The alarm clock rudely barges into my sleep. The five beeps of the coffeemaker are a mixed blessing. The garbage man seals the deal — I’m awake. My day, with all its noise, begins.
“So faith comes from hearing,”
Romans 10:17
How quiet do I need to be to hear? I want my faith to grow.
“Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
… Incline your ear, and come to me:
hear, that your soul may live;”
Isaiah 55:2, 3
What does listening diligently look like? How do I incline my ear?
Even in my questions, I hear the voice of God.
On the warm days, the tall Ponderosas surrounding our deck beckon. I gather my Bible, my journal, my coffee and head for my quiet haven. In the winter, our deck is replaced by the chair in my writing room facing the windows. The view of God’s creation a gift, my wintertime quiet haven.
God speaks with a quiet whisper. Am I hearing His voice? Or do the noises of life rob my attention? I want to hear.
I’m learning:

The sign by the PICU. Our GRAND was a patient.
Quietness is a need; God hardwired me for quiet.
Quietness is an art; it blossoms with practice.
Quietness is a skill; it is a habit to be developed.
Quietness is a gift; I must unwrap it to enjoy.
Quietness is healing; my soul responds.
Zephaniah 3:17 tells me that the Lord quiets me with His love. Oh, how I desire God to showcase His love to me. Quietness enables His love to be manifest.
So I sit, I ponder His words, I pray. Sometimes I read a favorite author, all the while listening for God. Restlessness transforms into rest — a rest so energizing I want to shout it from the rooftop — but then I would interrupt the quiet of my neighbors.
“The effect of righteousness will be peace,
and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.”
Isaiah 32:17
Peace, trust — two other qualities I long for.
“In turn, quietness brings what really matters into focus
and propel you toward rest and activity that is meaningful,
authentic to your true self, and energizing to your soul.”
Bonnie Gray from Whispers of Rest
Bill and I are enjoying our escape winter vacation. “Echoes of Grace” is coming to you from a quiet beach.

Enjoying quiet on the beach.
Copyright: Sue Tell, January 2024
My favorite Bible passage is Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I Am God.” To me still and quiet go hand in hand.
ABSOLUTELY!! Having a VRBO might be my favorite way to vacation. It provides the quiet with all the amenities of home. And I don’t have to clean!
So good to hear from you.
Love from St. Croix, sue