfly Wisdom

This piece of Snoppy wisdom was intriguing to me. I liked it. It encouraged. It led me to some research. It is a myth!

Butterflies can indeed see their own wings — at least most of the time. They have two large compound eyes with hundreds, and in some cases thousands of small lenses giving them a field of vision close to 360 degrees. The exception is the small place in the back of their bodies when at rest their wings are folded. In that position, they do not see their own wings.

But their vision is very blurry. Those thousands of small lenses focus on thousands of different places at the same time. They can’t comprehend the amazing patterns God has created in them. They can’t see their own beauty.


I graduated from college with a degree in elementary education. I was on my way to third and fourth grade classrooms for the next few years. Those 30 or so 8-year-olds could be pretty intimidating.

In the evenings I would join some of my peers and head over to Western Michigan University to lead Bible studies with the college students. Those were busy years.

“You make known to me the path of life;”
Psalm 16:11

I was on a path; the path of life God designed me for. But my vision was blurry! I was focused on teaching … whether 8-year-olds or college students. My focus needed to be refined. I couldn’t clearly see God’s contribution for me, the beautiful intricate pattern he planned for me before I was born.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you:”
Jeremiah 1:5

Note the upper right corner

I love teaching. In college that love was honed both for an elementary classroom, and also for helping others grow in their spiritual lives.

And I was growing in my spiritual life too. As I learned to read my Bible with my ears, as I began to notice my desires and choices, something was growing inside me.

I heard the voice of God, Sue, you’ve got it right … at least partially. But your vision is a bit blurry, focused in too many places. You are a teacher. But I need you teaching adults, not 8 year olds.

As this beautiful Monarch Butterfly was feeding on my Marigolds earlier this month, the lesson was illustrated once again. When I’m teaching adults, through writing or speaking, there is joy as I live out the beauty God created in me. My focus is clear.

God created each of us with a beautiful design both to bring us joy and to bless others.
We desperately need each other to help us identify the context for our design.
We are designed to thrive and know joy in a specific context.

National Wildlife Federation

Copyright: Sue Tell, October 2023





The Resurrection of Christ, Raphael, 1500

We walked through Tapestry Hall at the Vatican last June. Our tour guide stopped us at this tapestry, originally a painting by Raphael. It was woven in Brussels under the guidance of the Flemish master Pieter van Aelst.

She told us to watch the eyes of Jesus as we walked along. Amazingly, wherever we were in the hall, when we looked up to Jesus, it seemed his eyes always met ours. It wasn’t that he was following us, he was already looking; he was leading us.

And isn’t that always true?!

A few days previous we had been in Ephesus, modern day Turkey. Our tour there ended in a shop where amazing tapestries were woven. The intricacies of the colors and threads, and the craftsmanship of the artist created beautiful carpets and wall hangings. An artist may be able to complete only three area rugs in her lifetime.

We also saw many of the finished products. One beautiful blue carpet was laid out before us, the azure blue anchoring the pattern. Then the men in the shop turned the carpet 180 degrees. The blue now looked navy. We ooh-ed and aah-ed.

I’m thinking this is the reason it always appeared that the eyes of Jesus were always looking, always leading us. We were seeing the pattern from a different angle.

Raphael’s art communicated truth. Jesus’ eyes are always on us, always leading us.

“for it is the LORD our God who goes with you.
He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8 (underlines mine)

“And behold, I am with you always,”
Matthew 28:20 (Jesus to his disciples)

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5 (cited from God to Joshua. Joshua 1:5)

God’s message to us is consistent throughout the scriptures, when we turn our gaze to God, we are comforted by his eyes, already looking at and always leading us. He is with us always.

As a third grade teacher, there were often times when I especially wanted to make sure a student understood what I was communicating. I’d get down to his level to make eye contact. And often I had to reinforce my position and say, look at me. Look me in the eyes. Eye contact signifies an interest in hearing what the other wants to say. It is an invitation. It communicates relationship and makes for more effective communication.

I sometimes requested the same from our kids when I wanted their attention … look at me.

Eye contact with a baby often ignites the joy area of their brain. Our first GRAND way laying on his blanket on our living room floor. I approached him and smiled. Immediately he made eye contact with me and broke into the biggest smile. He sensed relationship; joy was ignited.

It’s the same with Jesus. As we turn our gaze into his eyes, we realize, he’s already making eye contact with us. Relationship is connecting. Joy surfaces from gazing.

“These things I have spoken to you,
that my joy may be in you, ad that your joy may be full.”
John 15:11

I’m working on gazing at Jesus and experiencing his presence.

“One thing have I asked of the LORD,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire in his temple.”
Psalm 27:4


Copyright: Sue Tell, September 2023

Brain Rest

As I fell into bed last Saturday night, my commentary to myself was, its been a good day … well except for that bowl that tumbled off the top shelf and landed on my head. Ouch! But no laceration; no bump; yes a minor headache. I continued my fall decorating.

Sunday morning started in the same way most Sundays do. I’m so glad our pastor spoke on “Peace with God” and the “Peace of God”. (I’m also glad I took notes … proof I was there!)

“Therefore since we have been justified by faith,
we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 5:1

Bill and I would need that truth later in the afternoon.

After my Sunday afternoon nap, my reality changed. I didn’t remember attending church that morning. Nor anything else! Bill counseled with our physician daughter-in-law … we are blessed … and off we went to the ER. I was diagnosed with TGA brought on by a minor concussion, like a bowl falling on your head.

TGA = Transient Global Amnesia.

My memory has returned thankfully. However, one of the protocols for concussion is limiting screen time. So Echoes of Grace is taking a brief break for my brain to rest. I plan for Echoes to return on October 12.

However, it doesn’t limit prayer time. Please send my your requests, and I’ll be praying for you.

sue@suetell.com. Thank you!

Copyright: Sue Tell; September 2023.

Returning, Receiving

The stress was real. Family drama threatened to drown weekend joy. With my mind focused on the drama, I was feeling pressure; I was drifting from truth, my heart was straying. NOT GOOD! What was the cure? How could I live with this reality? Feelings of hopelessness flooded my mind.

“I don’t need to be good enough.
I need to be good with God being enough.”
Ruth Chou Simons

Nailed it … I was not feeling good enough. I so wanted to offer a solution, to put the drama to death. I prayed. Sometimes God responds on my cell phone! Yes, really. (Every day a scripture pops up on my home screen. God knew I needed this one at that time.)

“Wait for the LORD;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!”
Psalm 27:14

I needed to return to that truth.
I needed to return to God.
I needed to receive His wisdom.
I needed to trust.

That scripture became the truth I prayed when the drama thoughts crept into my consciousness. I desperately needed to return to it. I desperately needed to trust God and not my wisdom. I needed to receive the truth of that message. Two other scriptures complimented it.

“Make me to know your ways, O LORD;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth …
for you I wait.”
Psalm 25:4, 5

“Now to him who is able to do
far more abundantly
than all we ask or think,”
Ephesians 3:20 (Italics mine)

In the mid 90’s there were two words floating through the Christian community, God-sightings. We’d ask our then teen sons at dinner, what their God-sightings were that day, where did they see God at work.

Those truths from Psalms and Ephesians were my God-sightings that weekend. God orchestrated two couples who know the Lord’s love to come beside me, to encourage, and to walk with me in my reality. They helped me return to God and receive His wisdom.

God whispered:
Sue, do you have it all figured out how I’m going to work and answer your prayers? NO!
Sue, might you be open to trusting my ways which might totally surprise you? YES!
Sue, could it be that my plans will take a totally different trajectory?
Sue, what would it look like for you to return to me and receive my wisdom?

“I don’t need to be good enough.
I need to be good with God being enough.
Thank you Ruth Chou Simons. Your wisdom was the beginning of this story.

Copyright: Sue Tell, September 2023