Independence Day 2024

This flag was presented to my Mom at Dad’s memorial honoring his service to our country in World War II. He was part of the Army Air Force. He rarely spoke of his experience, and I wish now I could ask him more questions. The Silent Generation.

As a child, the Fourth of July, was a fun beginning of the summer holiday. (School never got out until the third week in June.) A big parade started our day and the fireworks ended it with grilled hot dogs and hamburgers sandwiched in the middle.

Living in Colorado Springs, the home of five military installations, and having many friends who have served our country, the Fourth has taken on deeper meaning.

What does the Fourth mean for you?

google image; Happy 4th to you!

“For freedom Christ has set us free;”
Galatians 5:1


Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2024

I Need a uniform for significance

First a Surprise … When I write, I control what I share. Not so much on a podcast! A few months ago I agreed to be a guest on the “Lifted to Hope” podcast. In two episodes I share a piece of my spiritual journey that relates to shame and being on the staff of a Christian ministry. Shame, one of the outcomes of believing lies. It’s a bit scary to be vulnerable on a podcast. But I’m reeling in my feelings of insecurity and sharing the links with you. Perhaps God will whisper to you. If so, feel free to share these links.

And now, this week’s post.

I need a uniform for significance.

Kappa Delta Chi, 1969
(not in our tan skirts and blazers)

When I was a student at Hope College, I was a member of a local sorority, Kappa Delta Chi. Like all the other sororities on campus, we were easily identified by our uniform. For us it was a tan skirt and blazer. I wore it with pride. It provided an identity. Everyone knew I belonged. The relationships that grew out of that association were important to me.

And it fed into something I believed. I need a uniform for significance. I needed something to communicate to you, I’m significant.

That was a lie! My significance did not rest on the clothes I wore.

Close to the same time I pledged the sorority, my fledgling faith was also growing. I was learning the basics of my Christian life, like how to grow my friendship with God, how to experience my new identity.

The concept of lies was not a part of those days. But as I’ve learned to trust my identity — the beloved child of God (I John 3:1) — God has been whispering, Sue, are there other things you are placing your identity in? YES!

No longer is it Kappa Delta Chi, but could it be ministry? Could it be being a gramma (my spelling)? Could it be …? What uniform do I feel I need now?

A uniform draws attention to me. My heart is that my life draws attention to God. These are two of the verses I pray over to re-center me, to help me TRUST TRUTH.

“Do not let your adorning be external —
but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart …”
I Peter 3:3 and 4

“We carry this precious Message around
in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.”
II Corinthians 4:7, The Message rendition

My heart is that my life (not the clothes I wear) adorns the gospel. So I pray, God, what does it look like for me to adorn your gospel today?

It was important for me to identify that lie.
It was more important that I identified  and replaced it with truth that counteracts it.
It is MOST important that I practice TRUSTING that truth.

Knowledge of truth does not transform.
I need to trust the truth.
When I trust the truth, I experience the truth.
When I experience the truth, I am transformed.

“Not to us, O LORD, not to us,
but to your name give glory,”
for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.”
Psalm 115:1


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024

It’s All Up to Me

It’s all up to me!

Dr. Neil Anderson in his book, Victory Over Darkness, shares several truths about how satan wants us to think about our identity and how God’s word speaks truth into those lies.

Satan’s lie: You get your identity from what you have done.  God’s truth: You get your identity from what God has done for you. Thank you for this reminder, Dr. Anderson.

What pride when I think it’s all up to me. Yet in some situations I confess … and repent … that I think that. After all, I’m the spiritual one. And they know that. My friend identifies with this and she words it I have to be the one to make it happen.

Over and over, God reminds, my identity is based on his truth, not my doings. My identity is based on what God has done for me. I often pray over these truths …

“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me:
your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
Do not forsake the work of your hands.”
Psalm 138:8

“I planted,
Apollos watered,
but God gave the growth.”
I Corinthians 3:6

“And I am sure of this,
that he who began a good work in you
will bring it to completion …
Philippians 1:6

“And it turns out, a me centered view of anything, including one’s theology,  is the lens through which we end up seeing the skewed idea of never being enough…”. Ruth Chou Simons, When Strivings Cease, page 119.  I highly recommend this book.

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Truth: It’s NOT all up to me. This little child, does not have it (whatever ‘it’ is). And neither do I. God’s got it.

God will fulfill his purpose for me which happens to be all bound up in his love. (Psalm 138:8) God has a place and a desire for me to contribute, but he keeps the responsibility for the results in his court. (I Corinthians 3:6 and Philippians 1:6)

Matthew 4:1-11 records the narrative of Jesus being tempted by the devil. In each of three temptations, the devil goes after places of vulnerability, like hunger. In the first instance, Jesus had just finished a 40 day fast and naturally was hungry. “And the tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’ But he (Jesus) answered, ‘It is written, Man shall not live be bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:3 and 4.

In each of satan’s temptations, he shoots his arrows at places of Jesus’s identity.

In each of the temptations, Jesus responds with truth, with the Word of God. Jesus is secure in his identity. In Jesus’s reality he is teaching me how I need to respond to the lies I tend to believe, those places of my vulnerability. Those places where the arrows are aimed at my identity.

As I look over the list in my journal of the lies I tend to believe and the truths that counteract them, I realize everyone is somehow a picture of how I view myself. Each speaks to my identity.

“For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
of joints and of marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intention of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12

My Faith is Too Small

My Faith is Too Small!

January 2020, visiting Barbara in the hospital

It was October, 2019. I returned to our great room in tears, tears of joy! I could barely mumble out to my curious husband what I’d just experienced as I spoke with my sister struggling with COPD across the country by phone.

She prayed with me. She trusted Jesus as her personal savior.

That was the beginning of a new depth in our relationship. For the next several months, we spoke on the phone almost daily. Twice I boarded a plane to be with her. Every conversation pointed us to Jesus. Sometimes it was my sharing scripture with her. More than once it was she sharing Bible narratives she remembered with me. Whatever we shared became the fodder for our prayer together that day.

My faith was definitely too small. Would our sister-relationship ever change to sisters in Christ? I didn’t think so. My faith was way too small!

One evening she reminded me of the parable of the mustard seed.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed
that a man took and sowed in his field.
It is the smallest of all seeds,
but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants
and becomes a tree,
so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
Matthew 13:31 and 32

The size of the seed is not an indicator of the size of the plant; the size of the potential buried deep in the seed.

“‘But if you can … help us.’
‘All things are possible for the one who believes.’
‘I believe; help my unbelief!’
… his disciples asked him privately,
‘Why could we not cast it out?’
‘This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.'”
from Mark 9:22-29

I believe; help my unbelief! So often this is my plea. Truth tells me my unbelief is not the issue. Jesus is able. Am I praying?

So often I want to do; Jesus asked me to pray, to trust his ability to do.

“For by the grace given to me …
think (of yourself) with sober judgment,
each according to the measure of faith
that God has assigned.”
Romans 12:3 (parentheses mine)

Commentators don’t agree of the phrase, measure of faith. Does that mean that we all have the same amount of faith? Or does it mean that we have differing measures?

Whatever, God has assigned my measure of faith. So God has assigned what he is asking me to trust him for. If I think my faith is too small, my standard is higher than God’s!

“Now to him who is able to do
far more abundantly
than all that we ask or think …”
Ephesians 3:20

I remind myself of this truth often signing all my correspondence with FMA, Far More Abundantly.

A Mustard Tree

A Mustard Seed

Even as I pen these truths that counteract the lie that my faith is too small, I think of a very difficult situation. It’s easy to think, this is impossible; my faith is FAR too small to trust God with this one. And I’m challenged, where is my focus? On the perceived impossible and my small faith or on God who is able to do far more abundantly than all the I even ask him for or think about.

What about you? Do you struggle with thinking your faith is too small for your current reality? I encourage you along with me to trust these truths. Or perhaps there are other truths God has whispered to you. Please share!


Copyright: Sue Tell, June 2024

I am a No-Longer!

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!”
Psalm 139:17

When I think of Psalm 139, verse 17 isn’t the first truth that comes to my mind. I think about how God knows me so very well (verses 1-6). Or I think about how God personally created me (verses 13-16).

Those are wonderful truths. And I need to trust them.

But I will only trust them, if indeed they are precious to me!

I am a no-longer!
Accessing my belonging-ness based on my opportunities.

When I checked my email that morning, I read of the ministry of others asking for my prayers. It was the perfect set-up. Satan whispered, sue, you are a no-longer. You are no longer needed in the kingdom except to support others in their very important kingdom work. Ouch! The lie was confirmed.

A few hours later the text arrived with a question. Sue, what topics do you feel are important for me to cover with the staff women I’m leading this summer? Affirmed! I’m still needed. Perhaps I’m not a no-longer.

Truth, however, is not based on circumstances. Truth is based on truth.

The email paragraph led me to a lie. My conclusion from the text paragraph did not lead to truth. It only confirmed where I was placing my value. The see-saw of reactions to the email and the text could easily be repeated. My value was in jeopardy!

Thankfully God reminded me of how precious I was to him. Isaiah 43:4 is true. I am precious to him and because of that he has plans to use me in kingdom work.

The question remains, how precious to me is God’s word?

The answer is in where I place my trust.

I needed to take that reminder from God, and pray … God, what does it look like for me today to trust, to really believe, that I am precious in your eyes and you have a plan for me? And that your word is providing precious food for me today?

God brought another familiar verse to mind …

“For we are his workmanship, (my identity)
created in Christ Jesus for good works, (my purpose)
which God prepared before hand, (my security)
that we should walk in them.” (my pace)
Ephesians 2:10

The truth! I am not a no-longer. Big exhale.

“These feelings, strong as they may be, are not telling me the truth about myself. The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes, called the beloved from all eternity, and held safe in an everlasting embrace.” Henri J.M. Nouwen, Life of the Beloved. (Italics within the quote, mine.)


Copyright: Sue Tell, June 2024



Brown Paper Packages – Lies and Truth

Right living overflows from right believing!

“Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust,
who does not … go astray after a lie.”
Psalm 40:4

“Your real new self will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for him.”  C.S. Lewis

“The gospel frees me from my opinion of myself.”  Brennan Manning

“So we have come to know and to believe (trust) the love that God has for us.”
I John 4:16
If we don’t TRUST God’s love, we are susceptible to self-inflicted monikers.

“Truth is the ultimate healing elixir. Spend time seeking it to undo the damage of debilitating lies.”  Jan Johnson

“Most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself.”  Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“No one is more influential in your life than you are, because on one talks to you more than you do.”  Paul Tripp

Lies are self-limiting beliefs reinforced by the filter through which we see life.

A common lie we’re susceptible to.

All of us have come to believe certain lies about ourselves. My biggest lie is I’m not good enough. That is the first on my list followed by several others.

I’ve found it’s not hard to identify the lies I allow to define me; the hard thing is fighting them with truth. John 8:44 testifies that the devil is the father of lies, “You are of your father the devil … (he) has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him … he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Almost daily during my devotional time, I turn to the pages in my scripture journal that record truths that counteract my lies. I read the truth; I pray over the truth asking God to help me to trust it. The applications vary by the day. This practice is transforming me.

“Sanctify them in the truth; you word is truth.”
John 17:17

“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being,
and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.”
Psalm 51:6

I’m wondering, does one of these quotes particularly catch your attention?

I’m available if you would like to connect.


Copyright: Sue Tell, April 2024




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BGO — Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious!

I experienced a BGO last week while reading the words of my friend.

You may know I often pray …

God, please grow my knowing

Help me to live with expectancy;
the expectancy of resurrection power,
the expectancy of knowing you.

Expectancy — not deciding how God will reveal Himself.
Expectancy — a willingness to experience God in the midst.

Resurrection — implies something big; something hard; something suffered.

So when I pray for the expectancy of resurrection power, I would have known suffering. Or resurrection power wouldn’t be needed.

BGO – I’d been praying this long before I knew I would need it.

Jesus knew the power of resurrection after he knew the reality of the cross.

John 1:12 is one of my favorite identity scriptures. “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right (or the power) to become children of God”. A child needs lots of help with understanding. As God’s child, he knew I needed that help. And as Peter testifies in his first letter, … the darkness turned to light. I Peter 2:9.

Resurrection is needed for physical healing. It is recorded in Mark 5:21-34, the physical healing of the women with the flow of blood for 12 years. She came to Jesus in desperation and is made well. Jesus declares, “your faith has made you well;”

We’ve prayed earnestly for friends living with cancer. And now they are cancer free. Resurrection power. You have stories, I’m sure.

Resurrection is needed for perspective. The path seemed long at the time. He was living with major depression and burnout. Isaiah 33:6 was a life-line, “and he (God) will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge;”

God has blessed abundantly from the lessons of those times as we’ve had many opportunities to share.

Resurrection is needed for acceptance. Not all our friends lived to see their cancer cured this side of heaven. Some met Jesus face to face. As they traveled the rocky path, their countenance, their words, the freedom they were experiencing in those days was nothing short of resurrection power. Several ministered deeply to me.

Resurrection is needed for anticipation. we rejoice in hope of the glory of God … we rejoice in suffering that produces endurance … character … hope that does not disappoint or lead to shame. From Romans 5:2-5.

These glimpses into the truths of resurrection, truths of the obvious will keep me praying to experience resurrection power. I imagine there will be more BGO’s.

“Not that I have already obtained this
or am already perfect,
but I press on to make it my own,
because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”
Philippians 3:12


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024

He’s a “Type A”

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The morning was bitter cold — cold enough to freeze the water in the airplane. And without water a plane is not allowed to fly. Not even a short 18 minute jaunt from Colorado Springs to Denver.

We boarded, unaware of the frozen water line issue, and waited. Waited an abnormally long time. And then the pilot’s voice over the intercom. We knew then we’d miss our connecting flight. Our escape winter vacation was taking a detour.

Almost 200 of us were taking this detour. Almost 200 passengers missing connections, facing the reality of plan “B”.

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Disappointed we exited the plane and joined the long line to be re-booked. Two airline personnel at two computers to serve the almost 200 customers, some mad. It was not a pretty scene.

We were behind “Mr. Type-A”. Finally it was his turn. He was invited to computer 1. We were next. Within a few moments we were called to computer 2 several feet away.

Our agent worked hard on our behalf to get us to San Juan, Puerto Rice, our desired destination. Typing away, checking possibilities, asking questions — could this work?

As she typed, agent #1 came over and whispered in a loud way, to our agent, he’s a type “A”. Her frustration obvious.

Just the week before I had finished a brief study of Paul’s letter to Titus.

Titus had been left in Crete to help restore order to a very ungodly group of people. Titus 1:5, 10-16. The Cretan culture was a mess — not unlike the airport that morning. I don’t want to judge, but Mr. Type “A” seemed like he would fit in with those from Crete.

What was the culture I was offering that morning?  Would frustration emanate from me — or patience, understanding, and kindness?

Just as Titus was called to be a culture carrier to Crete, I was entrusted with being a culture carrier at the airport that morning.

“… And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom
for such a time as this
Esther 4:14 (Italics mine)

“For such a time as this”, might it be that God orchestrated these details, this detour, so that his culture, his character would be set on display for those around us? My friend Karen says, “The world will evaluate the truth of the gospel by the way we live.”

Tulips & Hyacinths

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession,
and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
For we are the aroma of Christ…” II Corinthians 2:14 and 15 (italics, mine)

The Hyacinths in this lovely bouquet fill the atmosphere around them with their wonderful aroma. I’m invited to stop and enjoy every time I walk by.

That’s my desire for my life. That the aroma emanating from my life will carry the character of God, the Christian culture to all I pass by. Even on those frustrating days. I don’t want to be labeled, type A.

“but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart
with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which in God’s sight is very precious.”
I Peter 3:4

We did eventually arrive in San Juan.
We slept on the plane.
We did not miss any planned meet-ups.
Our luggage stayed with us the entire detour.
We were very thankful for our agent who worked hard on our behalf.


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024



Psalm 23 – A Recent Meditation

Mom and I were sitting at the kitchen table that spring morning. I asked her, what is your favorite scripture? She knew right away; it was Psalm 23. But then she apologized feeling like many would call the Twenty-third Psalm their favorite. Was it just because it was so well-known that she claimed it?

I understand her thinking. And I also understand her choice. This spring Psalm 23 has been my favorite scripture too.

I’ve been reading Leslie Leyland Fields recent book, Nearing a Far God. And her chapter on Psalm 23 has been the need of the hour.

Advertisement: BUY THIS BOOK! It might just be the need of the hour for you as you read, underline, and think what God is saying to you through the Psalms Leslie highlights. It is available through Navpress, Amazon, or in your favorite bookstore.

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:1-3

In these opening verses I’m meeting a shepherd, a protector who knows my greatest need. I’m meeting God through the metaphor of a shepherd. Leslie reminds in her book (page 94) that metaphors do not re-write scripture, nor do they re-name God. Metaphors provide language and pictures to connect us to God.

The first line communicates the thesis of the Psalm to me.
The last line reminds me that this picture is for God’s glory, “for his name’s sake”.
The personal pronouns, my and me, are used no less than 5 times in 3 verses. David’s words are also for me. I’m an image bearer.

The New Living Translation communicates verse 1 this way, “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” It causes me to ask, Am I recognizing God as my provider … TODAY?

What do my green pastures, my still waters, and His restoring my soul look like for me at this juncture?  As I’ve pondered this question, three answers are surfacing:  taking our dog for a walk in the woods; having time to read in the evenings; and enjoying times in the morning being with God in the quietness of place, with coffee, meditating on His Word, reviewing my identity and my purpose.

I discovered a new path.



“He leads me in paths of righteousness”. That can speak to the big picture. There is a right path for who God created me to be as a woman, as a writer, as a wife, mother, and grandmother, as a child of God. But what about TODAY? There is a right path for me today. So I ask, what is today’s right path?




“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and yous staff,
they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4

There is so much in that one verse!

Even though – I’m living in this current circumstance; the storms can be pretty stormy.

I will fear no evil – I am not afraid because …
You, God, are with me. Your presence is real. God is aware. My firey furnace is no more firey than what Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego experienced. Daniel 3:16 and 17.

Your rod and your staff – God is a protector. He knows how to wield the shield and keep the arrows at bay. You have the necessary tools and weapons. From my study, I understand the rod is a symbol of God’s strength and used to fight off the wild animals. His staff is a symbol of guidance and his loving-kindness used to hook around a wandering sheep. Sometimes God uses my husband as a staff; sometimes my community; always his Word.

Oh what comfort is communicated in verse 4.

“You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;”
Psalm 23:5a

When I think of God’s table, a picture of our Thanksgiving table surfaces. It is ladled abundantly, with far more than I actually need. The serving bowls overflow; the aroma draws me in; the taste stays with me for days — even through the left-overs; family and friends enjoy the feast with me.

But today isn’t Thanksgiving. What does God’s table look like for me today? It’s a table of provision; it’s a table representing my needs and providing for them. That’s why I pray with thankfulness before eating.

That table is prepared not only in the safety of home, but in the presence of my enemies. Who are my enemies? I’ve discovered that comparison is an enemy. I’m still susceptible. People-pleasing is an enemy. That shows itself regularly as I ponder invitations. Sometimes even my own desires can be an enemy. “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” James 1:14. And the snare of the fowler (Psalm 91:3) refers to hidden traps. I need to be conscious of what I’m not aware of!

“you anoint my head with oil:
my cup overflows.”
Psalm 23:5b

This signifies for me the purpose and affirmation of God. I’m set apart. Colossians 1:25 is a scripture promise God has given me. I (like all God’s children) am a sent one. John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, even so I’m sending you.” My cup is full and overflowing with good things because God is showing me his path for me that he intends to pour out for others.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,”
Psalm 23:6a

Surely — there is no room for doubt; absolutely! Zechariah 9:17 speaks of God’s GREAT goodness! Mercy is a gift, not based on behavior. Titus 3:4 and 5 bring both attributes together in one reality. The Message rendition of this verse reads, Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. God, I want to be caught!

“and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23:6b

What wonderful assurance!

My NLT Bible is a coloring Bible


Copyright: Sue Tell, May 2024



Affirmation – 3.0

Affirmation 1.0 – my word for 2024. Click here.

Affirmation 2.0 – affirming beyond complimenting. Click here.

Affirmation 3.0 – noticing the character of God through the life of a child.


Our son Jeff is an excellent communicator. (I know I’m his mom. Please indulge me.) Jeff has started writing liturgies to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

Leah is 4

Our youngest GRAND-child, Leah (Jeff’s daughter), turned 4 last month. With Jeff’s permission, I’m sharing the liturgy he wrote for Leah’s birthday. I loved how he shared the character of God through the life of a precious 4-year-old. It took affirmation to a whole new level for me. May it for you as well.


I imagine at Leah’s young age, she doesn’t understand all her dad and the rest of her family have noticed about God through her life. But as she grows, I’m trusting she will come to see, understand, and appreciate these words of affirmation.

I’m very thankful for Leah Jane (my middle name is Jane too) and the joy she brings to our whole extended family. And I’m very thankful for Jeff seeing God through Leah’s life and stretching my understanding of affirmation.


Copyright: April 2024