Returning, Receiving

The stress was real. Family drama threatened to drown weekend joy. With my mind focused on the drama, I was feeling pressure; I was drifting from truth, my heart was straying. NOT GOOD! What was the cure? How could I live with this reality? Feelings of hopelessness flooded my mind.

“I don’t need to be good enough.
I need to be good with God being enough.”
Ruth Chou Simons

Nailed it … I was not feeling good enough. I so wanted to offer a solution, to put the drama to death. I prayed. Sometimes God responds on my cell phone! Yes, really. (Every day a scripture pops up on my home screen. God knew I needed this one at that time.)

“Wait for the LORD;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!”
Psalm 27:14

I needed to return to that truth.
I needed to return to God.
I needed to receive His wisdom.
I needed to trust.

That scripture became the truth I prayed when the drama thoughts crept into my consciousness. I desperately needed to return to it. I desperately needed to trust God and not my wisdom. I needed to receive the truth of that message. Two other scriptures complimented it.

“Make me to know your ways, O LORD;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth …
for you I wait.”
Psalm 25:4, 5

“Now to him who is able to do
far more abundantly
than all we ask or think,”
Ephesians 3:20 (Italics mine)

In the mid 90’s there were two words floating through the Christian community, God-sightings. We’d ask our then teen sons at dinner, what their God-sightings were that day, where did they see God at work.

Those truths from Psalms and Ephesians were my God-sightings that weekend. God orchestrated two couples who know the Lord’s love to come beside me, to encourage, and to walk with me in my reality. They helped me return to God and receive His wisdom.

God whispered:
Sue, do you have it all figured out how I’m going to work and answer your prayers? NO!
Sue, might you be open to trusting my ways which might totally surprise you? YES!
Sue, could it be that my plans will take a totally different trajectory?
Sue, what would it look like for you to return to me and receive my wisdom?

“I don’t need to be good enough.
I need to be good with God being enough.
Thank you Ruth Chou Simons. Your wisdom was the beginning of this story.

Copyright: Sue Tell, September 2023




From Athens to Yellowstone

2023 was a special summer bookended by trips to Athens and Yellowstone.

I collect refrigerator magnets of special times.

It started with a cruise for Bill and me from Athens to Rome celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. The top picture is the Parthenon in Athens, our first stop.

The Parthenon was built between 447 and 438 B.C. I can’t imagine! Elephants moved and hauled the heavy pillars. Originally dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, it was later taken over by Christians and became a church; and then by the Turks who transitioned it to a mosque.

The highlight of our time in Athens was the following day. Bill and I walked to the top of Mars Hill, next to the Parthenon, sat and read Acts 17, Paul’s account of preaching (“reasoning with” ESV) to the Jews, devout persons, and the philosophers of the day.

After I snapped the pic, I also sat & read Acts 17.

“Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious.
For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship,
I found also an altar with this inscription,
‘To the unknown god.’
What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.”
Acts 17:22, 23

Paul went on to introduce them to the “God who made the world and everything in it,” verse 24.

New life was born in Athens. “But some men joined him and believed, among them also were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.” Acts 17:34.

And we were sitting right there where Paul preached!

Our summer ended with a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. The beauty was overwhelming even enjoying some of it through the rain.

My Morning View as I spend time with God.

Between these two amazing trips, we relished the time at Our Sanctuary. Our cabin in the Wet Mountains always provides quiet and solitude, a place to refuel and recharge. It did not disappoint.

Once again God directed me to Isaiah 40:31: “but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;” This time my heart continued to the next verse, “Listen to me in silence … let the peoples renew their strength;” Isaiah 41:1.

The refueling and recharging doesn’t come from the novels, the puzzles, or the knitting I enjoy while at Our Sanctuary. Those are extras. The refueling and recharging come from waiting on the LORD, the times of quiet and solitude, of developing my friendship with God.

Tucked in the middle we were blessed with brief times with friends and family.

It was a good summer. History, beauty, and quiet with dashes of family and friends was the perfect recipe. And I’m glad to be back connecting with YOU!

What were the highlights of your summer?

Copyright Sue Tell, September 2023

Meddling — Really?

Originally published 3/4/21

God continues to clarify for me how he defines pulling back (my word for 2021). Sometimes it relates to meddling. Hmmmmmm, I don’t like that.

“But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer
or as a meddler.
I Peter 4:15 (underline mine)

I forced myself to ask, why is a meddler mentioned along with those other really bad things? defines meddler as involving oneself in a matter without invitation.
The Cambridge-English dictionary says to try to have an influence on things that are not your responsibility.

Thank you to my friend Amy, my who shared with me, I often want to use my gift of discernment to “share” with my husband “insight” I think he needs to lead others. But my sinful flesh has definitely gotten mixed in with that insight. These areas are not my responsibility. I had been meddling.

I began to see the connection between pulling-back and meddling. Sometimes they are the same thing; sometimes they are not.

Allie* is going through a horrendous divorce. She is not my responsibility, but she is a friend and I do have an invitation. I am not pulling-back, I am reaching out. (not meddling)

Bill and I are leading a sabbatical team for Jay* and Carrie*. Our role is to ask questions that allow them to discern what they are hearing from God as opposed to giving advice or offering words to direct them. I am not pulling-back from questions; I am pulling-back from advice. (not meddling)

In our Sunday School community, I serve as one of the shepherds, being a friend to some of the women. I initiate; I listen; I pray. But I don’t carry responsibilities for other parts of our community. That’s where I’m learning to pull-back. They don’t need all my wonderful ideas! “It is soooooo much easier to give advice, and even think it is wanted!” Bulls-eye, Marion. (This one is hard for me … I kind of want to meddle.)

Then there are our GRANDS. Often I (we) need to discern where our participation is welcome and where do we need to pull-back and not meddle.

My dear friend April shared her insight. When I am inserting myself into someone else’s place, I’m assuming someone else’s responsibility and missing my “good work”. All good things are not MY good things. 

If I don’t pull-back, my time, capacity, and energy
to give myself to God’s purposes for me
are in jeopardy.

Jonah pulled back from what God asked him to do with dire consequences. Check out chapter 1. I heard the question from God, is there something God is asking of me and I’m pulling back?

I knew the answer right away. YES!

But I needed to pull-back, in some areas to cease meddling. This is offering me the freedom, the capacity, the energy I need to follow God’s purposes, his good work for me.

The very next verse in I Peter 4 gives the alternative to meddling,
“but let him glorify God”.
That’s my heart.

Thanks Linus … I think!

Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2023


Whale-sized Worship

Originally published 10/7/21

Tucked safely in my pocket, my question traveled with me for years.

What is worship?
How do I worship?
What does it mean to worship?

I’m pretty sure I don’t have a complete answer yet.
And I’m also pretty sure that in Alaska, I almost touched a whale! A worship whale.

photo courtesy of Mary Hargrave

Fin Whales are the second largest aquatic marine mammal. They weigh as much as ten large elephants and consume up to 4000 pounds of food daily. They have two blow holes on the top of their head and when they break the surface of the water to let out the breath they have been holding, their water spout or blow can reach 30 feet into the air.***

Our morning writing class had concluded. We circled Leslie and Gary asking question after question of these two seasoned authors and phenomenal teachers.

As we talked, suddenly our attention diverted to Uyak Bay beyond the windows. Fin Whales with their tell-tale blows coming every few seconds put on a show for us.

A plan was quickly set in motion: eat lunch; grab our knee boots and life jackets; and get to the barge. Leslie piloted allowing those onboard to experience a very close encounter with these mammoth animals.

I pinched myself. Sue, pay attention; stay in the moment. This is real. This is amazing. These God-created creatures are swimming in the habitat God designed for them. This is not Sea World. This is worship.

“But though the dory rocked back and forth with the swell of them, the whales never came so close that the boat might capsize. Turner heard them ripping the surface all around him, and felt the diamond spray sprinkle down on him in the moonlight like a benediction. He knew he was in the middle of something much larger than himself, and not just larger in size.(from Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, Gary Schmidt. Emphasis mine) My thoughts exactly!

“Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength!
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering, and come into his courts!
Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth!”
Psalm 96:7-9

Sue, be amazed by God’s creation.
Be awed.
Be invited to worship.
Bring an offering. Ascribe to the Lord the splendor of his creation this time lived out in whales.

These ginormous Fin Whales taught me about worship.
These ginormous Fin Whales are helping answer my question.

As I look back over the years, many pieces have fallen into my pocket offering an understanding of worship. The top three are …

My S-C plan

  1. Training myself to start my (almost) daily devotional time by sitting quietly and be captivated by and in wonder of God’s phenomenal, diverse, beautiful creation.

2. I am thankful for our worship pastors at our church, Village Seven Presbyterian . Every Sunday service is designed to flow seamlessly from the prelude to the postlude, from participating with our voices to participating in listening. I’m experiencing worship.

3. My week in Alaska on Harvester Island was like almost touching a [worship] whale. I opened huge unexpected gifts of the island every day, with every experience. From the immature Eagle flying close, or the Sea Otter floating cradling their young to the huge Seals, Sea Lions, Orcas and Fin Whales; from Starfish to Jelly Fish to Sand dollars, each unique, each amazing; from the new friends who became family to sharing amazing meals with those friends; from words drawing tears to words almost dropping me to floor in laughter; from trust built through vulnerability; from the calm waters to the white caps; from the beauty of orange and yellow sunrises to the orange and yellow sunsets; from the experience of the skiff to the barge; the Beaver Float plane to the Cessna Bush plane. The memories – whale-sized. Metaphorically I almost touched that whale and God is teaching me worship.

Copyright, Sue Tell, October 2021


Abundant Power — Revised

Originally posted 4/30/20.

Can it be that God reminds us of his abundant power with just one word — one seemingly inconsequential word in the story of Moses, a common everyday shepherd?

That is my experience.

In the narrative of Exodus 3 and 4, Moses is on Mount Horeb tending to the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro. Suddenly this ordinary day turns into something extraordinary. An angel with a message from God appears; there is a burning bush; Moses hears the words holy ground; and when God knows he has Moses’s attention, God affirms his identity to Moses, “I am the God of your father,” (3:6).  Something big is about to happen.

Then the reason for the visit, God speaks to Moses: “Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” (3:10) Quite the daunting task for a shepherd!

And Moses was daunted … and scared … and feeling mighty insecure. Excuses, questions, and pleas came fast.

Who am I that I should go? (3:11)
If I come to the people of Israel and they challenge me, who do I say you (God) are? (3:13)
They will not believe me or listen to my voice. (4:1)
I am not eloquent. (4:10)
Oh, my Lord, please send someone else. (4:13)

How might you feel if God tasked you with a seemingly impossible job?

I’m identifying with Moses.

I also love God’s meeting Moses where he is and responding to each excuse.

He (God) said, but I will be with you. (3:12)
God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM… This is my name forever. (3:14, 15)
I AM, or Yahweh is also a clear reminder of God’s promises to his people and of his help for them to fulfill their calling. (ESV Study Bible notes)

Then the staff, that essential and common piece of equipment for a shepherd, becomes one of the pictures God uses to communicate to Moses about his they will not believe me excuse.

“Staff,” the word God used to get my attention. I’m listening.

God instructs Moses to throw his staff on the ground. It turns into a snake and Moses runs. I would too. God’s next instruction is even scarier, “Put out your hand and catch it by the tail” (4:4) Moses obeys and the snake becomes a staff once again.

The common tool of a common shepherd communicates God’s power.

After two additional convincing pictures of God’s ability, God challenges Moses’s other excuses.

The I am not eloquent with “Who has made man’s mouth? I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” (4:11, 12)
To Please send someone else, God replies, “Is there not Aaron, your brother, the Levite? I know that he can speak well. I will be with your mouth and with his mouth and will teach you both what to do.” (4:14, 15)

Then God reminds Moses again to take the staff.

That common staff is the very thing God uses to demonstrate his power. A few verses later Moses calls the staff, — the staff of God. (4:20) Moses is beginning to understand what God is communicating about his power to trust an ordinary shepherd for a God-sized role.

It causes me to ponder, can God use ordinary me with a God-sized task?

What has God used to communicate his power to me?
Am I listening or am I making excuses?
Who are my Aarons?
God has not provided a staff for me; but like for Moses he has provided his power and enablement.

What about you? How might you answer the questions God has brought to my attention?

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay,
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.”
II Corinthians 4:7

“May you be strengthened with all power,
according to his glorious might,”
Colossians 1:11

Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2023

Listening – My 2023 Word

July 2023 is a review and update of some of your favorite posts. Reviewing and remembering is important to our Christian lives.

Have you noticed that all of the 2023 posts on Echoes have related to listening to God?

It started with my word for the year, listen. (original post published 1/5/23)


The boys were in middle school. The calendar had just turned to 1990. We lived in California. I remember our dinner table conversation that New Year’s night. What were our resolutions for the year? I rebelled. I wasn’t making a resolution. They intimidated me. I knew I was setting myself up for failure.

Several years later I learned about the concept of a word for the year. Since 2017 that has been my habit. Okay, admittedly some years my word didn’t last in my memory much past the end of January — you know, kind of like those resolutions I used to make.

But some years – like this year – they have greatly helped me grow in my faith

Listen is my word for 2023.

It started with a sermon. Our pastor pointed us to Isaiah 11:1-9. Verse 9 reads in part, “… for the earth shall be full of knowledge of the LORD…” The word knowledge stood out. I thought about II Peter 3:18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Then my husband encouraged our Sunday school class to read through the Bible in 2023.

How can I grow in knowledge if I don’t read?
How can it be more than an academic pursuit if I don’t listen to God while reading?

“… Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourself in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live …”
from Isaiah 55:2 and 3 (emphasis mine)

Listen — my word for 2023.
Isaiah 55:3 — my verse for 2023.

Many times I’ve spoken on listening and shared these verses in retreats that I lead. Now it is time for me to tune in to the whispers of God … Sue, are you listening?

My morning prayers often start with these desires,
God, please grow my knowing.
Help me to listen for your whispers.
Help me to recognize your love.
Help me to lean into your truth.

For Christmas I received a Journaling Bible and Henri J.M. Nouwen’s devo, You Are The Beloved. In the January 1 meditation, Nouwen shared …

“Imagine that we could walk through the new year
always listening to the voice saying to us:
‘I have a gift for you and can’t wait for you to see it!'”
(bolding mine)

To encourage my listening, I’m also using an ESV app that reads the Bible to me. (Thank you, Kristen Getty.) So I’m reading and listening at the same time. And I pause to journal as I hear the whispers of God. This practice has made a big difference for me. Read + Listen + Journal.

Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2023

Guest Post – Look At The Birds

A simple and profound lesson!

Nature sparks a sense of wonder and inspires my personal dedication to God.

My friend, who loves watching birds as much as I do, recently bought a lovely new hand-crafted, rustic bird feeder for suet to compliment her existing feeders designed to hold seed.

She sent an email to me,  “The birds are back, but they are not feeding off the new feeder.” I found that interesting because where I live, I have the same bird feeder, filled with suet, and the birds come daily to feast on it.

Reflecting upon this, simple observation…I begin asking myself some questions…

Why would a beautiful hand-crafted bird feeder with fresh suet in it, not draw the birds in?

Could it be, the birds were so accustomed to the other two feeders, that they didn’t even notice the third feeder?

Could it be, they didn’t identify it as a feeder because it looked different?

Could it be, they feared trying something new?

Could it be, they would wait and see if others would go before them to check it out?

As I reflected, I gleaned a spiritual lesson from nature; I heard the voice of God.

At about the same time as those questions surfaced, I was facing a situation that was a daunting, overwhelming, and had the potential for major change.

I’m accustomed to the “what is”, the comfortable and familiar. I was not seeking change.  Yet it was personally right in front of me, challenging my landscape.

When life presents itself with a change, something new and out of the ordinary, I initially find myself responding …

Could it be, that the existing “what is”, has become too comfortable, established, reliable, and not daunting? The rules stay the same; I know how to function with the familiar.

Could it be, that this change — that I don’t think I want — might be for my good?

Could it be, there is fear in the potential change of all I have known?

Could it be that I want to be more assured and so I watch others in similar situations to see how they deal with change before I commit?

No matter how I answer these questions, I know God desires my growth and for me to lean into Him, depend on Him, and trust Him. He doesn’t want me to become complacent and stagnant in my familiar faith.

Like the birds, I too can be  intimidated by change; by the new. Do I really want what this new is offering?

The new feeder presented a challenge to the birds.

My possible new situation presented a challenge to me.

I was forced to consider …

When change is looming in my life, how should I respond?

Ignore and deny it.
Run from it.
Fear it.

Ignoring, denying, running, and fearing is my human response to challenges or the unknown. These emotions may serve a valuable purpose or they it can paralyze me and keep me from experiencing God in new and deeper ways.

My tendency most times, is to fear the uncertainties in life that come my way, the unknowns, the
newness of what might be. I hear those could it be questions.

I want my heart bent towards the Lord and to trust Him.

I’m learning that it is during these times of change that God breathes new life into us. He always has our best interest in mind, and always offers us the best to draw us closer to Him. If only I would  partake, and not be paralyzed by fear of  the new; something that might even be better than what I know now.

Then, I bet I would see God for who He really is, my loving and kind Father even in the midst of change.

I’m learning the joy of embracing God, embracing change.

And those little birds are learning it as well.

“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

my friend, Jennifer Beckham

Thank you again, Jennifer, my bird-loving friend. I bet many of us identify with your story. Your vulnerability ministers deeply.


Copyright: Jennifer Beckham, spring 2023

Guest Post – Under His Gaze

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A few summers ago I found myself in rural Perthshire, quietly walking round a labyrinth painted onto an old green tennis court. I’d been asking the Lord for sustenance for the journey; a word or a phrase that I could hold close for the coming year. My mind was awash with the old song ‘Turn your eyes unto Jesus’ and I found myself mulling over the significance of where we place our sight.

When I arrived at the centre of the labyrinth, without really thinking about it, I placed my coat on the ground and lay down on my back. It was a grey day, but as I opened my eyes to the sky, I was blinded by the light. The sky is so very big, and lying there on that tennis court, I realised again that I am so very small..

Some moments float away with the wind, never to be thought of again, but that time on the tennis court those years ago has stayed with me. It wasn’t so much the idea that God (sky) is big, and I am small, though that’s a helpful perspective, rather the thought that followed. For in those still moments as I squinted my eyes so as not to be blinded by the light, one gentle freight-train of a thought settled on my mind: He’s already looking.

Wherever I find myself, whatever I’m doing, the very second I ‘turn my eyes unto Jesus’, I find that he’s already looking. I’m under his gaze. When I go about my work, he’s watching. When I burrow myself into a crime-thriller, he’s looking. Whenever and wherever I turn towards him, my Heavenly Father is poised, ready, to catch my eye. .

He’s ready, whether I turn or not. I’m always under his gaze

Why does that matter?

It matters because when we ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’ (Hebrews 12:2), we’re not just glaring into the abyss, hoping for the best. No, it’s deeper than that somehow, for the glancing of our eyes is profoundly relational.

The turning of the eyes may wordlessly say help. Or it might say wow, or thank you. It almost doesn’t matter why we turn our eyes, but the point is that we do. And in that sense each turning is an act of submission, a reorientation to the big sky: the big God who lives in unbearable light.

Further to that, though, the real significance of this turning is not in what it shows of our intentions, rather what it reveals of the intensity and purity of the gaze of love we meet when we do.

It is impossible for us to move out of the gaze of his love for us. Impossible. That means, when we stop to think about it, that every situation we find ourselves in is permeated by a broad shining spotlight of love, hope, truth and power.

The kitchen is a mess downstairs, some pans need a good scrub. I’m avoiding them by sitting up here gladly writing words that take my thoughts away from the domestic. But the reality is that as I descend the loft stairs in a few minutes, and set about remedying the pot encrusted with refried beans, I will do that under the gaze of the Creator. I will wipe surfaces under his gaze. There is no difference in his attentiveness to me in that domestic chore, and other seemingly more ‘noble’ pursuits eg prayer.

But how is my washing up changed when I’m mindful of the companionship of the Creator with me?

The answer is in the question.

The companionship of the Creator.

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”
Psalm 139:7-8

Somehow everything changes when I have the source of all light, all hope, all joy, all goodness, staring at me with a ferocity of love that saw the stars flung into space, and a perfect God-man hung on a cross. I don’t think I’ve even begun to understand the implications of that; what it really means to live as one seen, and loved.

In these intervening years, as I have walked many solitary places, I’ve often found myself lying on the ground and feeling the gaze of the sky as I’m seen from above. I don’t need to lie down to remind myself of the Creator’s gaze, but I keep finding myself doing it. The sky is always up there, big and present, but sometimes we don’t see it unless we really choose to look.

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Last week, as I take a short walk around our local river one lunchtime, a bed of autumn leaves catches my eye: so soft and inviting. This is not a secluded location, and mindful as I am of my daughters’ collective concern with my lack of self-consciousness, I check the distance of the nearest dog-walker and lie on my back in the sun.

Eyes heavenward, resting on the season’s fierce colours, I am seen.

I’m imbued with rays of love.

Surely it’s worth risking damp clothing to be reminded of that again.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus….and you’ll find you’re already under his gaze.

Ros Boydell

Thank you again Ros for sharing your words and your heart with us. I can’t wait to lay on the grass this summer, look up and be reminded that I’m always under God’s gaze.

Ros and her husband serve on the staff of The Navigators in Scotland. I’m blessed to call her my friend!

Copyright: Ros Boydell, November 2021

Guest Post – It is Well With My Soul

Sherry & Jeff Graf

His words broke my heart.

The dream job turned out to be a nightmare.

The doctor called with an unexpected diagnosis.

The car came out of nowhere.

One minute life is peaceful and humming along, the next a storm rolls in without warning. The tested theology of my favorite hymns bolsters my faith in these unwanted trials.

I enjoy a good modern praise song, but on a particularly hard day, I turn to the rich verses and soothing cadence of a hymn. Maybe it is because I was raised singing hymns. Or it might be my “old soul” that my aging body is rapidly catching up with.

After turning on the music I turn to my art table to process life’s circumstances.

Tulips make my heart happy (and ready to murder any cute little furball that would try to eat them in my garden).

In my first attempt at “It is Well With my Soul” I included both the bloom and the bulb. The bloom reminds me of seasons when “peace like a river attendeth my way”. I wish those seasons lasted longer, just as I wish my tulips would never fade.

The bulbs are there too though. They represent the seasons where “sorrows like sea billows roll”.

Bulbs aren’t much to look at – they are kind of ugly – but oh, the potential.

I sit at my art table. I ponder, sing, paint, and groan over mistakes. An idea rolls around in my head from a writer about his Parkinson’s diagnosis. The disease itself is undeniably a bulb. He wrote of “pain redeemed” versus “pain removed“ and I wonder what this means.

Pain redeemed sounds hopeful. It sounds like potential good can come from this heartbreaking situation.

How do I redeem my pain and not just pray it will be removed?

How do I plant my ugly bulb and get the flower to come forth?

I know it involves waiting. Waiting, waiting and more waiting for Him to act.

“But for you, O Lord, do I wait;
it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.”
Psalm 38:15

I know it involves believing spring will come, if not in this life, then the next.

“The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
1 Corinthians 15:26

I know it involves relinquish. Opening my grasp to let go of the control I never really had and filling it instead with His strong, loving Hands.

“For I, the Lord your God,
hold your right hand;
It is I who say to you, ‘Fear not,
I am the one who helps you.’ “
Isaiah 41:13

Today, right now, it is taking that thing that worries me the most and every single time my mind turns it over, forcing my thoughts a new direction.

I review an encouraging scripture. This gives me a little more courage to relinquish. I thank God that He is in control.

I tell Him I trust Him, no matter the outcome.

I plead for healing, growth, and change.

I process at my art table with the hymns playing on repeat…I struggle to grow there too.

The first attempt felt too disconnected, and I was unhappy with my tulips.
The second one took hours to try and incorporate the writing on the right.  Breakthrough came after adding in the verse on the left to tie it together.

And finally, after an unwanted nudge from my art teacher to do a third painting, it ended up coming much more quickly when I thought I was just practicing on a scrap piece of paper.

In the last two paintings the bulb and bloom remain together. From the bulb comes the bloom. Pain redeemed and not just removed.

He is using the bulbs to change me from the inside out too. My faith is stronger. I’m closer to Him than before.

Pain redeemed indeed.


Sherry Graf has served on staff with Collegiate Navs for 25 years. She loves exploring the mountains with her husband and 3 teen sons. In May she  “retired” from homeschool as her youngest enters high school. She has been published in Focus on the Family and Upper Room magazines and by NavPress. Her short discipleship sized booklet , “I Don’t Get You” gives young adults and married couples practical tools for emotionally healthy relationships . A new book is in the works combining her love of watercolor and faith called, Living Free and Unfettered: A guide to a Renewed Mind. She loves to encourage others to tap into their own creative side and using her art to creatively communicate the Gospel. You can find her author/artist pages on FB, Insta and her website 

Copyright: Sherry Graf, April 2023

PS. Sherry is my friend, and I love her water colors! I have a renewed desire to write short notes to friends because of her watercolors made into note cards.  Sue Tell